I left this out, but "real gun" as in you're comparing CoD to real life...? People don't 360 in the air and kill people with knives, a tomahawk doesn't bounce five difference times and happens to kill someone a hundred yards away, pull up scopes that quickly and get a shot off against a person five feet away with a gun with a high rate of fire, and other ridiculous things that happen in those games.
People also don't get shot five times in the gut by an Ak47, go prone behind a peice of aluminium siding, then magically get healed. But hey, whose complaining?
If you made all the gunes like they were in real life, the game wouldn't be any fun. Everything would be a one shot kill in the torso/head.
Hardcore modes seemed to solve the overpowered weapons from domination. In MW2, core people use the SCAR, ACR, TAR, and UMP. Hardcore, theres a greater diversity of weapons. Mostly because theres more bullet damage, so it doesn't matter what you use. The emphasis is more about getting the jump on people, and playing smartly, rather than filling them with lead.
As for Black Ops, the online sucks. I never seem to have enough CoD Points to unlock the stuff I want, so I feel really limited as to what I can do. An interesting idea, though it fails in my opinion.
Multiplayer as a whole stinks. Checked my stats, and for my 257 deaths, 109 are from the Famas. Its waaaaaaay too overpowered. It has little recoil, great damage, and high rate of fire. The sniping sucks; its like CoD 4, but the only area for one shot kills is the head, rather than anything above the shoulder. So thats a bust.
Shotguns as primary are a waste; I'm never close enough often enough to actually get kills with them. The SMGs either are inaccurate, do no damage, or have no range. None of them appeal to me.
Kill streaks are allright. Though having the Chopper Gunner and then a controllable helicopter seems a bit OP to me. Got both of them playing a computer 9v3 with Veteran difficulty as a joke, thinking I'd get owned, and I got a 39 kill streak. :/
Zombies is fun as hell though. Kino der Toten is awesome, and Five is even better. Got to round 13 on Kino, 9 on Five, and 27 on Dead Ops Arcade. Pretty bad, I guess, but the only good spot in Five to camp is where the Mystery Box is in the basement, and I've only made it there once. Rest of my team died, and I got swamped trying to escape the hordes. Round 13 on Kino always seems to be dogs, so I always die on that one too. :/