ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

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More from the wonderful world of religion.

Waitress gets fired after a pastor refuses to pay tip

5 posts

i have heard so many of these once in a life time moments or magical feelings that have converted non-believers. you people are a dime a dozen and it always seems to be a feeling you get. i dont understand how you can base your entire belief around a feeling? i doubt some of these stories are even true.
what about me i went to church when i was younger i didnt really believe but i always thought there was a god but after going to church for about 2 years i realized it was all a bunch of crap! church drove me to atheism! you try and take someone seriously when they apparently spoke in tounges and they got the holy ghost at church camp and their eyes rolled in to the back of their heads and they felt light headed when the holy spirit was entering their body (my ex). christian protestant by the way. not buying any of it for a second.
yes we can comprehend a perfect being and the one described in the bible is not perfect. create us with free will and immediately restrict us by instituting fear and guilt. give us free will and original sin. how sick is that. not to mention the hissy fits god throws in the bible for worshiping another god i know people who have gotten over jealousy and would not **** them to hell for liking another. (within the guidelines by the way). fact of the matter we cannot prove or disprove god because it is untestable and the only thing we can rely on is logic or the "feelings" we get. you should look up all the harm religion has done to the world, your jaw will drop. i would say more but this is too long for people to read and lord knows (ha) most wont. good for you if you did lol.

5,340 posts

i also find it extremely funny that they say that non-christians go to hell. i asked a person, what if he never ever heard about christianity? he told me that in that case they would go to heaven because he wouldnt know about it.

so do tell me, why the hell do people keep talking about christianity. you know, if christianity was a secret religion, if people stopped talking about it and only teach family members about it (or simply not even that and just let it die) then everybody would automatically go to heaven. in a way, the religion just calls out for its destruction with this stupid rule

9,439 posts

free will

I found Gen 19:15-16 in which Lot was told to make haste and leave the city of Sodom before it was destroyed. He hesitated, disobeying the order to leave quickly, he and his wife and daughters were dragged out. That's not free will.
9,462 posts

Well, since things have slowed down a bit, I'd like to hear an explanation from Christians and others who follow the Abrahamic God for why He kills a baby (context). Unlike most deaths in the bible that God either directly causes or commands against those who are evil/disobedient/blasphemers/sinners, this child was entirely innocent.

I think the same can be said for the first borns in Egypt. They did nothing. They were put to death by God for something someone else was doing.

God is Not Good from "God on Trial"
4,170 posts

I always love how theists simply...assume, that whatever god there may be is one that is benevolent, kind, fair, or whatever. Else. HAVE YOU EVER READ ANY SORT OF THEOLOGICAL TEXT? Almost ALL of them, in nearly EVERY story, are about humans being punished by gods. Most of the time, for petty reasons, or for things gods did to one another.

Actually about half of most American Indian religions have gods that do nothing but teach and create. Example: The Cherokee's god, Maheo
9,439 posts

I think the same can be said for the first borns in Egypt. They did nothing. They were put to death by God for something someone else was doing.

Some go with "They were unbelievers, worshipping false gods. If they were good, they would've put the lamb's (?) blood on their doors. They had a way to be spared and they chose not to."
9,808 posts

so do tell me, why the hell do people keep talking about christianity. you know, if christianity was a secret religion, if people stopped talking about it and only teach family members about it (or simply not even that and just let it die) then everybody would automatically go to heaven. in a way, the religion just calls out for its destruction with this stupid rule

Funny..I actually had someone I know straight up tell me "They would go to Hell still..since they don't worship Jesus"

I asked how that is fair and the response was "Well that's why it is up to us [Christians] (not me in the 'us' to spread His word"
9,462 posts

Some go with "They were unbelievers, worshipping false gods. If they were good, they would've put the lamb's (?) blood on their doors. They had a way to be spared and they chose not to."

There would have been children unable to put blood on their door, that would still be the parents. Further more this only makes this God more petty for killing someone simply for not believing. At any rate their deaths were done because of what someone else was doing.

Funny..I actually had someone I know straight up tell me "They would go to Hell still..since they don't worship Jesus"

So this person believes billions of people have gone to hell for never having the chance to hear about God?
9,439 posts

"They would go to Hell still..since they don't worship Jesus"

There are examples of pre-Jesus people being sent to heaven, such as Enoch, who couldn't have known Jesus. Apart from that, most would counter that with Matt 25:31-46 which judges based purely on actions, as Jesus sees doing good things for the disadvantaged as doing good things to him. But, again, this shows the lack of need for spreading the Word.
28 posts

i dont believe in god but i find all your posts fairly touching

5,552 posts

I realize that this thread, the content in it, and the arguments given have all occurred so many times that what I am about to do is beating the proverbial horse which has already been beaten into Jell-o, but..

5,552 posts

...and I accidentally submitted to soon.

If you only ever click one link from this thread, click this one.

In the article linked, basically every point is neatly and clearly covered in regards to skepticism. All of our arguments stem from this thought process.

5,552 posts

Islam had been created when the first human beings came(not apes or primates as you guys think) Hazrat Adam was the first human being and first Prophet or messenger of Allah and Islam wasnt the making of any ordinary human being

How do you know this? Because your holy book tells you so? How do you know it's right? Because it came from God? How do you know it came from God? Because it says it did? How do you know it's right?

This is called circular reasoning, wherein you use the source to prove itself. It is not a valid form of argument. Scripture does not constitute as proof because that is where you claims are coming from.

If you want to prove your religion, you need to find evidence. This could be any number of things. However, it has been proven, among a great many things, that:

1) Humanity could not possibly have come from two people. The genepool would be too small and the incestuous offspring would result in fatal deformities eventually.
2) The earth is older than 6000 years.
3) The vast fossil record shows that organisms change over time.
4) The order in which everything is created in the Old Testament is quite frankly asinine.
5,552 posts

Read the Quran everything is written in there,ask any muslim Allah is the one who gives babys

Where in the process of conception is God involved? Yes, I know you think he does, you don't need to repeat yourself. But where? When the ovaries and subsequent eggs are developed in-utero? When the semen is produced inside the testicles? When it's combined with an ovum? At the first cell division? After the heart starts beating? After the brain starts working? After the lungs are developed? After the baby is born?

Because those are all biological processes and I see God nowhere in them.
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