ForumsForum GamesThe reality game (loloynage's RPG)

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4,206 posts

Okay, I will try out this...RPG you guys speak of.

So before i start actually posting the game and the history of the RPG, I would like to invite you to go through the rules with me:


-1- This game has a limited amount of players. That amount is 6.
-2- Don't write non-sense. Follow what I say. That includes the possibilities and the consequences of a certain choice during the game.

So that's basically all the rules. Now, lets get on with the game.

The reality game

You and 5 other friends are the only living creatures (as long as we don't count plants) on a little planet. You are not a human, in fact, you do not know what you are, but it does not matter, as long as you have feats and hands. Anyways after living over a thousand years on a planet with only 3 other friends, people tend to get bored. So one day, you and your friends decide to create a game. But not just any game, a reality game. The game creates an alternative reality where you are a god of a certain sector of the universe. You start with 1 planet and the goal is to colonize the whole universe and fight against your friends, who also have the same goal...

There, that's the intro. More will come up once all 6 players ave signed up. Here is the sign up sheet. Come on, don't be scared.

Starting planet's name:
Planet's description:
Your intelligent specie's name:
Your intelligent specie's description:
How did you create your planet:
How did the first living thing come to be:
How did your intelligent specie come to be:

More information on your people and your planet will come later on. Depending on how your intelligent specie came to be, i will see what your starting population will be. The intelligent specie will be the specie you will use to develop your empire.

Remember!: You can't make anything that will give you an advantage on the sign up sheet. I can refuse some entries.

Questions on my profile. More specifications on the game play coming once the game will start.


  • 54 Replies
1,761 posts

Your planet is mostly made out of Rocks and lava. It also has a very un-stable ground.
-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Population -50

wait, i wont be here at the time my search ends. After the search is over, send them out again until 4pm

2,752 posts

IGN: Telesphorus
Starting planet's name: Eregnoaugue
Planet's description: Resembles what would be described as Pangea shortly - quite a few millions of years - after its being split into what would slowly, but steadily, form the continents as they are today. Its climate and terrain is, in general, quite similar to Earth's.
Your intelligent species' name: Doct(s)
Your intelligent species' description: It varies. However, it always is half dog and half cat: either that is that two of the legs and the tail are those of a dog, while the rest of the body is that of a cat, or vice versa. Most common is the type of a body of a dog in the 'back' half and that of a cat in the 'front' half, while there are mix and matches, such as animals with one hind leg and one front leg of a dog and the others of a cat, or with one eye from the one species and the other from the other. They communicate in both barks and meows.
How did you create your planet: I gathered some matter from here, some matter from there, and used it to create a big, oval shaped... thing.
How did the first living thing come to be: Patience, mostly. Oh, did I mention I also happened to make some of the first animals exist just by my thought (you said we are gods in this game, right ?).
How did your intelligent species come to be: When cats and dogs set their differences aside and decided to unite, they had it all; the loyalty, intelligence, sense of smell, and other traits of the dogs, combined with the subtlety, the diplomatic skills, the sense of vision, and other characteristics of the cats. They are currently the dominant species in Eregnoaugue.

Planet Eregnoaugue
Your planet's solid ground is almost like a circle. Pass that, and it's all water. In the centre of the giant continent is a huge desert. The more you get to the coast, the more it gets colder. All of the resources are easily found, but you have to at the right place.

-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Population -20

So, just for the record, do we copy paste both the sheet itself and the planet information, or just the latter?

The political system is, for now, considered unnecessary by the Docts; all they have is one leader who they obey to, but who is not their absolute master (since they're more like a group than a people). Docts do not have a specific religion, everyone in their society is free to believe whatever they wish. Until they are bigger in numbers, at least, they will not organise any systems or governments.

One of the commands is "build". So, let's say I would like to build a shelter. What's required? Whatever is needed for it I would like to be gathered by 5 Docts.

I would like to have the other 15 explore, first the 'green' area, and then in as big a radius as they have the time to search around it. The time for which I would like them to search would be 2 hours, but if you happen not to be available then, which would mean I wouldn't be able to pick another option in two hours' time, I would like them to search for 22 hours.

4,206 posts


Is it too late to join?

yes it is.

So, just for the record, do we copy paste both the sheet itself and the planet information, or just the latter?

Just the latter.

What's required? Whatever is needed for it I would like to be gathered by 5 Docts.

It depends. I would suggest you put up a plan of a shelter (doesn't need to be a picture). Saying what materials you would need. One piece of resource equals to one meter. (example: If I take 1 piece of wood i can fill one meter of space.)

I would like to have the other 15 explore, first the 'green' area, and then in as big a radius as they have the time to search around it. The time for which I would like them to search would be 2 hours, but if you happen not to be available then, which would mean I wouldn't be able to pick another option in two hours' time, I would like them to search for 22 hours.

Okay, your search will end at 7:43am

-Risks of danger: 4%


Your beasts haven't found much. Only a couple(5) of bones of dead animals. They also have found a little mountain(100m high). Some of your beasts are asking for food.

You send them out again for 4 hours. Because some of your beasts are hungry, your danger factor gets a 5% raise.

Risks of danger: 6%
1,761 posts

Your planet is mostly made out of Rocks and lava. It also has a very un-stable ground.
-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Population -50

Question, how do they request food, if they are empty, minldess, husks? I assume that my saying that they are pretty much not even alive exept as, as an example, they are statues brought to life for my bidding, <- example, was disregarded because it gives an unfair advantage. To sum this up, i cant have them as lifeless husks because i have the advantage of complete obidiance.

4,206 posts

if they are empty, minldess, husks?

no no, they are mindless. They didn't really request food. I'm just saying that they are a bit hungry. My bad. You can ignore what they are saying, and they won't complain. Just one day they will just fall down dead. You have about 4 and a half days before they start dying of hunger.
1,761 posts

Your planet is mostly made out of Rocks and lava. It also has a very un-stable ground.
-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Population -50

Well, 5 minutes until the team of 30 returns, so ill send 10 of the ones here to search for anything edible, and if they find anything, bring it back. They can search for 15 minutes.

4,206 posts

Side note, you should post your population's activity. Example: x number of creatures are doing x thing....and so on. Also, post anything you have collected with your sheet.

They can search for 15 minutes.

They have found a couple of berries. Good enough to give 5 hours of energy to one beast.

Well, 5 minutes until the team of 30 returns,

They have found a bunch(12) of little lizards. They do not seem poisonous, but who knows? They also found a potential mine at the mountain.

Here I'll update for you:

-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Animal bones -5
-Lizard (specie unknown) -12
-Population -50
-Population activity: Waiting
1,140 posts

meh what about me am i done searching yes i am

4,206 posts

Oh yes, my bad.

Ghost, your search is done. Your dragons that where looking for wheat didnt find any wheat, but they found the border of the north side of the mountain. They can see a ocean from there. Your dragons that where going for wood found indeed food. 10 trees of 25 pieces each. Your orders?

124 posts

I send a different five to collect food and 3 to chop wood

124 posts

Planet Tazral
your planet has many secrets. But it may be hard to find them. On solid ground there are many small deserts, but most of your planet is made out of forests and insects.
-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Population -20
Sorry forgot

1,761 posts

Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Animal bones -5
-Lizard (specie unknown) -12
-Population -50
-Population activity: Waiting

Have one beast eat a lizard, see what happens. Then send 10 into the forest to get more, search for 9 hours. Then another 10 to get berries, search for 9hours, and lastly another 10 to the mine, 5 to see if they can get some of the rocks or ore from there, and 5 to look for any kind of food near/in it, they will be out for 9 hours.

2,752 posts

Planet Eregnoaugue
Your planet's solid ground is almost like a circle. Pass that, and it's all water. In the centre of the giant continent is a huge desert. The more you get to the coast, the more it gets colder. All of the resources are easily found, but you have to at the right place.

The political system is, for now, considered unnecessary by the Docts; all they have is one leader who they obey to, but who is not their absolute master (since they're more like a group than a people). Docts do not have a specific religion, everyone in their society is free to believe whatever they wish. Until they are bigger in numbers, at least, they will not organise any systems or governments.

-Rock -0
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Population -20
-Population Activity: 20 Exploring, 2 Searching for/Gathering wood, 2 Searching for/Gathering rock, 1 Searching for/Gathering wheat/food

I would suggest you put up a plan of a shelter (doesn't need to be a picture). Saying what materials you would need. One piece of resource equals to one meter.
Well, I'm not yet certain about what the building will be like. I would like to have 2 Docts gather wood for up until the time the search finishes (or they need to rest). If there aren't any woods around or something, or the palm trees are not enough, I'll have them get timber from the 'green area'. I'll have the other 2 search for any place around that could provide them with rock, and then 'gather' as much as they can (again, up until the search party is done or until they need to rest). I would like the last Doct to search around for anything edible (I'd say wheat, but I want to be more general... the time for which I would like the Doct to search is the same as the others'.
4,206 posts

I'll update tomorrow.

1,140 posts

-Rock -0
-Wood - 25
-Wheat -0
-Population -6

tell all six dragons to look for minerals nothing in specific just minerals

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