ok this is a competition to see who is the ultiment AG survivor this is what will happen........... 1. i give u a cirtant amount of time to enter 2. i choose about half of the people who wanted in to actually compete 3. i will post a random game with leaderboards(detalis on the game as the come.) 4. the people who did worst will be eliminated 5. the final 3 will compete and the best person wins. this gives u bragging rights and fame.......on ag only though
ok so if u want in this is exatly what i want u to post "i want in" simple. any questions ask on my page. i do not want this full of questions. i will let u know when more details come. the first one`s sign ups begin now until the end of the month. usually it will not be this long but for the first time i figuered what the heck. so if u r in practice all ur ag games cauz u don`t know what i will ask. enjoy
Nemo, do you have mac or pc? If it's a pc you just hit the print screen button and paste it in paint or something. If you have a mac I think you just hit control shift F4. I'm not sure though.
yes, the people who r doing really bad are the ones getting eliminated. the 4 worst by wednsday might be eliminated. the first place scorer will save 1. i am sorry for any confusion
Just hit PrtScn. It's above the cluster of buttons above the arrow keys. Open Microsoft Paint. Hit Ctrl + V. Save that image, and upload it to photobucket or another image upload sight. Copy its link, then set it up here using BB code.