hi you guys, and if you're wondering, i felt like running a CTO spinoff, so i did. if you're wondering, this would kinda be like a boss rush version of CTO, where you're only fighting bosses for most of the game, unless you need to do something first. before you complain, i got Kylelolcat's permission, and now with out farther ado, on with first objective.
Current Objective: Defeat Sonny and Veradux. Enemies Hp: Sonny 5000/5000, Veradux 4000/4000 Enemies Status: None Damaged: None Critical: None Dead: None Status: None Trapped in Time(banned): None
Im back, now, umm seems like Chuck is losing, I wonder if he will get angry. I convince someone to get chuck like the person who posts the post below this post. And I falcon punch Chuck, literally. I get a real falcon and punch Chuck Norris with it
I pull out a " Box O' Tech " consume it, transform into a sentinel MK 2(from marvel comics) And smash Chuck Norris with my giant foot, then fire my fists at him, then open my mouth and unleash a giant beam unto him.
Current Objective: Kill Chuck Norris Enemies Hp:Chuck Norris: 2100/50000 Enemies Status: Resistances: Weaknesses: Allies: Damaged:Spartandestroyer, Kylelolcat Critical: Dead: GoldEmerald, Riptizoid Status: Limiter's off! Kylelolcat: under the influnce of a fire flower, flashing between red and normal color Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned): domecraft
@Tom&Kylelolcat: the Falcon punch meets with the roundhouse kick, stalling both of you.being distracted, CN doesn't notice kylelolcat destablizing his footing, making the Falcon Punch win and deal 1000 damage, on top of 500 fire.
@DarthNerd: you basically overkill.
please wait while i piss off Sonic the hedgehog. (this fight will have two ways to win.)
Current Objective: Defeat Dark Super Sonic. there may be another way to win. Enemies Hp: Dark Super Sonic 25000/25000 Enemies Status: Pissed. Super Form-50% less damage. Resistances: Weaknesses: Allies: Damaged: Critical: Dead: Status: Annoying(Warning): Trapped in Time(banned): domecraft
*teleports away from a pissed off Sonic, who promptly turns dark super*