Oh! I see where this is going! I pull out the only book I brought; one of magical lore. I begin looking through it to possibly match an event to match the information you've given.
i learn that the strangers are a band of guerrilas also i add a few men at the top of the wall to search for any targets and to fire at any and all enemies
Town has a total of: 11 Players 40 AIs 48 Total 24 Houses 85% water 60% food 35 Tools 77% Aqueducts 16% Mine 001 21% Mine 002 42% Mine 003
snowguy13 does much research and finds that there was god of the sun in the stirips religion, and that he brought a curse on there people. that he would bring much heat when he was angry. Also that they were all killed by the heat because they had dug into his secret underground temple... any thoughs snowguy13???
Just kidding. Though it's hot, we should all keep cool heads. :P I look for the possibility of another god whose powers could possibly combat that of the sun god's.
Town has a total of: 11 Players: 44 AIs: 55 Total: 30 Houses: Made cave houses 86% water: 69% food: went on hunt 29 Tools: 57 Weapons: Including guns & blades 82% Aqueducts: 27% Mine 001: Hit gold!! 40% Mine 002: 100% Mine 003: Dug into strange caverns, supported by columns.
snowguy13 finds that there was God protection and had the ability to cast a shield over large amounts of land. That is, if he liked those people...
Flag added/Changed
Flag burst into flames within 2 hours of putting it up... "Aval god of heat must be MAD dude"
.... wow he really must be mad umm wo what does a god of heat want with us??? in the meantime i help dig for gold i saw we were running a little short. also we place sheilds in the front of the castle showing support of the god of protection