ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet

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This game is inspired by Larmus' "Create Earth" and ZombieFreak77's "Planet Reborn! Protect and Destroy Game". Both have been dropped. I already run Destroy the Planet 4, but I want this to be something like a counterpart to it. This will also have a storyline, and there will be goals. Let the creating begin!

First planet: Earth
Goal: Develop life

Earth, a giant molten rock, orbiting a young star, called Sun. Earth has been just created. But it is still a sphere of lava. The first task is to develop life. Can you do it?

Planet: Earth
Heat: Too hot
Atmosphere: 80% Nitrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 9% Water vapor 1% other gases
Condition: Mainly liquid
Life: Plants: None; Animals: None
Goal: Develop first life, create oxygen
Era: Precambrian

  • 837 Replies
1,255 posts

ok i use greek fire and the oils and after that i use some gasolin !!!
and make hot fire very hot then i make steel if available

than i try to work on my mammals so they name the stars and planets they can see i than work on them so they can make smoking bombs like ninjas i make sewers yep sewers (dont say it unavailable cause in 3000 years ago persians had sewers ! and i try to make pipes so water from aqueducts go in houses of each mammal i try to make beautiful fountains in the city i try to make city squares and ... i try to gather some funny mammals and make them clowns and ... so they can make ppl happy and happier i try to work on my scinetists so the can do maths and Quantum Physics and regular physics better !!!!

why my tech lv dosnt goes higher i found anatomy and astronomery !!!they should make my tech higher !!!!

4,049 posts

Having 1 Religoion is Good but some people are maybe not meant to do Islam...So I make another religion...It is Islam but just an easier type for smaller people liek kids and stuff...After they learn that they go to the real Islam..The new religion will be Called Easy-Islam(lol)...

Also I would use gold as both decoration and as currency...
Also to just see the Happiness of my people can you put in the civilizations Happiness?

Also I teach my people how to write(If they havent already known)..If they know how to Write then I make some writers who will write books and stuff for my people but before that I try to make paper for my people...

For the Golem I try to make Ballitas and stuff and

4,049 posts

*Continuing my Post because of Lag -_-*

And try to shoot the Golem in the head trying to crumble his head until it falls apart...I also tell them to aim for the neck too!!

Also I make some markets in my city and start trading with the Mammal Empire!!!

For The tempature I try to increase the suns gravity pull a bit so that it makes Earth a bit closer to the sun..

1,373 posts

Planet: Earth
Heat: Temperate-Cold
Atmosphere: 75% Nitrogen, 1% other gases, 24% Oxygen
Persia: Leader: King Xerxes II.; Population: 2 600; Races: Mammals (90%), Hollarazors (10%); Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Perseopolis
Saudi Arabia: Leader: Rattgys I.; Population: 1 900; Races: Hollarazors (85%), Hollarazorspartans (5%), Hybrids: (5%), Mammals: (5)%; Religion: Islam (80%), No religion (20%); Capital: Mekka
Intelligent life:
Hollarazors: Tech level - 21; Classical era
Hollarazorspartans: Tech level - 20; Classical era
Hollarazor hybrids: Tech level - 18; Iron age
Mammals: Tech level 22; Classical era
Serpents: Tech level: 1; Stone Age
Life: Plants: Walking plants, ferns, Trees, Grass; Animals: Mammals, Fish, Sea serpents, Land Serpents, Insects, Metroids; Others: Hollarazors+Sup-types, The Last Golem (900/2000)
Continents: S. America, N. America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica
Goal: Develop a civilization
Year: 600 AC, 400 AR
Era: Pleistocene
Era ends in: 9 500 years
Progress to Sentience: Sea Serpents: 80%, Plants: 47%, Metroids: 46%, Fish: 21%, Insects: 22%
Prison: Daylin1 (2 posts)

from your earlier post i think its obvious.

also i get this primitive form of a mininuke (just a small container full of volatile material) and throw it at the giant golem.

and make a sort of railway system.

and crash a train into the giant golem.

The Spartan city state, eh? Ok then. I knew it was a stupid question. I will upload the maps later. A railway system? You would only be able to drive on it using manually powered little wagons... You know which, the ones you must push that handle up and down... That wouldnt do much damage to the golem. Trains are REALLY far ahead yet, considering the first big trains were powered with steam. Also, chemistry is not yet advanced enough to recognise volatite materials.

ok i use greek fire and the oils and after that i use some gasolin !!!
and make hot fire very hot then i make steel if available

than i try to work on my mammals so they name the stars and planets they can see i than work on them so they can make smoking bombs like ninjas i make sewers yep sewers (dont say it unavailable cause in 3000 years ago persians had sewers ! and i try to make pipes so water from aqueducts go in houses of each mammal i try to make beautiful fountains in the city i try to make city squares and ... i try to gather some funny mammals and make them clowns and ... so they can make ppl happy and happier i try to work on my scinetists so the can do maths and Quantum Physics and regular physics better !!!!

why my tech lv dosnt goes higher i found anatomy and astronomery !!!they should make my tech higher !!!!

Sorry, forgot about the tech levels :P Welcome, to the Classical era. BLAST! The oil isnt hot enough! Maybe another kind of (Insert bold word here) furnace would work... They are naming the stars and the planets. Smoke bombs. Ok. The ninjas have smoke bombs. Yes, they indeed used sewers. Romans, Persians and others have used sewers thousands of years ago. But not underground sewers. Open sewers... But that increases hygiene, since there is now a place where all the sh- sheets of toilet paper... go. Pop. growth increases too. New decoration and entertainers are made and the scientists research physics. Quantum physics are a bit too advanced for humans today... Anyways, increased knowledge of physics leads to better catapults and siege weapons.

Having 1 Religoion is Good but some people are maybe not meant to do Islam...So I make another religion...It is Islam but just an easier type for smaller people liek kids and stuff...After they learn that they go to the real Islam..The new religion will be Called Easy-Islam(lol)...

Also I would use gold as both decoration and as currency...
Also to just see the Happiness of my people can you put in the civilizations Happiness?

Also I teach my people how to write(If they havent already known)..If they know how to Write then I make some writers who will write books and stuff for my people but before that I try to make paper for my people...

For the Golem I try to make Ballitas and stuff and

*Continuing my Post because of Lag -_-*

And try to shoot the Golem in the head trying to crumble his head until it falls apart...I also tell them to aim for the neck too!!

Also I make some markets in my city and start trading with the Mammal Empire!!!

For The tempature I try to increase the suns gravity pull a bit so that it makes Earth a bit closer to the sun..

I suppose most religions teach children simple stuff first, then more advanced things. But I will count all the sub-religions and sects into one religion. Sorry, I wont put happiness in, people are getting happy when good stuff is happening, like making new decoration, activities and getting less happy when somwthing bad is happening, like wars and plagues. Right now, most civilizations are in happy and golden ages. But the gold increases hapiness! People write and read already. Also, you start making paper out of local reeds. There are reeds around the Nile I suppose... The chinese were making the first paper in the 11th century out of bamboo. Reeds are related to bamboo, so they work too, I guess. The ballistas are possible because of the nice research of physics. Headshot! The head crumbles! But the golem still lives... You start trading with the mammals! Both empires are getting richer. Increasing the suns gravity would just cause total chaos! It could even cause planets colliding... And most life would go extinct... That would be terrible. The temperature outside doesnt affect the inside of the furnace at all anyway.
2,081 posts

random fact-the egyptians of thousands of years ago (not just 1 thousand) made papyrus paper first.

anyway i start giving hollarazorspartans some (nosepegs?) so that they can mine sulphur. then i start them mining sulphur. to make gunpowder.

1,761 posts

Mmmmm, this wont do at all, all sentinet races liveing in peice, wont do at all, nope, qouteing fawful "I HAVE FURY?", I must have opposition within the law. I mutate lizard into larger, more komodo-dragon like creatures. I have them gather in large areas within swamps, preying on the smaller animals in the swamps. Then i "teach" them to smell the poisonus frogs and the likes and to not eat those. (soon enough, i shall have a race of ravounus lizard men! Also, the reason the golem survives without its head, is because the remains of the golem mother brain, combined with the minds of the planets and parasites holding it together is all stored in the chest) Mmmm...getting another fawful qoute...

1,126 posts

Deep in the forest there lies a gigantic tree whose roots and branches do not stay still. Surrounded in the poison mist that it exhales, he reaches down with his extending roots to suck the nutrients out of the prey it has killed with his toxic breath or thorny branches. That creature is a Walking Willow, it is called a Treeant generally.

They are surrounded by large jaguars with covered razor-sharp leaves that also exhale the poison they have become immune toward. They coexist with the Walking Willows and live in its branches.

Yes, I also want to kill the Hollarazors and overpowered mammals. They have it too easy. I've put more effort in raising the Serpents(specifically the Land Serpents) than they who have just made them intelligent by feeding them weapons and science they barely know themselves. Hey, want to team up XD?

4,049 posts

Thanx Darthnerd!

I shoot the Ballistas at the Golems Chest!!!!!

Also Now that we are in the Classical era(Fast!)
I try to...Maybe discover Gunpowder???

If Possible I use the Gunpowder and Create Cannons and maybe some weak rifles!

Also I tell the Hollarazors to use Paper to make Paper Money!
But I also start making fruitful Reed farms so that they do not go away from our use...
Also I expand my Empire to Mezopotamia!
Also I start making Nice roads in my citys and to Persia!!

Also I tell the Hollarazors about Numbers so that they can learn about Numbers and use them!
For now I teach them to count at least to 100...

Also Zyba..Why destroy???
Spore...I send some research and stuff to Zyba.
He will know about Bronze,Iron and stuff and I give him tools which will help get him some...
I also learn them about Numbers,Pyschics and stuff so that they are Intelligent as us

1,255 posts

i gather sulphur and coal for making gun powders so i can make bombs and and cannons and rifles i teach my mammals to count to billion and more cause they know counting i just make them count more i try to expand their physics and chemists for heathing(warming skills)and for gun powder making and ... i try to teach them biologic sciences for defrent things i try to make them oxygen capsules so they can do scuba diving i try to make big boats with cannons in them i try to train a mammal to be a prince of persia very strong and fast ... this is my new logo show.php%3Fusernum%3D1459211925%26cpv%3D1&usg=__gElei37GNiG4ycvwiexmXwgG76I=&h=255&w=233&sz=24&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&tbnid=ENYdk_xY9fAF7M:&tbnh=111&tbnw=101&ei=z5EmTufWEKS50AGA-8XvCg&amp<i class=rev=/search%3Fq%3Dpars%2Blogo%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D783%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1" alt="" />

and for now that we dont have the gun powder i ask the mammals to make gun shapes so when we have the gun powders we fill the guns with them and oh with the help of the physics we got i make a sentry gun and i try to make the ballistas and gun powders better and oh i make harder and lighter armors for my soldiers and i try to discover steel (oh come on can i just make the steel sooner i am bored trying to make and failed !)

i make some hidden spikes around the city so who ever attacked he will die and i try to make better and lighter armors for my riptonights !!and i try to make the flying mammals a bit inttlegenter and i try to make them stronger so they can fly fast and can carry a mammal !!!

and oh i try to aim the chest of the mammal

6,257 posts

I advance all art by teaching Hollarazors and Mammals and all the Sentient Beings about: Sculpting with Rock, but it takes longer since there is no metal to make a chisel with, so instead the use another rock to sort of rub against it and wear it out so that it can form a statue. Maybe it is not the best statue, but its a start

Hey, its the classical age! Oh, and i name a certain Mammal... Leonardo Da Vinci... The best mammal with the best artistic ability

1,761 posts

Fawful allies with no one! Pasta or not!

The civilzation of now shall be trampled apon the chaotic forces of soon-to-be lizard men! Huzzah!

And razer, i dont know if your saying "thanx" with sarcasm or not, but seeing as i let the golem loose and cut my ties with it, i could care less if it dies.

1,373 posts

The city states have two major powers now. The Athenians and the Spartans. The spartans are focusing on land warfare, while the Athenians are mainly navy focused.

The world just got a new faction. This time a union of tribes, led by a high chieftain.

Planet: Earth
Heat: Temperate-Cold
Atmosphere: 75% Nitrogen, 1% other gases, 24% Oxygen
Persia: Leader: King Xerxes II.; Population: 2 600; Races: Mammals (90%), Hollarazors (10%); Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Perseopolis
Saudi Arabia: Leader: Ferrecktys I.; Population: 2 100; Races: Hollarazors (85%), Hollarazorspartans (5%), Hybrids: (5%), Mammals: (5)%; Religion: Islam (80%), No religion (20%); Capital: Mekka
Union of Serpent Tribes: Leader: Hissing Chisel; Population: 1 000; Races: Land serpents (100%); Religion: No Religion (100%)
Intelligent life:
Hollarazors: Tech level - 22; Classical era
Hollarazorspartans: Tech level - 21; Classical era
Hollarazor hybrids: Tech level - 19; Iron age
Mammals: Tech level 24; Classical era
Serpents: Tech level: 20; Classical era
Life: Plants: Walking plants, ferns, Trees, Grass; Animals: Mammals, Fish, Sea serpents, Land Serpents, Insects, Metroids; Others: Hollarazors+Sup-types, The Last Golem (300/2000)
Goal: Develop a civilization
Year: 700 AC, 500 AR
Era: Pleistocene
Era ends in: 9 400 years
Progress to Sentience: Sea Serpents: 90%, Plants: 50%, Metroids: 50%, Fish: 21%, Insects: 22%
Prison: Daylin1 (1 post)

random fact-the egyptians of thousands of years ago (not just 1 thousand) made papyrus paper first.

anyway i start giving hollarazorspartans some (nosepegs?) so that they can mine sulphur. then i start them mining sulphur. to make gunpowder.

Oh, yes forgot about papyrus :P That wasnt actual paper though, just reeds pressed together I think... Im not sure though. Gunpowder? Ok, but no guns, this is just the classical era! The era before the medieval era, the age of the Romans, Greeks and so on. I think you are mistaking it with the renaisance era... No guns yet. But gunpowder is OK for now. They find sulphur. Only two more ingredients! ...

Mmmmm, this wont do at all, all sentinet races liveing in peice, wont do at all, nope, qouteing fawful "I HAVE FURY?", I must have opposition within the law. I mutate lizard into larger, more komodo-dragon like creatures. I have them gather in large areas within swamps, preying on the smaller animals in the swamps. Then i "teach" them to smell the poisonus frogs and the likes and to not eat those. (soon enough, i shall have a race of ravounus lizard men! Also, the reason the golem survives without its head, is because the remains of the golem mother brain, combined with the minds of the planets and parasites holding it together is all stored in the chest) Mmmm...getting another fawful qoute...

Lizards died out, with all the other reptiles, expect for the serpents which moved into the sea first to survive. You will have to use something else...

Deep in the forest there lies a gigantic tree whose roots and branches do not stay still. Surrounded in the poison mist that it exhales, he reaches down with his extending roots to suck the nutrients out of the prey it has killed with his toxic breath or thorny branches. That creature is a Walking Willow, it is called a Treeant generally.

They are surrounded by large jaguars with covered razor-sharp leaves that also exhale the poison they have become immune toward. They coexist with the Walking Willows and live in its branches.

Yes, I also want to kill the Hollarazors and overpowered mammals. They have it too easy. I've put more effort in raising the Serpents(specifically the Land Serpents) than they who have just made them intelligent by feeding them weapons and science they barely know themselves. Hey, want to team up XD?

We can include that into the "walking plants". That tree might have got the genetic mutation of them. Okay. The mammals, called "jaguars" live and thrive with the treeants. I guess everyone is just going against the civilizations O.o The Serpents have developed iron tools. They now have some kind of tribe confederation on Madagascar.

Thanx Darthnerd!

I shoot the Ballistas at the Golems Chest!!!!!

Also Now that we are in the Classical era(Fast!)
I try to...Maybe discover Gunpowder???

If Possible I use the Gunpowder and Create Cannons and maybe some weak rifles!

Also I tell the Hollarazors to use Paper to make Paper Money!
But I also start making fruitful Reed farms so that they do not go away from our use...
Also I expand my Empire to Mezopotamia!
Also I start making Nice roads in my citys and to Persia!!

Also I tell the Hollarazors about Numbers so that they can learn about Numbers and use them!
For now I teach them to count at least to 100...

Also Zyba..Why destroy???
Spore...I send some research and stuff to Zyba.
He will know about Bronze,Iron and stuff and I give him tools which will help get him some...
I also learn them about Numbers,Pyschics and stuff so that they are Intelligent as us

The golem takes much damage! The chest was one of the key points to keep him together! Gunpowder? Okay. You already have the first ingredient, sulphur. Now to find the two others... You invent paper money, actually first used by the Chinese in the 11th century. The supply of reed keeps the paper from running out. The Mezopotamians sadly dont accept you as their ruler, as the population is mainly mammal. Trade routes to Persia are improved. They already know mathematics. They have their own numbering system already. You send the serpents technologies and their tech level increases!

i gather sulphur and coal for making gun powders so i can make bombs and and cannons and rifles i teach my mammals to count to billion and more cause they know counting i just make them count more i try to expand their physics and chemists for heathing(warming skills)and for gun powder making and ... i try to teach them biologic sciences for defrent things i try to make them oxygen capsules so they can do scuba diving i try to make big boats with cannons in them i try to train a mammal to be a prince of persia very strong and fast ... this is my new logo;imgrefurl=;usg=__gElei37GNiG4ycvwiexmXwgG76I=&amp;h=255&amp;w=233&amp;sz=24&amp;hl=en&amp;start=3&amp;zoom=1&amp;tbnid=ENYdk_xY9fAF7M:&amp;tbnh=111&amp;tbnw=101&amp;ei=z5EmTufWEKS50AGA-8XvCg&amprev=/search%3Fq%3Dpars%2Blogo%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26gbv%3D2%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D783%26tbm%3Disch&amp;itbs=1

and for now that we dont have the gun powder i ask the mammals to make gun shapes so when we have the gun powders we fill the guns with them and oh with the help of the physics we got i make a sentry gun and i try to make the ballistas and gun powders better and oh i make harder and lighter armors for my soldiers and i try to discover steel (oh come on can i just make the steel sooner i am bored trying to make and failed !)

i make some hidden spikes around the city so who ever attacked he will die and i try to make better and lighter armors for my riptonights !!and i try to make the flying mammals a bit inttlegenter and i try to make them stronger so they can fly fast and can carry a mammal !!!

and oh i try to aim the chest of the mammal

Charcoal! Another ingredient into gunpowder! Only one more! They advance in physics and chemistry but they already have mathematics. They can go scuba diving with a bucket on their head, breathing the air pocket... So you have chosen your banner, eh? (Dont worry, I got to the pic ) Why would they make gun shapes when they dont even know the future use of them? Only the Hollarazorspartans have the sentry guns. Its their invention. BLAST! You are still trying to make steel? Maybe you can make some using a more advanced (INSERT RANDOM BOLD CAPS WORD HERE) furnace! Spike traps areplaced all around the cities! You actually find a kind of flying mammal that is strong enough to carry a mammal! Try to aim at the chest of the mammal?

I advance all art by teaching Hollarazors and Mammals and all the Sentient Beings about: Sculpting with Rock, but it takes longer since there is no metal to make a chisel with, so instead the use another rock to sort of rub against it and wear it out so that it can form a statue. Maybe it is not the best statue, but its a start

Hey, its the classical age! Oh, and i name a certain Mammal... Leonardo Da Vinci... The best mammal with the best artistic ability

You are already in the classical era, so you have iron tools. More advanced sculpting! I think you are mistaking the classical era and the Rainasance (or hoverer the hell you spell it :P) era. This era is the era before the medieval ages.

Fawful allies with no one! Pasta or not!

The civilzation of now shall be trampled apon the chaotic forces of soon-to-be lizard men! Huzzah!

And razer, i dont know if your saying "thanx" with sarcasm or not, but seeing as i let the golem loose and cut my ties with it, i could care less if it dies.

Dont forget, you cant use lizards. The golem, you arent caring about it anymore, eh? Okaay...
6,257 posts

Jesus Christ is born! He does all the things in the new testament and more and they make Christianity(hopefully)

Also, I give fish a bit more "head space" for a bigger brain and more functions. Not too big though, so it won't impair their swimming

1,126 posts

Right...Thanks Razerules. In return, I send some masterful artists escorted by several many warriors to provide and share some of our creations, hopefully creating a peaceful alliance and monument to that relation.

Didn't I post something about our religion before? Use that idea. The religion is based on viewing on what gives and what is beautiful. The religion differs from region to region and is influenced by the artistic creations which is controlled by the Artisan leaders of that region.
They begin creating rafts/boats powered by Sea Serpents to travel to the shores of other continents/countries. Many begin migrating to the shores of South Africa. Although many in that desolate plain are dire in water and food, the excellent irrigation system assisted by the Sea Serpents help them bring more life into the savannas.

2,081 posts

not so much guns as cannon carts.


(tries mixing up some sulphur and some charcoal and some oil together)

lets see what this is going to make...

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