Town has a total of: 14 Players: 71 AIs: traveler comes 85 Total: 57 Houses: 100% water: 96% food: Ate a lost penguin 45 Tools: 91 Weapons: 77% Mine 001: 78% Mine 002: 59% Tomb uncovered
Flag Town has a total of: 14 Players: 75 AIs: One man Disappears 91 Total: 55 Houses: 5 caught fire 100% water: 98% food: pigs slaughtered 59 Tools: 112 Weapons: 97% Mine 001: 99% Mine 002: 73% Tomb uncovered
I come with plans for a tourism program in order to increase the town's money and jobs. I look for supporters to restore the nature of the surrounding area. I've planned it so that it does not interfere with any of the ongoing projects and leaves room for more!