ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet

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This game is inspired by Larmus' "Create Earth" and ZombieFreak77's "Planet Reborn! Protect and Destroy Game". Both have been dropped. I already run Destroy the Planet 4, but I want this to be something like a counterpart to it. This will also have a storyline, and there will be goals. Let the creating begin!

First planet: Earth
Goal: Develop life

Earth, a giant molten rock, orbiting a young star, called Sun. Earth has been just created. But it is still a sphere of lava. The first task is to develop life. Can you do it?

Planet: Earth
Heat: Too hot
Atmosphere: 80% Nitrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 9% Water vapor 1% other gases
Condition: Mainly liquid
Life: Plants: None; Animals: None
Goal: Develop first life, create oxygen
Era: Precambrian

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1,285 posts


1,761 posts

I evolve my creature to be alot larger and more upright and and to stand on its hind legs by changing how its joints work. Then i soften its flesh makeing a deep black color. Then i spread around patchs of tan incredibly hard skin, with blue nerve bunchs. I would describe the whole thing, but i have a picture.

It will have a singular eye on the top, and feathers as doceration to blind into place even when they are camoflauged. If you need other parts of it explained, tell me. (i stole the picture off of sporepedia) This is a MASSIVE evolution

44 posts

My mini golems start living in small packs of about 4 or 5.

4,049 posts

I have my Hollarazors kill some of Darthnerds new Pets


1,761 posts

Uh, razer? Revenge for what? The only reason i ever attacked you, if you look back the pages, is because you would constantly hunt my golems and CONSTANTLY try to wipe them out and kill the mother brain.

44 posts

I iz haves golems, too! Well, soon. Maybe...

1,373 posts

The Sianians have developed their own ways of religion. Bihidism. An enlightened man once teached the people about the two gods, the god of life, and the god of death. The god fo life controlled all the things on Earth and the god of death all the things in the afterlife. The god of death wanted to expand his influence so he marched once with an army of souls to Earth to take it too. The people defended themself, under the lead of the god of life. They both fought... The god of death lost, he was ****ed to afterlife forever. The god of life could not hold it out anymore... He died and then he reincarned into someone from Sia... And that enlightened man claims that it is him.
Gorman, a new nation in northern Europe has risen.
Arabia expands and sets up colonies around the Mediterrain. The ships of this era cannot hold out sailing out into the ocean.
The ideas of Islam spread into Rim from the local Hollarazor colonies.

There are only two states now... Guess who...

Planet: Earth
Heat: Temperate-Cold
Atmosphere: 75% Nitrogen, 1% other gases, 24% Oxygen
Persia: Leader: King Artaxerxes II.; Population: 3 000; Races: Mammals (90%), Hollarazors (10%); Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Perseopolis
Saudi Arabia: Leader: Rakkal III.; Population: 2 500; Races: Hollarazors (85%), Hollarazorspartans (5%), Hybrids: (5%), Mammals (5)%; Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Mekka
Union of Serpent Tribes: Leader: Pergamentus I.; Population: 1 400; Races: Land serpents (100%); Religion: Artism (100%)
Rimian Republic: Leader: The Senate; Population: 1 400; Races: Hollarazor Hybrids (80%), Hollarazorspartans (15%), Hollarazors (5%); Religion: No Religion (100%); Capital: Rim
Yucan Empire: Leader: Inan Gohar; Population: 1 200; Races: Mammals (60%), Hollarazors (40%); Religion: Sun God (100%); Capital: Chiche Qitza
Sianian Kingdom: Leader: Karnahaegeh I.; Population: 1 200; Races: Hollarazors (70%), Mammals (25%), Hollarazorspartans (5%); Religion: No Religion (40%), Bihidism (60%)
Intelligent life:
Hollarazors: Tech level - 26; Classical era
Hollarazorspartans: Tech level - 25; Classical era
Hollarazor hybrids: Tech level - 24; Classical era
Mammals: Tech level 30; Medieval era
Serpents: Tech level: 21; Classical era
Life: Plants: Walking plants, ferns, Trees, Grass; Animals: Mammals, Fish, Sea serpents, Land Serpents, Insects, Metroids, Lizards; Others: Hollarazors+Sub-types, New golems
Goal: Develop a civilization
Year: 900 AC, 700 AR
Era: Pleistocene
Era ends in: 9 200 years
Progress to Sentience: Sea Serpents: 90%, Plants: 50%, Metroids: 50%, Fish: 24%, Insects: 22%, Swamp Lizards: 95%, Tigrex: 30%, Golems: 30%
Prison: Nobody

i start researching cannon carts.

basic idea of a cannon cart-a mobile cart which fires huge cannonballs at the enemy! it takes 2 to operate it and moves slower then most normal ground troops but it is a devastatingly strong thing on the battlefield! when it runs out of cannonballs... simply run over the enemies with it!

Cannons? I said simple bombs, no cannons yet.

I teach all sentient species about magnetism and they have a basic understanding of magnetism, and use that as a compass while marking North on the compass but no other directions(obviously it isnt that time yet to name all of them) Wooot go compasses!

Also, i would like to make my own species, if that's fine with your spore.

Maybe Riptozonians? They are a brute and muscular but very peaceful species that are very fit for fighting, but would rather not. They prefer using their bulk-like abilities for sports and competitions as a form of entertainment, and are smart enough not to make war unless it is the last option. They're outer skin is comparable to sheet metal, and are quite soft but stretchy inside, and their bones are pretty strong and durable. They can also see well in the dark and have enhanced smelling. They also have a resistance to common diseases(chicken pox, the common cold) and age slightly slowly, with the average life-span of 130. But the major downsides that keeps their other qualities balanced, is that they are able to only reproduce twice in their life time, at age 40 and age 100, and even then they only make the maximum of 3 babies each reproduction year.
Also, they are easily harmed by the cold and heat, for they are cold blooded, and easily friendly and naive, but like i said they are still averagely smart and not complete brutes. Last and not least, they cannot really "hear" anything for they are almost completely deaf, so deaf that a gun-shot to them will only be barely heard, so they have to make sign language.
If your not gonna approve, I understand

You as something like a "god", cannot literally teach them. But they can discover it. Thats what they did! They now have navigation to sail around deeper into the seas! Making your own species? Okay. What will it be? A mammal? Another Hollarazor sub-species? And why would you need a good brain if you are strong? You can rather solve your problems with muscle than with mind. Look at humans. Whimps compared to other species, both in senses and in strength. You cant just make something dominate everything with force and make it intelligent. Do you understand or should explain it more?

I create a Clock of my own but a water one!

The concept is that there is a big glass barrel or something with a tube at the bottem.

Now There is enough water in it for each 1 Hour(Big Barrel)...
But because the barrel is a bit big the clocks are scattered around the city so all the people can see it.

Also to check the time there are lines on the big glass barrel which will say how much has past....Each line will be 15 minutes..


-0 Minutes-
-15 Minutes-
-30 Minutes-
-45 Minutes-
-1 Hour-

Now instead of filling it is supposed to lower...When it comes to 1 Hour the barrel will be empty and 1 Hour has passed...

Also this water clock was used back in time

Also I manualy use a Ballista on Fire and shoot it at the Golems chest but before that I say one thing "You...Owe Me...Big Time >:3"

Also I Try to use some wood or something and try to create boats..
If we create them succefuly I then send the Boat's to the Hollarazor Spartan Country to we can trade.
Also I send some Boats to explore the World and tell us some secrets..
While also sending some Colony Boats..
They will go to maybe Europe(If they can)and maybe southern and western Africa but my main goal is to go to England!!!!

Also to keep my people happy I learn some people how to tame stuff like birds and stuff for pets but also some birds will be trained for war and for messeging allies

Also my Egyptian Hollarazors..I send them to expand on the other side of the Niles and a bit lower down the Nile...

Also To get the legendary Gunpowder I get some charcoal and
Potassium Nitrate(If I can)and mix them up to get good gunpowder.

Potassium Nitrate Is supposed to be Some Kind of salt or so as I read that on the Wikipedia

And last action:

I send an ally message to all Civilizations!!!!

To get to Yuca I have the most trained Message bird fly to there but with some Help..
I send a boat with the Bird a bit close and then send it to fly to the Yuca!!!

Also I offer some more trade routs such as to the serpents,Hollarazorspartans,To rim and to Sia!!!

You make a water clock! Good for tracking time! But not in a desert. Water is a bit sparse in the deserts your empire is mostly in... The golem is destroyed... There is not that much wood in the deserts but there is some. You can make boats. But the boats of this era are not made for sailing in the oceans, they are coastline transporters. You can sail around the coasts only now, and not for too long. You make some colonies near Rim though, and on the African coast. Rim refused the Alliance, claiming they dont need anyone to protect them. The city states are too busy with their inner wars now. Sulphur, Charcoal and Pottasium nitrate, a.k.a. Niter or Saltpetre. You make gunpowder! You cant send mail birds over the ocean. Why? 2 things.
1. Birds have never evolved in this world.
2. Even mail pigeons send messages only to their home. You would need a bird from Yuca to send mail there, and that is not possible.

I evolve the tigers by fusing them to the nearby pterosaur fossils creating the Tigrex. They are not sentient, but are huge and a pain in the buttock to kill. I make them take up all of Asia.. I give them the concept of hunting.

You evolve a feline-pterosaur... thing... If they are really so hard to kill, they dont have to THINK about ways to survive. They can use muscle instead of brain. Okay, but they hunt. Ill count them into mammals on the life bar. Not on the progress bar though.

Yes, I am starting from scratch. If approved, they become fascinated with other living things. They begin to collect seeds and snippets from plants for decoration of their dens, etc.

You make golems. They arent really intelligent yet... They have to be more intelligent to think about stuff, for now they only have think out new ways to survive.

In a blast furnace, fuel and ore are continuously supplied through the top of the furnace, while air (sometimes with oxygen enrichment) is blown into the bottom of the chamber, so that the chemical reactions take place throughout the furnace as the material moves downward. The end products are usually molten metal and slag phases tapped from the bottom, and flue gases exiting from the top of the furnace.

i do this and if i can make steel now i upgrade my soldiers armor to steel my flying mammals to and riptonights armor to !!! they all now have super armors we will be immortal and oh my immortals remember ? make super armors for them the have beautiful arts on their armor... i make guns rifles and automatics to if can with the help of the physics we got !!)insted of gunpowder guns i make cartridge so we have faster guns and ...and oh i wont trade the way of gun powder its mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!and oooooooooooh a war wich sides i can shoose wich sides are the leaders in that way i can choose where to join i just really love to test my guns in the war field !!!and oh with the help of gun powder i make bobms and poot them in artileries and mortars and cannons if moretar and artilerie isnt available i just make the cannon and if cannon power and status better than cataupults and balistas i replace it with them ...
and i make clock machine clock that works with gear wheel and wheelwork and gear with the help of great physics we got !!!

and i make all of our boats with cannons ...

i buy 10000 soldiers from the mammal villages and some from hollas cause our emperory hasnt got very soldiers i know that the tribes count as soldiers but our emperory dosnt got a lot of pop and i try to force the villagers leaders not the ppl but the leaders to join cause theyl be like immortals theyl have loxury and gold and ... and their ppl will live happili ever after !!!!(why my pop dosnt rise ?)and i dont force the leaders of villagers a lot just little cause i dont want war beetween mammals and if they didnt accept and wanted war i appokegise from them and give them some gold for forgivness

i try to find out whats electricity !!!i try to make better and better gunpowders !!!and oh my soldiers dont just use guns they are melee masters to theil have bows and arrows on their back and a spear and a sword and a shield to so when they out of gun ammo use melee !!

i make my ninjas super light and strong steel armor and i paint it black and i send them to see the wars that are available and wich side is winning and wich side is loosing !

i try to make underground sewers and pipes to each house for water and ...

i make counters theese ppl each 10 years go and count the pop of persia write the names of the ppl it dosnt matter that the ppl are kid or old they write the name and age and make two copy of them one goes to the police station one to the king documents

i expand my libraries i expand my art and make theaters !!

i make especial guard these guards just work for merchants yes merchants these guards are from the army or outside but they are well trained and they fight for the merchants of persia if the merchants got attacked they will destroy the threat i make some little bombs for my ninjas they are smaller and lighter then cannon bombs and they are throwable if hit the ground hard will exclode kaaaa boooom !!!

i expand the ways of our surgaries simple brain surgeries stomache surgeries i available these and ....

i make more hospitals i make more firefighters i make more police stations i make more of every building that is good ....

i make my city lots of statues lots of flowers and i make the green ppl clean it faster cause i give them better equipment for cleanning and i make a day in year for them !!!i name a year green ppl day !!

and a day i name it persia ppl day !!and a day persia tribe ppl day !!!and a day kings day !!!

il try to reach golden age !!!!(for now i think its enough cause i am ding from writing !

Witha blast furnace you refine the iron, making steel! Welcome to the medieval era... You make hevier armor for your troops. The flying mammals cant fly with heavy armor, and you havent got them fully under control. They rae like tamed animals, not intelligent. No, no guns or cannons yet. Its just the beginning of the medieval era. And no electricity either. How can you hire 10 000 soldiers if your empire hasnt even got such a population? I think I should make the pop. of all empires WAY bigger... Its not really realistic now... You cannot make light steel, only if really thin, that would be not a good kind of armor. Ninjas arent made to have strong armor, they are sneaky and stealthy. Brain surgeries?! This is the medieval era! In these times surgeries kill more people than they help! You and most of the others are already enjoying a peacful golden age.


What? No... You cant just say poof and there goes a race. You have to explain how.

I evolve my creature to be alot larger and more upright and and to stand on its hind legs by changing how its joints work. Then i soften its flesh makeing a deep black color. Then i spread around patchs of tan incredibly hard skin, with blue nerve bunchs. I would describe the whole thing, but i have a picture.

It will have a singular eye on the top, and feathers as doceration to blind into place even when they are camoflauged. If you need other parts of it explained, tell me. (i stole the picture off of sporepedia) This is a MASSIVE evolution

Lol, a spore creature XD Havent played spore in a while... Well...
You give them all the stuff, changing them mainly visually. But they become upright too.

My mini golems start living in small packs of about 4 or 5.

The packs become small groups of 10-15!

I have my Hollarazors kill some of Darthnerds new Pets


He said they live in swamps. Your empire is mainly a desert. You have no acces to them.
1,255 posts

of cource we can have brain surgeries cause eygeptions had 4000 years ago but they had and i am sure i try to make flying mammals intelegenter and stronger and oh for thanking darthnerd i send 3 or 4 scintists to help them to evolve better and i send them some resources so they can have better lifes and i make little houses for them so they can live in it and i try to make guns little guns not strong guns just some little guns that commanders of army can have it (and pleasss can we have like 100000 pop and others around this number i mean can all the civilizations more than 50000 more ppl !!)and like i sed i dont make heavy armors i sed light armors for the flying mammals and the riptonights (and i cant see these type of animals in the life section i mean riptonights and flying mammals)i try to teach my army more martial arts like ninjutsu like jujitsu like karate like taekwondo and ... so my army knows how to fight without a weapon like in some situwations if my army got attacked nad lost their weapons if the enemy attacked with weapons they can kill the enemy with bare hands and the techniqus they got !!

i try to make steel weapons and armor for my army !!! now we are the best army in the planet !!i dont give my technologies to anyone from now but if i want i will give !

i make steel walls around the city for more protection !!!

and in war i choose sparta il help them !!!il help them to be the country that wins !!i try to research for more weapons and i try to make big guns like rifles !!i try to use the gunpowder to make small little bombs

and oh i almost forgot can you write (GOLDEN AGE)front of my civilization name ?

i try to make more water ways near my castle and civilization cause in asia is hot !!!!!!!

and oh you know why i choosed asia ? cause who ever ties to attack me will first be tired in the hot hot hot weather and deserts !!!!

i make big fire places on top of each mountain and i put a mammals there that way if one saws a enemy he turns the fire on the next mountain sees it two than it will continue till the city gets alerted !!(nice security system ey ?)

i try to teach mammals to dance !!! and i make their happiness more !!

i try to advanch in maths science and physics and biology and ...

2,081 posts

i build a blast furnace and send the hollarazorspartans out to conquer the frosted lands!

1,255 posts

how you want to create a blast furnace you cant cause you dont have the technology !

4,049 posts

I tell the Hollarazors to Upgrade the schools I built before by adding more classes and By adding books to it so that they can read about stuff...

Also I make a library which i forgot -_-'

Also I upgrade my Weaponry by making swords,Daggers,Staffs,Sheilds and Armor...

Also I try to expand my Colony in Europe a bit more In Europe...

Also I tell to rim "We are asking for an alliance to be able to trade goods and technology...Also to share critical intel if an enemy rises!"

Now to Mutate the Planet a bit

I add Bushes to the Planet...Some even have some fruit on them which are mostly eadible!

Also I add Desert Trees which are Mutated Trees that have the ability to withstand massive heat!
They grow as big as a normal tree an have a lot of branches as a normal tree...The only problem is that the trees do not have Leaves but Seed Branches which are small branches that fall to the ground..
Then it somehow plants itself to the ground and then grows to a Fully Grown Desert Tree

Now that is done I go back to a few more actions...

I Have the Hollarazors look at the sky when it is Night and when it is Day...

I tell that the Yellow thing in the Day is the sun which keeps Earth alive and I tell them that the big white thing in the Night is The Moon and is surronded by many stars...Also I tell them that the Stars are Suns....Also I tell them that they can make art from the stars by making patterns with the stars

Also I Teach them about days,Months and years!
I tell them "There are In-Finite years on this world but there are only 12 Months....Each Month has either 30 or 31 Days....But only one of those Months which is the second month has 28 days but every 4 years it has 29 days!!

44 posts

Yay!!!!!!!!! My golems live!!!!!!!
@spore maniac
Ok, have u heard of the bower bird? It is the only other animal on Earth IRL that kills other animals ffor decoration of their dens. Besides humans. They kill betles and take berries and leaves to decorate their houses. Thats kinda what I want my golems to do.

36 posts

The sea serpen move a bit to the coasts (Pacific Ocean)and discover a warmer, more 'habitable'lace in the ocean with beautiful coral reefs which gives them a place to settle their first settlements.

1,761 posts

My creatures shall learn to store their kills when they are not inneed of food for when their creatures used for food are lacking in numbers! They shall hang them on trees!

44 posts

Hey, darthnerd, im bringin back da golems!! Wanna help?

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