This is basically the same game as the one that has been running for quite a while, but it will be all official material, no house rules or non-rulebook sources of any kind, and I may enforce mandatory characters if things get too far out of hand (TRF has said that things were getting carried away in the other game). I also want chracter and OOC dialouge to be better managed, in other words don't fill this game up with a bunch of meaningless chatter (If all you want to do is talk about something, do it in the other game). New players are always welcome, and in fact encouraged, even if you don't own any of the books or know any of the rules. If any new players want to join, see the other game for rules, give me a race and class, and I will take care of the rest. As soon as at least 4 characters are made, this game will begin. The module I am using is a DCC, known as "The Black Pearl" (and I don't mean the ship from Pirates of the Caribbean)
It appears Dibs's laptop is dead. Everybody disregard the two girls and we will instead introduce Ho.
also, here is your revised sheet. I just fixed up a few typos, fixed capitalization, edited a few minor mistakes and made the spells easier to read. Everything else is still the same, though.
Name: William Cortez Player: Holladay15 Age: 34 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Battle Sorcerer 5/ Dragon Disciple 7 Level: 12 Level Equivalency: 12 Alignment: LE Languages: Common, Draconic, Elven, Dwarven, Celestial, Infernal, Undercommon ------Attributes---------- Str: 26 Dex: 12 Con: 19 Int: 16 Wis: 10 Cha: 16 Fort Save:6 Ref Save:3 Will Save:9 Hit Points: 100 Attack Bonus: +12/+7 Damage Bonus: 4 Base Attack Bonus: +8/+3 AC: 16 ------------------Equipment------------------------------- Off Hand: Light Crossbow Primary Hand: Spiked Gauntlets, Light Mace Miscellaneous: Leather Armor, Spell Component Pouch, Heavy Warhorse, Military Saddle, Belt of Giant Strength +6, Horseshoes of Zephyr, Cloak of Charisma +2, Adventure Kit GP: 500 -------Feats/Spells/Abilities/Etc.------------ Feats: Improved Counterspell, Silent Spell Class Features: Natural Armor Increase (+3), Ability Boost (+4 Str) (+2 con), Claws (1d4), Bite (1d6), Breath Weapon (Line of Lightning, 4d8, 1/day), Blindsense (30 ft.) Skills: Concentration [10], Knowledge (Arcana) [10], Spellcraft [10], Intimidation [10], Craft [8], Diplomacy [4], Listen [6], Search, [4], Spot [5], Speak Language [4] Spells: Lvl 0: Detect Poison, Read Magic, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Han, Message, Ghost Sounds Lvl 1: Burning Hands, Sleep, Disguise Self, Floating Disk, Mirror image Lvl 2: Flaming Sphere