ok this is a competition to see who is the ultiment AG survivor this is what will happen........... 1. i give u a cirtant amount of time to enter 2. i choose about half of the people who wanted in to actually compete 3. i will post a random game with leaderboards(detalis on the game as the come.) 4. the people who did worst will be eliminated 5. the final 3 will compete and the best person wins. this gives u bragging rights and fame.......on ag only though
ok so if u want in this is exatly what i want u to post "i want in" simple. any questions ask on my page. i do not want this full of questions. i will let u know when more details come. the first one`s sign ups begin now until the end of the month. usually it will not be this long but for the first time i figuered what the heck. so if u r in practice all ur ag games cauz u don`t know what i will ask. enjoy
as promissed 1. thebluerabbit 62003 2. monbon 52566 3. xeano321 44190 4. nemo12 44955 5. divisible 31551 6. iamnotironman 30815 7. jeol 30003 8. lolange non participate from divisible down to lolange, u may be eliminated.
Scored 66666... weird huh? Anyways, when people are asking to come in the rounds, is that like, next week when we do another game, or is it after this ag survivor is over?
wow you got 66666? thats awsome amd funny XD. how did you get so high? you probably didnt die even once, took all boosts and never even touched a block that made you stand. ill stay second. i dont have the nerve and try to beat THAT XP