ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet

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1,373 posts

This game is inspired by Larmus' "Create Earth" and ZombieFreak77's "Planet Reborn! Protect and Destroy Game". Both have been dropped. I already run Destroy the Planet 4, but I want this to be something like a counterpart to it. This will also have a storyline, and there will be goals. Let the creating begin!

First planet: Earth
Goal: Develop life

Earth, a giant molten rock, orbiting a young star, called Sun. Earth has been just created. But it is still a sphere of lava. The first task is to develop life. Can you do it?

Planet: Earth
Heat: Too hot
Atmosphere: 80% Nitrogen, 10% Carbon dioxide, 9% Water vapor 1% other gases
Condition: Mainly liquid
Life: Plants: None; Animals: None
Goal: Develop first life, create oxygen
Era: Precambrian

  • 837 Replies
1,761 posts

No. Your golems are different then mine, and i abandened mine for a reason.

36 posts

They could learn about different kinds of coral reefs and fish that live in!

6,257 posts

Riptizonians are reptiles, very sensitive to temperature. And your right, maybe they shouldn't all be too smart. But at least give them common sense? I don't want my guys to be like animals for wars just because they've been offered, well i don't know, simply chocolate???
My guys are like, how would you put it, a tool for war that has also been used for good things? Like fire. Fire can be a destruction(flamethrowers, grenades, etc) but humanity has shaped it for other purposes it is meant to have(cooking, torchlight, furnace, etc)
Lets put my guys in the picture, roaming around lets say, Mexico.
Or wherever you decide, but remember, they are cold blooded so yeah.

3,426 posts

I cause a deformity in the Tigrex to turn huge and pitch black. I then cause meteors to hit the water and open to reveal obsidian. First to find gets the same deformity in the species.

3,426 posts

Also, they can be found in a matter of seconds when you enter the rest of Asia not inhabited by any species. You can see them if you just stare out in the distance.

44 posts

Okay, darthnerd. And... I have nothing else to say.

1,126 posts

If you've actually read up on the sea serpents, you'd know they made their nests in artificial underwater caves and are working/slaving for the land serpents which are my domain.

Anyways, the Land Serpents develop even greater eyesight and optics that, from large towers or mountain tops, can see for many miles. For the artisans, their greater vision produces more refined art that stimulates emotions. For the warriors, they can trace the tiny wiggles of prey to capture many of the stealthiest creatures. They continue sending diplomats to the Hollerazors to share their discoveries. The Land Serpents continue spreading their influence and population across South Africa.

Development of the Sea Serpents- I haven't done it in awhile. They begin growing more thumb-like protrusions to carry larger and more objects. In contrast to the Land Serpents, the Sea Serpents have become paler and substituted the vision for light that has become more vesicle for heat vision. For this complication, the Land Serpents have developed a basic heat sensed art that is basically objects wrapped in fire.

1,373 posts

The Arabian colony in Europe revolted against the mainland. It was hardly accesible from the mainland. Rim expands... Rim also makes up its own ways based on the Hollarazorspartan ways. Gorman does so too. Both of them are Plytheistic, they have more than one god.

Sparta is expanding... Athens loses all of its teritorry in Asia Minor to Persia.

Planet: Earth
Heat: Temperate-Cold
Atmosphere: 75% Nitrogen, 1% other gases, 24% Oxygen
Persia: Leader: King Xerxes III.; Population: 320 000; Races: Mammals (90%), Hollarazors (10%); Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Perseopolis

Saudi Arabia: Leader: Rakkal IV.; Population: 230 000; Races: Hollarazors (85%), Hollarazorspartans (5%), Hybrids: (5%), Mammals (5)%; Religion: Islam (100%); Capital: Mekka

Union of Serpent Tribes: Leader: Raggentix I.; Population: 150 000; Races: Land serpents (100%); Religion: Artism (100%); Capital: Serpas

Rimian Republic: Leader: The Senate; Population: 200 000; Races: Hollarazor Hybrids (80%), Hollarazorspartans (15%), Hollarazors (5%); Religion: Islam (20%), Rimian Paganism (80%); Capital: Rim

Yucan Empire: Leader: Inan Gohar; Population: 170 000; Races: Mammals (60%), Hollarazors (40%); Religion: Sun God (100%); Capital: Chiche Qitza

Sianian Kingdom: Leader: Ramankaeheng II.; Population: 150 000; Races: Hollarazors (70%), Mammals (25%), Hollarazorspartans (5%); Religion: Islam (10%), Bihidism (90%); Capital: Bangh-Kog

Gorman Tribes: Leader: Bunduk I.; Population: 150 000; Races: Mammals (40%), Hollarazors (55%), Hollarazorspartans (5%); Religion: Gorman Paganism (95%), Islam (5%); Capital: Harghaga

Certhag: Leader: Gerhed I.; Population: 90 000; Races: Hollarazors: 20%, Hollarazor hybrids: 75%, Hollarazorspartans: 5%; Religion: Islam (60%), Rimian Paganism (25%), Gorman Paganism (15%)
Intelligent life:
Hollarazors: Tech level - 28; Classical era
Hollarazorspartans: Tech level - 25; Classical era
Hollarazor hybrids: Tech level - 24; Classical era
Mammals: Tech level 30; Medieval era
Serpents: Tech level: 23; Classical era
Life: Plants: Walking plants, ferns, Trees, Grass; Animals: Mammals, Fish, Sea serpents, Land Serpents, Insects, Metroids, Lizards; Others: Hollarazors+Sub-types, New golems
Goal: Develop a civilization
Year: 1 000 AC, 800 AR
Era: Pleistocene
Era ends in: 9 100 years
Progress to Sentience: Sea Serpents: 96%, Plants: 50%, Metroids: 50%, Fish: 24%, Insects: 22%, Swamp Lizards: 98%, Tigrex: 30%, Golems: 35%
Prison: Nobody

Yes, the populations were really unrealistic... Now I improved them a bit to be more realistic.

of cource we can have brain surgeries cause eygeptions had 4000 years ago but they had and i am sure i try to make flying mammals intelegenter and stronger and oh for thanking darthnerd i send 3 or 4 scintists to help them to evolve better and i send them some resources so they can have better lifes and i make little houses for them so they can live in it and i try to make guns little guns not strong guns just some little guns that commanders of army can have it (and pleasss can we have like 100000 pop and others around this number i mean can all the civilizations more than 50000 more ppl !!)and like i sed i dont make heavy armors i sed light armors for the flying mammals and the riptonights (and i cant see these type of animals in the life section i mean riptonights and flying mammals)i try to teach my army more martial arts like ninjutsu like jujitsu like karate like taekwondo and ... so my army knows how to fight without a weapon like in some situwations if my army got attacked nad lost their weapons if the enemy attacked with weapons they can kill the enemy with bare hands and the techniqus they got !!

i try to make steel weapons and armor for my army !!! now we are the best army in the planet !!i dont give my technologies to anyone from now but if i want i will give !

i make steel walls around the city for more protection !!!

and in war i choose sparta il help them !!!il help them to be the country that wins !!i try to research for more weapons and i try to make big guns like rifles !!i try to use the gunpowder to make small little bombs

and oh i almost forgot can you write (GOLDEN AGE)front of my civilization name ?

i try to make more water ways near my castle and civilization cause in asia is hot !!!!!!!

and oh you know why i choosed asia ? cause who ever ties to attack me will first be tired in the hot hot hot weather and deserts !!!!

i make big fire places on top of each mountain and i put a mammals there that way if one saws a enemy he turns the fire on the next mountain sees it two than it will continue till the city gets alerted !!(nice security system ey ?)

i try to teach mammals to dance !!! and i make their happiness more !!

i try to advanch in maths science and physics and biology and ...

No you cant have brain surgeries. The Egyptians only took out the brains when mummifying their pharaos... DarthNerds creatures are just animals now. They wont understand anything the scientists want to teach them. They must evolve first on their own. But they are close to sentience. Steel is simply too heavy, if you want to make light steel armor, you would have to make it really thin, and that would give almost no defence. No, sorry, no guns yet. Okay, you teach your soldiers new techniques, but imagine a battle beetween someone heavily armored and someone who has only his bare hands... You make first small bombs. The Chinese had them a long time ago too. Nah, I dont think that a golden age affects much. Its not much of an important factor.... Yes, it is hot in Asia, but thats today. This Earth is just getting into an Ice age. It is dry there, but cold. The tower system is a good system to protect a country. Many countries used it.

i build a blast furnace and send the hollarazorspartans out to conquer the frosted lands!

They are too busy with their inner wars now, you must solve out those first.

The sea serpen move a bit to the coasts (Pacific Ocean)and discover a warmer, more 'habitable'lace in the ocean with beautiful coral reefs which gives them a place to settle their first settlements.

The seas arent warm enough to support large coral reefs. An I ce age is dawning.

how you want to create a blast furnace you cant cause you dont have the technology !

Many times two people far away from each other, separately made the same idea. For example, Lavoiser, a Frenchman and Lomonosov a Russian, figured out that elements after chemical reactions keep the same mass. And completely separately they did it. He can do it too...

I tell the Hollarazors to Upgrade the schools I built before by adding more classes and By adding books to it so that they can read about stuff...

Also I make a library which i forgot -_-'

Also I upgrade my Weaponry by making swords,Daggers,Staffs,Sheilds and Armor...

Also I try to expand my Colony in Europe a bit more In Europe...

Also I tell to rim "We are asking for an alliance to be able to trade goods and technology...Also to share critical intel if an enemy rises!"

Now to Mutate the Planet a bit

I add Bushes to the Planet...Some even have some fruit on them which are mostly eadible!

Also I add Desert Trees which are Mutated Trees that have the ability to withstand massive heat!
They grow as big as a normal tree an have a lot of branches as a normal tree...The only problem is that the trees do not have Leaves but Seed Branches which are small branches that fall to the ground..
Then it somehow plants itself to the ground and then grows to a Fully Grown Desert Tree

Now that is done I go back to a few more actions...

I Have the Hollarazors look at the sky when it is Night and when it is Day...

I tell that the Yellow thing in the Day is the sun which keeps Earth alive and I tell them that the big white thing in the Night is The Moon and is surronded by many stars...Also I tell them that the Stars are Suns....Also I tell them that they can make art from the stars by making patterns with the stars

Also I Teach them about days,Months and years!
I tell them "There are In-Finite years on this world but there are only 12 Months....Each Month has either 30 or 31 Days....But only one of those Months which is the second month has 28 days but every 4 years it has 29 days!!

The education system improved. Weapons improved. The colony revolted! It is hard to control distant regions in these times... Rim disagrees: "The senate agrees that we can take care for ourselves. We will call for help when we really need it."
The bushes and trees are spreading. Withstanding heat on the beginning of an ice age? Well... They already know the basics of astronomy. But they see pictures in the stars... Different from the ones that we have now though. It is about 10k years before today and stars move.

Yay!!!!!!!!! My golems live!!!!!!!
@spore maniac
Ok, have u heard of the bower bird? It is the only other animal on Earth IRL that kills other animals ffor decoration of their dens. Besides humans. They kill betles and take berries and leaves to decorate their houses. Thats kinda what I want my golems to do.

I have heard about birds that decorate their nests, but this is the first time I hear of something killing to decorate. Your golems do it too. Intelligence increase.

My creatures shall learn to store their kills when they are not inneed of food for when their creatures used for food are lacking in numbers! They shall hang them on trees!

They are protecting their food like leopards! Pulling it up onto trees.

They could learn about different kinds of coral reefs and fish that live in!

Maybe not corals but fish and sea plants. They learn to recognize them. Intelligence increased!

Riptizonians are reptiles, very sensitive to temperature. And your right, maybe they shouldn't all be too smart. But at least give them common sense? I don't want my guys to be like animals for wars just because they've been offered, well i don't know, simply chocolate???
My guys are like, how would you put it, a tool for war that has also been used for good things? Like fire. Fire can be a destruction(flamethrowers, grenades, etc) but humanity has shaped it for other purposes it is meant to have(cooking, torchlight, furnace, etc)
Lets put my guys in the picture, roaming around lets say, Mexico.
Or wherever you decide, but remember, they are cold blooded so yeah.

All reptiles but the serpents went extinct. You may still evolve them from serpents. Everything else is okay.

I cause a deformity in the Tigrex to turn huge and pitch black. I then cause meteors to hit the water and open to reveal obsidian. First to find gets the same deformity in the species.

I hope you dont mean some kind of magical mutation... Like shadow animals... No, I dont allow magic but as far as you said it it is okay. I decide when major events happen to the climate, like a meteor or an ice age. But normal obsidian is okay.

If you've actually read up on the sea serpents, you'd know they made their nests in artificial underwater caves and are working/slaving for the land serpents which are my domain.

Anyways, the Land Serpents develop even greater eyesight and optics that, from large towers or mountain tops, can see for many miles. For the artisans, their greater vision produces more refined art that stimulates emotions. For the warriors, they can trace the tiny wiggles of prey to capture many of the stealthiest creatures. They continue sending diplomats to the Hollerazors to share their discoveries. The Land Serpents continue spreading their influence and population across South Africa.

Development of the Sea Serpents- I haven't done it in awhile. They begin growing more thumb-like protrusions to carry larger and more objects. In contrast to the Land Serpents, the Sea Serpents have become paler and substituted the vision for light that has become more vesicle for heat vision. For this complication, the Land Serpents have developed a basic heat sensed art that is basically objects wrapped in fire.

Yes, but I allow people to make their own spin-off sub-species. The main species may work for the land serpents but there are still surely some wild ones swimming around somewhere. Increased vision makes some things useless. Tech level decrease. But you get some technologies from Arabia. You devlop them both. Sea serpent intelligence increase.
6,257 posts

Fine I evolve Riptizonians from Serpents.

6,800 posts

Can I join in? If so, how?

4,049 posts

I ask the Mammals for some of there Technology!

Also you forgot to add bushes and the desert trees in the Plant thingy...

Also I add Pine Trees and stuff which are trees that can survive in very cold regions...And even in the Ice Age!

Also One question...If my People in Europe are gone...Why did the Mammals take over...Now I am sad

Also I expand trough africa a lot!!!

Also I Build castles but if I have created them Before I upgrade them!!

Also I attack the Serpents so that they fall back from africa!!!

But before that I make Generals and officers and stuff in the Hollarazor Army which will take full control of the army attacking...

Also I use the Gunpowder to great scientists and have them create explosives or something which I will use in my attacking army...

Also I send some Kings and stuff on Colony ships which will go to India and Make a Colony there but as there are kings there it should stay there...

Also I have a Propaganda of Islam to the other states!

1,761 posts

I have my creatures named Delta's! Then i have them collect fallen dead wood and to stick it into the trees to make sort of a roof, to protect from rain during the comeing ice age! Then i have them collect other wood and stab it into tree's around their swamp, to protect from other animals.

44 posts

Ok, ummm... I dont know how to increase my golem's intelligence...

44 posts

Ooh, ooh! I have my golems find out that geothermal vents, valcanoes, etc. produce heat so they start living by them so they can produce energy faster. Also, can you keep track of how many posts until the ice age? Please?

2,081 posts

i go to see how bad the conflicts are.

0%-no conflict.
20%-the conflict is not enough for me to bother about.
40%-minor battling.
60%-small wars held. the part where i can and will get involved.
80%-very large wars are held. if this is the case then i will get an army and force the wars to end.
100%-world wars held. if this is the case then i turn the average heat of the earth from its normal volume to 3X normal heat.
120%-everyone for themself. including me.
150%-probably the part where players start getting killed themselves.

Showing 646-660 of 837