ForumsWEPRTheism and Atheism

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I grew up atheist for 16 years. I had always kept an open mind towards religion, but never really felt a need to believe in it. My sister started going to a Wednesday night children's program at a church. Eventually, I was dragged into a Christmas Eve service. Scoffing, I reluctantly went, assuming that this was going to be a load of crap, but when I went, I felt something. Something that I've never felt before. I felt a sense of empowerment and a sense of calling. Jesus called upon my soul, just like he did with his disciples. he wanted me to follow him. Now, my life is being lived for Christ. He died on the cross for my sins, and the sins of everyone who believes in him. He was beaten, brutalized, struck with a whip 39 times, made to carry a cross up to the stage of his death. This I believe to be true, and I can never repay him for what he has done.
I still have my struggles with Christianity, but I've found this bit of information most useful. Religion is not comprehensible in the human mind, because we cannot comprehend the idea of a perfect and supreme being, a God, but we can believe it in our heart, and that's the idea of faith. Faith is, even though everything rides against me believing in Jesus, I still believe in him because I know that it's true in my heart. I invite my fellow Brothers and sisters of the LORD to talk about how Jesus has helped you in your life. No atheists and no insults please

  • 4,668 Replies
198 posts

If you want to prove your religion, you need to find evidence. The guy who created this thread is now a true believer, okay Kasic you want evidence i have evidence like i said read any Islamic book or the Quran and you'll see that Allah has written the revelations as there are many rules such as no alcohol no adultery no quarrels or other bad things are forbidden in Islam,a lot of things which atheists like you do which results in accidents for example God wrote not to drink alcohol,they get in a car accident,not to abuse women they get arrested by the police so as you think that a human wrote this thats not possible because nobody would be that wise or just as Allah is for he even wrote revelations about things that will happen and they indeed happen for example,you might know about Hazrat Nuh who built the Ark at the command of Allah and warned him that a great storm is coming and even told the unbelievers but they didn't believe so they died and the believers were saved.Many of the things which are forbidden by Allah is happening often today so on the judgment day they will be punished,i hope you too will stop being a atheist

5,552 posts

The guy who created this thread is now a true believer,

I'm not sure what happened with Pyro and his beliefs, but they're irrelevant.

By the numbers, more theists become atheists than atheists become theists. They still have absolutely nothing to do with whether what they believe is right.

Kasic you want evidence i have evidence like i said read any Islamic book or the Quran

Ahem. "This is called circular reasoning, wherein you use the source to prove itself. It is not a valid form of argument. Scripture does not constitute as proof because that is where you claims are coming from."

there are many rules such as no alcohol no adultery no quarrels or other bad things are forbidden in Islam,

What's wrong with alcohol?

example God wrote not to drink alcohol,they get in a car accident,

Note that it's against the law to drink and drive. It's also stupid. Has nothing to do with God's validity.

not to abuse women they get arrested by the police

Ah, here's a fun point. Moral stages of development.

Is it wrong to abuse women because you'll get in trouble, or do you get in trouble for abusing women because it's wrong? Your argument implies the first. Which is entirely wrong. You shouldn't abuse anyone, not just women, regardless of whether you get arrested afterwards.

so as you think that a human wrote this thats not possible because nobody would be that wise

Uh, it really doesn't take a whole lot of thought to realize hurting people = they dislike you = conflict = more hurt = bad.

Is not proof for any gods, much less your particular one.

you might know about Hazrat Nuh who built the Ark at the command of Allah and warned him that a great storm is coming and even told the unbelievers but they didn't believe so they died and the believers were saved.

Noah's Ark...wonderful. Here's a list of how ridiculous it is.

1) Two of every animal in the world could not fit on the specified boat, much less with room for Noah's family, food for all the animals, or ways to remove waste.
2) No species can come from two of any kind. Genetic pool limitation again.
3) Amount of water on earth cannot cover all landmass.
4) Rate of rainfall to cover earth in 40 days would be so torretial the boat would sink.
5) Where did all the water come from?
6) Where did all the water go?
7) How did all the animals get to the ark?

Then we get into the moral implications. Noah's flood would have meant the death of unborn babies. Somewhere out there were pregnant women, simply by statistics. I thought you said any type of abortion was wrong?

so on the judgment day they will be punished,

I'll keep my eyes peeled. Nothing yet, maybe in the next twenty centuries.
5,552 posts

What about you keep getting bad things in life anyway im sure that God has alot of surprises in Heaven

Does getting a reward justify suffering?

If I beat up my friend and send them to the hospital, but later buy them a car, does that make my earlier actions correct?

and anyway im hoping to get away from this earth from these sufferings

How about we work on making earth a better place, instead of pinning everything on some supposed reward after you die?

and anyway a guy said on the first page that God set humanity on a tree or something like that when its supposed to get tempted to do bad things by the devil,

The long and short of it is that God is entirely responsible for everything wrong with the universe, seeing as he is omnipotent and knowingly created things which would disobey him when he wanted them to worship him.

There was a tree which God said was forbidden for Adam or eve to eat but the Devil tempted them into tasting it

And...we stop here. Why did God make the Forbidden Tree, if it was Forbidden and he did not want them to eat from it? Exactly how does that make any sense?

he will accept them on Heaven after they died but if they followed the Devil they will be tortured in Hell for eternity

Do you believe it is moral for someone to be punished eternally for a finite crime?

do you still want to worship Satan or God. Your Choice

I choose E. None of the above.

A being who creates others for the sole purpose of worshiping him is a narcissistic ******* anyways.

Jinn's were created to worship God too

Yippee, more praise. Why does God need to be worshiped?

Beats getting tortured in hell for eternity!!!

Completely ignoring how monstrous God is to allow eternal suffering of people he created.
9,439 posts

never heard before about Theism
what is it ?

Theism is belief in a deity. Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity.
8,257 posts

A deity is a god. Theists are people that believe in one or several gods.

2,487 posts
9,462 posts

this sums up my feelings as an atheist quite well.

Pretty much how I see things.
198 posts

ah leave it its just useless to talk with atheists anyway ill just leave this topic and anyway there are a lot of reasons God gives punishments,humans would be led astray,be bad and disobey God as first Adam and Eve disobeyed God because of the devil they were thrown out of heaven for their disobedience so they asked for Allah to pardon them which he did but he told them to do good deeds all their life and they will go to heaven when they died but if they followed the devil then they would burn in hell and if Allah wouldn't be so strict then everything g would be chaos so thats why he sent the Quran with rules and guidelines to lead a pure and simple life

198 posts

and there are other bad things which Allah forbid which are the problems of everyday for example,no gambling and strive to earn your livelihood and Allah has forbidden all unlawful means of livelihood so beat that ! kasic!

9,462 posts


So basically what you're saying is this all powerful God made us incapable of intrinsically doing what he wants us to, so he has to be strict?

478 posts

Pretty much how I see things.
This sort of proves God. NO WAY this happens naturally.

9,808 posts

This sort of proves God. NO WAY this happens naturally.

How does this prove god in any way?

And did happen naturally. If you took the time to listen, you might understand
5,552 posts

ill just leave this topic

Then why should I even bother to respond? I will, though.

God gives punishments

First philosophical point of interest.

Why is it that God gets to punish us? What gives him that right? Now, I know what you're going to say. "He's better than we are." "He's perfect." "He created us." "He's holy." Etc.

Except, none of those give him ANY right to eternally torture people. None. At all. In any way. Nada. Even if you believe he is "better" than we are, that does not make it okay for him to commit heinous acts and say they're good because he's perfect. This is textbook narcissism. Look it up.

humans would be led astray,be bad and disobey God as first Adam and Eve disobeyed God because of the devil they were thrown out of heaven

Because he created us able to be led astray, by things he created to lead us astray. This is like arguing a ball is at fault because it rolls down a hill, after you make gravity and place it on the downward slope. It's gonna happen.

If God is truly omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent, he would NEVER have created the Tree in the Garden of Eden and let Satan into the garden. Why would he? This is the equivalent of leaving a 2 year old alone with a loaded gun and a psychotic older brother. The two year old has no conceptual understanding of right and wrong and can easily be persuaded by older brother to pick up the gun and pull the trigger while pointing it at oneself, even if mommy/daddy said not to.

Adam and Eve -literally- had no knowledge of good and evil, because they had not yet eaten the fruit. From the very start, the whole idea of a benevolent God is completely torn up irreparably.

Allah to pardon them which he did but he told them to do good deeds all their life and they will go to heaven when they died but if they followed the devil then they would burn in hell and if Allah

Narcissism. Look it up.

thats why he sent the Quran with rules and guidelines to lead a pure and simple life

Yes, pure and simple. Stone the gays, kill the infidels, hide your women and keep them as breeding stock, punish them if they're raped, etc.

I know most Muslims don't think that way, but Sharia law is quite frankly disgusting even so. It is in no way moral or just or fair or right. The Qu'ran, Bible, Torah, and every other religious scripture that gives a code to follow is barbaric. It's stuck thousands of years ago, because religion cannot advance, because it's proclaimed to be the absolute truth. And what would you know, dissenters are killed. There's your "good" morals.
2,487 posts

and there are other bad things which Allah forbid which are the problems of everyday for example,no gambling and strive to earn your livelihood and Allah has forbidden all unlawful means of livelihood so beat that ! kasic!

allow me instead.

your god placed the source of the knowledge of good and evil down in the center of the garden, and even let a talking salesman of a snake sit in it. your god then punishes us because we are the consequence of his asinine actions. he then sets practically impossible, conflicting standards for us to live by, and then claims we are free to do as we wish, but then punishes us for excercising freedom. he claims that we have free will, but how can we have free will if he is omniscient? he will know exactly what will happen before it does, so that throws free will out the window.

he is basically saying "you humans will be my playthings, or I will let you roast in my furnace". your god is nothing more than a neurotic, petty, and domineering crybaby who thinks the only way something good can be accomplished is through removing the human element from humanity, thereby turning us into domesticated, blind, and stupid lambs.

that's definitely a "wonderful" god you got there.

9,462 posts

Pretty much how I see things.
This sort of proves God. NO WAY this happens naturally.

Wait what? What can in no way happen naturally?

Yes, pure and simple. Stone the gays, kill the infidels, hide your women and keep them as breeding stock, punish them if they're raped, etc.

I know most Muslims don't think that way, but Sharia law is quite frankly disgusting even so. It is in no way moral or just or fair or right.

Yes, even if the followers don't think it's right the text of their religion still contains such things.

These books claiming to provide guidelines for life cover the entire spectrum, as such they do not guide at all. Humans simply choose what they want to follow and what they don't want, and use the text as an excuse. Along with the emotional manipulation that religion employs it's further use is to draw others in to do things they might not otherwise do.
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