[quote]Name:William cortez
Player: Holladay15
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Battle sorcerer 5/ Dragon Discple 7
Level: 12
Level Equivalency: 12
Alignment: LE
Languages: common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Celestial, Infernal, Undercommon
Str: 20
Dex: 12
Con: 19
Int: 16
Wis: 10
Cha: 14
Fort Save:6
Ref Save:3
Will Save:9
Hit Points: 100
Attack Bonus: +12/+7
Damage Bonus: 4
Base Attack Bonus: +8/+3
AC: 12
Off Hand: light crossbow
Primary Hand: Spiked Gaunlet, light mace
Miscellaneous: leather, spell component pouch, monks oufit, meal (10), feeding (10), , millitary saddle,
GP: 37,000
Feats: Improved counterspell, Silent spell,
Class Feats: Natural armor increase (+3), Ability boost (+4 Str) (+2 con), Claws and bite, Breath weapon (blue) lightning,
Blindsense (30 ft.)
Skills: Concentration [10], Knowledge (arcana) [10], Spellcraft [10], Intimidation [10], Craft [8], Diplomacy [4],
Listen [6], Search, [4], Spot [5], Speak Language [4]
Spells: Detect Poison lv.0 , Read magic lv.0, Touch of fatigue lv.0, Mage hand lv.0, Message lv.0, ghost sound lv.0,
Burning hands lv.1 5d4, sleep lv.1, Disguise self 1v.1, Floating disk lv.1 500 lb, Mirror image lv. 2 (2),
flaming sphere lv.2[/quote]
There isn't much t buy so, yeah there it is.