Storyline:It was the year 2019 and World War 3 had begun (mainly between Russia and The United States). You were in the US Marine Corps and were fighting in South-Western Russia.
World War 3 had gone on for another 5 years when it was all ended by an Atomic Bomb that blew up most of Earth.
It is now the year 2024.
3 of you (who are all US Marines) wake up really confused in South-Western Russia, you are all trying to figure out what exactly happend. You think you are the only humans left on Earth, but you are wrong.
Name: (Rank, First Name and Sur Name) Age: (Between 18 and 35) ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: (You can only carry up to two weapons and a knife at once.) Inventory: (eg. Water Bottle, Pen, Notebook etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Bio: ------------------------------------------------------------
this is basically a reincarnation of your other RPG, why can't it be DURING WW3 that was the reason i came to the thread but it is the same as the last one
this is basically a reincarnation of your other RPG, why can't it be DURING WW3 that was the reason i came to the thread but it is the same as the last one
So your basically saying this was a fail brought back to life without any changes?
Name: Ivan the Garbage Man (Russian) Age: 25 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: 1. Hand gun w/knife 2. Empty Inventory: Torn bag and food scrappings ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: 5"6, very skinny. Hair looks black, but could be because of what he has been through Bio: He wakes up and remembers one thing: I hate Americans. But then looks for food and water because of starvation.