Evolution is a game in which you must evolve your creature or just a normal human. Your creature starts stupid. You must make it smart and not rare as there is only 100 of your creatures on the start.
This is the sheet you must fill out for your creature:
NameFor your creature) RaceAlien,Animal or Human) Pop.:100 DescriptionBody Parts and Look) BioWhere did your creature come from...Water,Mutation and etc.) Progress to Sentience:1%(Instead of 0 because that would make them retarted ) -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack: Defense: Speed: Weight: Health: --------------------------------------------------
There are even stats. I am the one that will control the stats..
The stats will depend on the body parts your creature has.
But there is a con to this...
The more attack you have the less defense you have and opposite. The more speed you have the less weight and opposite. But more weight means more health but less weight means more speed but less health. This way your reature cannot be over powered or under powered.
Also once your creature becomes smart it is time for him to start making a village.
There can be an Un-limited amount of players but after this gets to page 5(Hopefully)I will not accept any more players so hurry and join.
The Race is also very Important. Aliens have low weight but even so they have a good amount of health. Animals Have a lot of speed and attack but low defense and weight. Human race has no big change....It depends only on body parts...
P.S Also keep in mind that if you choose race make it look as much close as it is...So if Human do not go and add alien stuff and so to body parts...
Name: Arthanius Race:Alien Pop.:100 Description:A small creature ( about the size of a large raccoon) with a slinder body that is covered in very small feathers that look like fur the feathers are partly reflective. they have two double jointed legs that are great for maneuverability and lean on there front set of hands. the other set of hands is smaller and closer to there face for more precision. they have a small tail for balance
Bio:this creature was a science experiments of an alien race called the Greys when there ship got blasted by a wave of solar radiation the small squad of aliens did not survive but Arthanius did. the Arthanius is a smart species(for an animal) Progress to Sentience:1%
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 100 Description: Small, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 1% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
(Right, terribly sorry about that.)
First off, I'll have them begin digging into the side of a large hill, to begin a tunnel. (So, my plan with them is like ants: weak, a lot of them, and they live in tunnel networks. )
Wait for Razerules to accept your sheet. Then he'll ask you what your first action is. You'll tell him, then he'll tell you the results, and this continues.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 200 Description: Small, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 1% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
You make tunnels! I will post later how the Tunnel system looks like..
Anyway....After building a section of the tunnel your creatures mate. Because of your fast breeding the Population increased by 100!
Omnihero:Your description needs a bit more work...Like Some attack stuff like Big theeth or Spiky tail and so. Also copy the whole sheet.. You did not copy the stats and stuff.
Name: Arthanius Race:Alien Pop.:100 Description:A small creature ( about the size of a large raccoon) with a slinder body that is covered in very small feathers that look like fur the feathers are partly reflective. they have two double jointed legs that are great for maneuverability and lean on there front set of hands. the other set of hands is smaller and closer to there face for more precision. they have a small tail for balance. they also have six nimble fingers for climbing and throwing. they have a an omnivore's teeth with two big front teeth ther joint are panned and have small spikes on there back BioWhere did your creature come from...Water,Mutation and etc.) Progress to Sentience:1%(Instead of 0 because that would make them retarted ) -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack: Defense: Speed: Weight: Health: --------------------------------------------------
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 200 Description: Small, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 1% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
By the way, we're omnivores, right? I'll have some Mael'thas scout out for fruit.
Name:Aleksa Race:Human Pop.:125 Description:White Color Bio:The Humans Evolved from Primates.Many years took until they fully evolved.Now they are able to craft,create and even make FIRE! Progress to Sentience:1% -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Slow Weight:Medium Health:High --------------------------------------------------
Ok i make tools from stone cut some wood and make wall and houses for my people
Name: Arthanius Race:Alien Pop.:100 Description:A small creature ( about the size of a large raccoon) with a slinder body that is covered in very small feathers that look like fur the feathers are partly reflective. they have two double jointed legs that are great for maneuverability and lean on there front set of hands. the other set of hands is smaller and closer to there face for more precision. they have a small tail for balance. they also have six nimble fingers for climbing and throwing. they have a an omnivore's teeth with two big front teeth ther joint are panned and have small spikes on there back BioWhere did your creature come from...Water,Mutation and etc.) Progress to Sentience:1%(Instead of 0 because that would make them retarted ) -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Low Health:Low --------------------------------------------------
You forgot Bio and Perk...Put perk below Sentience.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 200 Description: Small, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 1% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
Well put in description if you want to be an omnivore...You can also be a carnivore and a herbivore...So choose...
Name:Aleksa Race:Human Pop.:125 Description:White Color Bio:The Humans Evolved from Primates.Many years took until they fully evolved.Now they are able to craft,create and even make FIRE! Progress to Sentience:1% -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Slow Weight:Medium Health:High --------------------------------------------------
Um...You do know that you are not smart..right?
I mean progres to sentience is 1% that means progress to smartness. So you cannot make stone stuff and houses..
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 200 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 1% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
Right, sorry about that. I'll have some Mael'thas scout for fruit.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 250 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 6% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
They scout for fruit... They then bring the fruit back and eat.. Some of them even liked gathering fruit and got a very first job! Gatherer! Pop. Increased and your creatures got smarter!
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 250 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 6% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
I'll set a few Mael'thas around the tunnel entrance, for protection.
Name:Aleksa Race:Human Pop.:125 Description:White Color Bio:The Humans Evolved from Primates.Many years took until they fully evolved.Now they are able to craft,create and even make FIRE! Progress to Sentience:1% Perk:Advanced Weapons:Can create very advaned and powerful weapons -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Slow Weight:Medium Health:High --------------------------------------------------
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 250 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 11% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
They Gaurd the Entrance.. Another Job! Sentience went up! You are now smart enough to use stuff as weapons(Sticks as Melee,Rocks for range and etc.)
Name:Aleksa Race:Human Pop.:125 Description:White Color Bio:The Humans Evolved from Primates.Many years took until they fully evolved.Now they are able to craft,create and even make FIRE! Progress to Sentience:1% Perk:Advanced Weapons:Can create very advaned and powerful weapons -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Slow Weight:Medium Health:High --------------------------------------------------
With creativity!
Also Perk is not good... That is for medival times...Not pre-Historic... You can change it later..For now you need something pre-historical.