Name: Menara Screaming-Eagle
Player: SN
Age: 19
Gender: F (I solemnly swear to not interlope with others)
Race: Tabaxi
Class: Rogue/Assassin
Level: Rogue3/Assasin4/Tabaxi1
Level Equivalency: 8.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: Obad-Hai
Languages: Common, Tabaxi, Draconic, Sylvan, Halfling
Str: 15
Dex: 23
Con: 14.
Int: 17
Wis: 12
Cha: 17
Fort Save: 2
Ref Save: 9
Will Save: 2
Hit Points: 38/38.
Attack Bonus: 5
Damage Bonus: +0
AC: 19 (10+2 armor+6 Dex+1 Natural)
Clothing: Leather Armor.
Off Hand:Flaming Speed Sickle [1d6, Extra attack per round]
Primary Hand: Thundering Scimitar [1d6, 18-20 crit] (By +3, does that
mean 3 +1 enhancements?)
Miscellaneous: Sap [blackjack]
GP: 200
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Two Weapon Fighting.
Class Feats: Sneak Attack[+4d6], Death Attack, Poison Use, spells,
Trapfinding, trap sense +1, Proficiency[Light Armor, Simple Weapons,
Crossbow(Hand, Light, Heavy), Sap, Rapier, Shortsword,
Shortbow(composite, normal), dart ], uncanny dodge, +2 save against
Racial Feats:Base land speed [40 ft], Low-light vision, +2 Listen, +2
Move Silently
Skills:Hide[10], Move Silently[10], Disguise [6], Balance [8], Escape, Disguise[-2], Swim[-4].
Artist [11], Use Rope [5], Sleight of Hand [5], Intimidate [7], Bluff
[5], Diplomacy [5], Perform(dance) [6], Appraise [8], Use Magic Device
[6], Gather Information [9,] Open Lock[6], Disable Device [5],
Lvl 1:[7/day]: Charm Person, Unseen Servant, Expeditious Retreat,
Grease, Disguise Self, Hypnotism
Lvl 2: [4/day]: Summon Swarm, Invisibility, Minor Image
Lvl 1[4/day]: Ghost Sound,Sleep,True Strike,Detect Poison
Lvl 2[3]:Alter self,Darkness,Undetectable Alignment, Phantom Trap
So, what was the original thing for the attributes?
AQW: "Hey, Menara. I just got dared to come over here and kiss you. You mind?"
Hey, he doesn't know her name.
And it wasn't a dare, more like a suggestion. After hearing Montague, he suddenly wanted to do so himself.
I'm fine with it, just I'd like you to be aware of her terrible bite and Alignment >.>
Yep. Like I said, hilarity ensues.