Always Nicely Tie In Double Inuenndo Stuff Every Sentence/ Time Anyone Burdens Lies In Someones Heart Mercilesly Evermore; Not To Allow Rants In A Nonexistant Irksome Smart Mind. ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM! Beat that n0obs.
Challenge accepted. Linear Oval Pentagon And Destruction Of ÂThe Everest More Annoying Crystal Housing One Single Expensive Laden Aching Cholera Heroes Of ÂGreenland And Lions Erupting Outside ÂKillers Running Amok Not Identifying Opposers ÂLosing Every Inch Posting Some Anonymous Nodes Ousting ÂDrills Rhyming In My Hypothetical Yelling Potentially Omens The Rims Identical Mature Man At Tossing Our Silhouette In Leo's Philosophical Hypocritical Identities Orator ÂPompously And Ranting Ashes On Megan's Elite Light Incinerator To Opium ÂKey Atrophy Taking Aching Kermit Electrical Chemical Hydrophobia Yacht Meaningless Existence Notch Orientation ÂKitchen Itching Chronically Hatred Lane ÂEpisode Pike Interesting ÂKate Orally Strife Sympathetic Yeast Popping His Opal ÂPractically Hating Any Tops Tearing Out ÂPreposterous Eerie Rumble Is Seriously Tiring Eventually Raising Atmospheric Lightning Electing Knocking Tom's Riot Yellow One Nearly Openly Parents Trying Eel Kite Ending Pilots Hats Acceptance Legion Literally Ion Oncoming ÂKnighthood Igloo Gangsters Kid Loving Once ÂPendant Emotionally Letting Entangled Irving Oh ÂLying Advertising Generally Ousting Isotope Odes ÂSiren Intelligent Rustling Air Immortal Ore ÂBaiting Are Pointing Hitting Embracing Traps Raging Against Giggle Astounding Nourishing Orphan Potions Trench Etching Rodents Yield Gold Obdurate Nigh
LopadoÂtemachoÂselachoÂgaleoÂkranioÂleipsanoÂdrimÂhypoÂtrimmatoÂsilphio­araoÂmelitoÂkatakechyÂmenoÂkichlÂepiÂkossypho­hatto­eristerÂalektryonÂopteÂkephallioÂkigklo­eleioÂlagoioÂsiraioÂbapheÂtragano­terygon. And yes, it does exist. At least as much as antidisestablishmenterianism theoretically does. You're free to look it up in wikipedia, actually.
@p1a2r3i4s5 At least you my word is considered real. Your word fictional. It's a term made up by a playwright. It's similar to saying "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or "scrumdiddlyumptious" or Pepsi's 1973 slogan, "Lipsmackinthirstquenchinacetastinmotivatingoodbuzzincooltalkinhighwalkinfastlivinevergivincoolfizzin" or the McDonalds one, "Twoallbeefpattiesspecialsaucelettucecheesepicklesonionsonasesameseedbun".
@p1a2r3i4s5 What your acronym stood for by each individual letter was incoherent; if you read the words going down it dosen't mean anything because they were random. Mine weren't.