From the looks of it they are stronger than most primary weapons if you use both of them, and having one of them matches most primary weapons, especially with the specialist perk package. The problem is that machine pistols should not be this strong, and if they want to keep them in the game then they should at least put them in the SMG category and tone down the strength. You need to balance the weapons.
Its kinda like Akimbo G18s in MW2. Provided you don't get too close, you really don't have much to worry about. From the clips I've seen on Youtube, no one has killed anyone outside of say, 50 feet. Most AR kills are at about 100-150 Feet.
If its anything like MW2, than the vast majority of the machine pistols are only going to be good at akimbo. The M93 Raffica was the exception, though it may have had more to do with the fact that you could accurately place rounds on a target with a few burst, rather than emptying a clip.
On a side note, I peeked underneath the wrapping paper, and I've gotten MW3. I'm comtemplating switching the disk out, then rewrapping it. I dunno yet.
Its kinda like Akimbo G18s in MW2. Provided you don't get too close, you really don't have much to worry about. From the clips I've seen on Youtube, no one has killed anyone outside of say, 50 feet. Most AR kills are at about 100-150 Feet
The maps aren't large, though, and whoever shoots from that far away is doing it wrong. The maps I played a few days ago, probably all/most of them were small-medium type maps. Assault rifles are pretty much useless in this game from what I can tell, just get that one SMG that looks like a water gun. I forgot what it was called, but the clip is like a bottle type thing that goes right under the barrel, and it's very strong from the videos I've seen.
The maps aren't large, though, and whoever shoots from that far away is doing it wrong. The maps I played a few days ago, probably all/most of them were small-medium type maps. Assault rifles are pretty much useless in this game from what I can tell, just get that one SMG that looks like a water gun. I forgot what it was called, but the clip is like a bottle type thing that goes right under the barrel, and it's very strong from the videos I've seen.
Blergh. I hate SMGs with the the passion of a 1000 burning suns. Vector in MW2, UMP when I'm bored, Uzi when I just don't care anymore, which is often. I ussualy do better when I don't even try, it seems. :/
Sniping is what I'm really good at, so if all the maps are small, I'll probably hate the online.
Question: Whats with the ranking in Spec Ops and the Wave mode? Haven't heard much about anything really...
Sniping is what I'm really good at, so if all the maps are small, I'll probably hate the online.
Well, there are several spots where you can find to snipe from, but a person will most likely come behind you or something and take you out. I don't think MW3 was really made for sniping since there are so many people running around the maps with high rate of fire guns.
Whats with the ranking in Spec Ops and the Wave mode?
Getting a higher rank means you unlock more things you can purchase from the care packages. And the wave mode is similar to that of zombies in Black Ops and World at War. You kill off all the enemy soldiers, you have 30 or so seconds to do whatever you want, then another wave of them come. With better weapons, more accuracy, and stronger.
I don't think MW3 was really made for sniping since there are so many people running around the maps with high rate of fire guns
You clearly have not seen me snipe. I've developed an uncanny sense to figure out when someone is coming up behind me. Ussualy works, most of the time.
Thats still dissapointing though. Maps like Wasteland were my favorite.
Getting a higher rank means you unlock more things you can purchase from the care packages. And the wave mode is similar to that of zombies in Black Ops and World at War. You kill off all the enemy soldiers, you have 30 or so seconds to do whatever you want, then another wave of them come. With better weapons, more accuracy, and stronger.
So the SMG is called PP90M1. I haven't gotten the chance to play with it, but from what I can tell it's really good, and probably the best thing to use since most things are close quarter. That gun and the dual FMG9's make every other gun irrelevant.
So the SMG is called PP90M1. I haven't gotten the chance to play with it, but from what I can tell it's really good, and probably the best thing to use since most things are close quarter. That gun and the dual FMG9's make every other gun irrelevant.
I love the PP90M1! I really like it with the Red Dot Sight, and Overkill with the MP7.
Ehh, it's a pretty good gun, but it has no power. It's too weak and shaky. I'm still using the Scar-L with suppressor. I'm loving it and I think it's the best gun in the game.
Using the ACR with Red dot sight. I always use Sleight of Hand, because reloading is a waste of time. Also using double FMG9's. I'm gonna try this glitch in the morning