After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
wwedfan1, we're equally matched. and butter guy? I can control the plant guy too. I destroy the plant guy. I go back to camp until someone gets it in their head to change your armatar.
@emp if you thoroughly read all the posts, then you would understand that they were thrown at wwedfan1
Let's find out...
i use leach seed on koru then i use vine whip on you over and over then i make a tiny me with the same moves made of plants and it attacks you till you beg for mercy.
Ok so wwedfan1 made a mini-dude...
I throw a bunch of seed grenades at emp. They blow up in his face, causing him to lose concentration, therefore losing his mini people. While there's a shroud of smoke around him, me and pohlhammer escape to camp.
but Koru7 clearly decided to attack me for some reason, even though I was already at camp, instead of attacking wwedfan1. And apparently the mini-dude reproduced and made mini-people.
I throw a bunch of seed grenades at emp. They blow up in his face, causing him to lose concentration, therefore losing his mini people. While there's a shroud of smoke around him, me and pohlhammer escape to camp.
and then....
Sorry same post but thrown at wwedfan.
if you saw the post after it, then you would have known. and i wasn't being mean snowguy. just stating facts.
ok, i spend hours making a cure that beat the impossible. i then drink the cure. I summon giant trees, and plants to suspend the whale in midair, then from the plants, make a catapult, which then is thrown at snowguy and calvinkidd, right after snowguy transforms into a real boy!
I'm walking around the area (bc JG says I dnt have Chibbles anymore >.< And notice all these creature and things Koru has flung at snowguy and calvinkidd... I run at them, gather them in my arms and push them out of the way...falling on the ground....