Town has a total of: 0 Players: There was a mass attack on the village. 0 AIs: 0 Total: 0 Houses: 0% water: 0% food: 0 Tools: 0 Weapons: There was a mass attack on the village.
Town has a total of: 21 Players: 120 AIs: 141 Total: 132 Houses: 80% water: something is wrong with the water 70% food: animals start to die 162 Tools: 320 Weapons 37 Mangoes are harvested.
Town has a total of: 21 Players: 100 AIs: 20 men are missing or found dead. 121 Total: 145 Houses: 70% water: 60% food: more animals die 178 Tools: 337 Weapons Mangoes harvested: 49
Town has a total of: 21 Players: 93 AIs: 7 men missing 114 Total: 146 Houses: 68% water: 51% food: more animals die 189 Tools: 348 Weapons Mangoes harvested: 72
whats up with the missing men and the dying animals? help the situation by making a pen for the animals and assembling teams of other men to search and rescue.
Town has a total of: 21 Players: 96 AIs: 3 men recovered 117 Total: 146 Houses: 66% water: 49% food: animals kept in pens, yet some are found rotting 195 Tools: 356 Weapons Mangoes harvested: 103