ForumsForum GamesThe reality game (loloynage's RPG)

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Okay, I will try out this...RPG you guys speak of.

So before i start actually posting the game and the history of the RPG, I would like to invite you to go through the rules with me:


-1- This game has a limited amount of players. That amount is 6.
-2- Don't write non-sense. Follow what I say. That includes the possibilities and the consequences of a certain choice during the game.

So that's basically all the rules. Now, lets get on with the game.

The reality game

You and 5 other friends are the only living creatures (as long as we don't count plants) on a little planet. You are not a human, in fact, you do not know what you are, but it does not matter, as long as you have feats and hands. Anyways after living over a thousand years on a planet with only 3 other friends, people tend to get bored. So one day, you and your friends decide to create a game. But not just any game, a reality game. The game creates an alternative reality where you are a god of a certain sector of the universe. You start with 1 planet and the goal is to colonize the whole universe and fight against your friends, who also have the same goal...

There, that's the intro. More will come up once all 6 players ave signed up. Here is the sign up sheet. Come on, don't be scared.

Starting planet's name:
Planet's description:
Your intelligent specie's name:
Your intelligent specie's description:
How did you create your planet:
How did the first living thing come to be:
How did your intelligent specie come to be:

More information on your people and your planet will come later on. Depending on how your intelligent specie came to be, i will see what your starting population will be. The intelligent specie will be the specie you will use to develop your empire.

Remember!: You can't make anything that will give you an advantage on the sign up sheet. I can refuse some entries.

Questions on my profile. More specifications on the game play coming once the game will start.


  • 54 Replies
4,206 posts

Have one beast eat a lizard, see what happens.

It seems like it's good food. Would be better cooked, but it's not toxic.

Then send 10 into the forest to get more, search for 9 hours.

You have found 3 lizards.

Then another 10 to get berries, search for 9hours

Nothing has been found.

and lastly another 10 to the mine, 5 to see if they can get some of the rocks or ore from there,

You got 300 Rocks and 50 coal. 5 of your creatures are tired(1 day). You will need to replace them.

If there aren't any woods around or something, or the palm trees are not enough, I'll have them get timber from the 'green area'.

You have found a forest at the green area. Your creatures have gathered 100 wood. 2 of them need rest(1 day).

I'll have the other 2 search for any place around that could provide them with rock,

No rock has been found.

I would like the last Doct to search around for anything edible

The last doct has found 2 pigs, 1 cow and 5 berries. Do you want to kill the animals?

tell all six dragons to look for minerals nothing in specific just minerals

Do you want to leave the mountain?

I send a different five to collect food and 3 to chop wood

You have found a bunch of insects(25), 5 apples, and 20 berries. You have chopped 300 wood.
1,140 posts

-Rock -0
-Wood - 25
-Wheat -0
-Population -6

yes leave the mountain and for lets see 5 hours

4,206 posts


What to build when you start? Here are a few guides and ideas.

A home shelter:
Like a HQ, your main shelter will be the symbol of your power, it is usually also your first shelter. You can start with simple material and later on make it more complex.

Exploitation sites:
Sites where you can exploit your resources much faster, with less creatures and with no rest! The exploitation site needs 1500 pieces of the resource your going to mine, plus 250 from the two other constructing material. At least for the basic sites. Example:

-Mining site: 1500 Rocks, 250 Wood, 250 wheat.
-Wood-chopping site: 1500 wood, 250 Rock, 250 wheat.
-Farm: 500 wood, 500 Rock

I'll post more building and tips later on. Until then, let your imagination take over.

2,752 posts

Planet Eregnoaugue
Your planet's solid ground is almost like a circle. Pass that, and it's all water. In the centre of the giant continent is a huge desert. The more you get to the coast, the more it gets colder. All of the resources are easily found, but you have to at the right place.

The political system is, for now, considered unnecessary by the Docts; all they have is one leader who they obey to, but who is not their absolute master (since they're more like a group than a people). Docts do not have a specific religion, everyone in their society is free to believe whatever they wish. Until they are bigger in numbers, at least, they will not organise any systems or governments.

-Rock -0
-Wood -100
-Wheat -0
-Pigs -2
-Cow -1
-Berries -5
-Population -20
-Population Activity: 16 Gathering wood, 2 Resting, 2 Watching over cattle

Actually, due to my not reposting the whole searching thing I had going on since page 4 (well, I only mentioned it in &quotopulation activity&quot, the results of the 22 hour search of the 15 member search party (which ended 43 hours and 37 minutes ago) were not mentioned.
I'll have the cow graze in the 'green' area (there's got to be grass there, right?), since the docts are not herbivores. I would say I would have one doct stay with the cow, make sure it's OK and milk it regularly, but I don't know if all that is an acceptable option. The pigs I will not kill immediately, but I will have a doct watch over them. I will have them killed if any doct is hungry (if it's only one that needs to eat, I won't kill them all, of course), and then cook them (how much wood would I need to start a small fire?). I won't allow them to eat the berries, of course.
I will let the two docts that needed to rest rest.
The rest 16 I would like to have gather wood (16, unless anything happened to the 15 during their exploring the area), until they need to rest.

1,761 posts

Rock -300
-Wood -0
-Wheat -0
-Animal bones -5
-Lizard (specie unknown) -14
-Population -50
-Population activity: Waiting

send in 5 to replace the 5 tired ones and have them rest. Then get the ones still at the mine to keep mineing and then get 20 to search around the mine for things.

4,206 posts

yes leave the mountain and for lets see 5 hours

Your dragons have found a bunch of holes that would be great as mine on the side of your mountain. Your dragons also found a great amount of rocks on ground level.

how much wood would I need to start a small fire?

5. But you would need something to light it on with. Like coal or fire-rocks. All the actions you took above this sentence are acceptable.

The rest 16 I would like to have gather wood (16, unless anything happened to the 15 during their exploring the area),

Okay, you chopped 500 wood. Your 16 need rest.

Then get the ones still at the mine to keep mineing and then get 20 to search around the mine for things.

Haven't found anything but a couple of dead trees.

Then get the ones still at the mine to keep mineing

You found coal. You mined 250 rocks and 50 coal.

Darth, remember to update your chart.
1,140 posts

-Rock -0
-Wood - 25
-Wheat -0
-Population -6

ill mark that spot in my memory and build like the town hall out of wood

2,752 posts

Planet Eregnoaugue
Your planet's solid ground is almost like a circle. Pass that, and it's all water. In the centre of the giant continent is a huge desert. The more you get to the coast, the more it gets colder. All of the resources are easily found, but you have to at the right place.

The political system is, for now, considered unnecessary by the Docts; all they have is one leader who they obey to, but who is not their absolute master (since they're more like a group than a people). Docts do not have a specific religion, everyone in their society is free to believe whatever they wish. Until they are bigger in numbers, at least, they will not organise any systems or governments.

-Rock -0
-Wood -600
-Wheat -0
-Pigs -2
-Cow -1
-Berries -5
-Population -20
-Population Activity: 16 Resting, 2 Gathering wood, 2 Watching over cattle

I'll have the 16 rest.
Assuming that the 2 that were resting have now rested, I have them gather 100 wood.

The results of my old search (page 4) have still not been mentioned. What kind of land did they find? And did they find anything while searching for 22 hours?

4,206 posts

I'm putting a pause to this. Do to un-activity. I'll inform you guys when it will be running again.

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