How the hell is deism proven wrong anyway?
By miracles.
Then the supposed free will that your deity gave you is a sham - he is interfering with you and changing the course of your actions.
Urging is not equal to changing, you are to decide.
So you support: incest, execution, slavery, ****, being misogynistic, genocide etc.
Stop juggling words, read the whole of the Bible, and read the Bible as a whole, then return.
And there is still no explanation as to why some verses of the bible are right and some aren't.
Mt 19:3 and following as an example, about divorces being allowed early but forbidden later.
Mass media isn't seen as a figure of authority
By adults, maybe, though I have a set of them around that still blindly trust mass media. By children, no this is wrong, as you have just said, children accept any information as true, and more and more mothers, obsessed by career, leave their children before TVs so they won't cry and spoil the rest or whatever of their mothers.
I can't be bothered to really search for them but I'm sure there are lots and probably around as much as you have for Christianity.
Playing probability games? Still, yes, it's normal for some "miracles" to be explained scientifically, after all mass hysteria is common among humanity. The question is, are there miracles presumably done by any other deity but God that don't have a valid scientific explanation, and there were serious attempt at that? I'm sure there are none.
Er, disprove this
Okay. Jesus didn't say about the time frame when the request should be fulfilled. Perseverance works. And if you pray for something to be done NOW or in a given amount of time, you're demanding instead of asking.
Also can you please provide answers as to why these aren't perfectly valid arguments for not needing god?
A) Interventions occur, see above.
B) Evolution was discussed already. Why you don't need God to explain evolution? As a science, you don't, as a matter of why mutations happen, you're to invoke random, and this randomization allows for God's interference.
C) Already discussed, see this topic. In short: How were the laws of physics formulated like what are they now? What has happened in the period of time which science cannot describe? What happened prior to the Big Bang? What happened first, time start or the Big Bang?
D) See 10 to 0 pages above, there was talk about these in particular. AND prove that Egypt refugees took YHWH's worshipping from those that remained in the Canaan. Otherwise this statement is false, not just imperfect.
E) Oh wait, that's a conclusion? The conclusion is that neither of these explanations is perfect, therefore they don't disprove God needed.
if I were him I'd be making as much life as possible or something like that and not concerning himself with a race of a few billion arrogant monkeys who think thta they are important
If you were God??? Another what-if-false detected. You're comparing what's incomparable. However, about the pic - it's pretty right, we're nothing without God, and only our life in God makes us something.
It's stupid in my opinion.
Well, that's why we have Catechism lessons, and we have also the ability to read the Bible. If one wishes to learn more, he will. I did read the whole of the Bible, by the way.
Wouldn't help with vesper much since he said he can't view YouTube videos, but fro everyone else.
Leviticus after NT? LOL. If you will change the cause and effect in any of the scientific laws, you'll be LOLed a lot harder. Here is the same.
But why is a priest needed? Why can one not simply confess to god? Would god not answer them and absolve them of their sins?
Several protestant denominations say they don't need a priest for this, indeed. The priest is there as a visible sign of God absolving sins. Also if a person requests absolution off God directly, he might be invoking a wrong image of God, "God-as-I-see-Him", centering not on God but on himself, thus requesting off himself instead of God. A really saint person who lives in harmony with God, whatever denomination, has His image untouched, but who of us will say he's the one? Because once a person says "I'm saintlike", he's falling to self-pride, as we all are poor sinners. So, the priest serves as a correct image of God, and he's given power of representing God in sacraments, including the Reconciliation (the word "confession" is the name of the ritual of this sacrament, and is often confused with its name).
Also, who died and made the pope the sole speaker on matters of God?
You might know about that episcopal council participates in any decision making that will affect a part of the Church, and since there is spiritual matter in question, and because episcopes are placed on this servitude by God, the Holy Spirit is among them and helps them find the correct answer each time. And only then the Pope speaks, and while he speaks, Holy Spirit guards him from erring.