Storyline:It was the year 2019 and World War 3 had begun (mainly between Russia and The United States). You were in the US Marine Corps and were fighting in South-Western Russia.
World War 3 had gone on for another 5 years when it was all ended by an Atomic Bomb that blew up most of Earth.
It is now the year 2024.
3 of you (who are all US Marines) wake up really confused in South-Western Russia, you are all trying to figure out what exactly happend. You think you are the only humans left on Earth, but you are wrong.
Name: (Rank, First Name and Sur Name) Age: (Between 18 and 35) ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: (You can only carry up to two weapons and a knife at once.) Inventory: (eg. Water Bottle, Pen, Notebook etc.) ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Bio: ------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Private John Steele Age: 19 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 XP: 0 Weapons: Combat Knife, 45. Colt, M107 .50 Caliber Special Application Scoped Rifle Inventory:Water Bottle, Pen, Notebook ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance:Red hair, Irish accent, Medium Build Bio: I wanted to be in the Marines so I joined up straight out of High School. ------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Ivan the Garbage Man (Russian) Age: 25 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: 1. Hand gun w/knife 2. Empty Inventory: Torn bag and food scrappings ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: 5"6, very skinny. Hair looks black, but could be because of what he has been through Bio: He wakes up and remembers one thing: I hate Americans. But then looks for food and water because of starvation.
Name: Pvt. Jack Shallow Age: 18 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: Combat Knife, 45. Colt, AK-47 Inventory: Notebook, Pen, Water Bottle, ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Black hair, Strong, American Bio: Joined the U.S army to serve for his country ------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Sgt. Stavi Gerini Age: 26 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: Kriss Vector SMG, USAS-12 Shotgun, Combat Knife Inventory: Water Bottle, Map, Lighter, Rope, Hook ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Dyed Green Hair, Naturally Tan Bio: Been in the marines since i was 18. ------------------------------------------------------------
"Stop hiding and come out with your hands up!" shout the three soldiers, who all have their guns out just in case. Ivan walks away from the dumpster, surprised at hearing something that he hasn't heard in a while; a voice. He stops in front of the soldiers and flinches, expecting to be shot any second. "Why are you flinching?" asks Pvt. Jack Shallow. "Aren't you going to shoot me?" he replies, "No." They all akwardly pause for a moment. "Who are you?" asks Sgt. Stavi Gerini, "My name's Ivan, AND I USED TO WORK HERE UNTIL YOU EFFING AMERICANS CAME ALONG AND BLEW IT UP!!!" Ivan grabs a bit of cardboard from the dumpster and chucks it at the three of them. "DO YOU WANT US TO SHOOT YOU!" shouts Pvt. Shallow. "no, no, no i'm sorry, i'm sorry, please don't shoot." Ivan gets ready to get shot again. "Okay, we won't shoot you this time either." says Pvt. John Steele, "C'mon, let's go, he's a maniac." he whispers to the other two. The three of them walk of. Ivan gives them the finger as they walk of and are not able to see him. He suddenly feels very alone.
Ivan, what do you do:
a) follow the three soldiers. b) stay put, looking for food.
John Steele, Jack Shallow and Stavi Gerini what do you do?
Name: Ivan the Garbage Man (Russian) Age: 25 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: 1. Hand gun w/knife 2. Empty Inventory: Torn bag and food scrappings ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: 5"6, very skinny. Hair looks black, but could be because of what he has been through Bio: He wakes up and remembers one thing: I hate Americans. But then looks for food and water because of starvation.
A- They might know where food is. Following them could help.
Name: Sgt. Stavi Gerini Age: 26 ------------------------------------------------------------ Level: 1 (need 10 XP to level up) XP: 0 Weapons: Kriss Vector SMG, USAS-12 Shotgun, Combat Knife Inventory: Water Bottle, Map, Lighter, Rope, Hook ------------------------------------------------------------ Appearance: Dyed Green Hair, Naturally Tan Bio: Been in the marines since i was 18. ------------------------------------------------------------