After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
I create an aids cure. herpaderp. and pickpocket, no more pokemon moves. I make a tornado out of plants and vines, that grab GC members and suck them inside the tornado, which i put seed bombs that spin around until i tell them to explode.
the tornado sucks in calvin, pickpocket, and snowguy, spinning around, causing dizzyness and confusion, and i then explode the seed bombs.
then i make a mini me outside of the tornado that kills the venus flytrapbefore you know it i make a normal size guy out of the remains of the venus flytrap and they kick koru around till you fall in the water and i make a seaweed thing to make you drowned and i make a butter guy to keep you down there. GC
I throw a bunch of seed grenades at emp. They blow up in his face, causing him to lose concentration, therefore losing his mini people. While there's a shroud of smoke around him, me and pohlhammer escape to camp.
What the...? What mini people? Anyway I'm still at camp so that attack never happened.