Evolution is a game in which you must evolve your creature or just a normal human. Your creature starts stupid. You must make it smart and not rare as there is only 100 of your creatures on the start.
This is the sheet you must fill out for your creature:
NameFor your creature) RaceAlien,Animal or Human) Pop.:100 DescriptionBody Parts and Look) BioWhere did your creature come from...Water,Mutation and etc.) Progress to Sentience:1%(Instead of 0 because that would make them retarted ) -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack: Defense: Speed: Weight: Health: --------------------------------------------------
There are even stats. I am the one that will control the stats..
The stats will depend on the body parts your creature has.
But there is a con to this...
The more attack you have the less defense you have and opposite. The more speed you have the less weight and opposite. But more weight means more health but less weight means more speed but less health. This way your reature cannot be over powered or under powered.
Also once your creature becomes smart it is time for him to start making a village.
There can be an Un-limited amount of players but after this gets to page 5(Hopefully)I will not accept any more players so hurry and join.
The Race is also very Important. Aliens have low weight but even so they have a good amount of health. Animals Have a lot of speed and attack but low defense and weight. Human race has no big change....It depends only on body parts...
P.S Also keep in mind that if you choose race make it look as much close as it is...So if Human do not go and add alien stuff and so to body parts...
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 250 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 11% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
I'll send out a squad to do a general search of the area, to get a grasp of the surroundings.
Name:Aleksa Race:Human Pop.:125 Description:White Color Bio:The Humans Evolved from Primates.Many years took until they fully evolved.Now they are able to craft,create and even make FIRE! Progress to Sentience:1% Perk:Survivors-Can survive in almost any envorioment(Forest,Desert,Mountain etc.) -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Slow Weight:Medium Health:High --------------------------------------------------
I can change perk later ok I send some of my people to scout area
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 250 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
You send them... Once again...New Job...Scouts..Sentience Up!
Name:Aleksa Race:Human Pop.:122 Description:White Color Bio:The Humans Evolved from Primates.Many years took until they fully evolved.Now they are able to craft,create and even make FIRE! Progress to Sentience:6% Perk:Survivors-Can survive in almost any envorioment(Forest,Desert,Mountain etc.) -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Medium Defense:Medium Speed:Slow Weight:Medium Health:High --------------------------------------------------
You scout the area.. New Job! Sentience goes up!
Also while scouting 3 Aleksas die by Poisninous Insects.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 250 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium --------------------------------------------------
Yay! Now I'll have some Mael'thas act as diggers, and dig a second entrance/exit into/out of the tunnel.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
They dig and dig.. They now have another entrance and exit.. Also while digging they find a constant water supply for your creatures.
Pop. Went Up!
The tunnels were getting a bit over crowded so 50 Mael'thas Migrate to another Hill close by....
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
Nice! Now, I'll just have some dig a tunnel to connect the two hill-systems together.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
That would be to long... Because you have to dig all the way down then instantly up... It would be much easier if you just go out of an entrance and just go up to the other entrance on the other hill.. But you decide....
P.S Later when you become smart you will be able to conenct them with bridges!
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
Well, not really. I was thinking that you'd start digging sideways in one tunnel, and continue digging until you dig into a tunnel in the other hill?
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
Problem there... They are a bit seperated so digging sideways is impoosible..
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 16% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
Oh, ok; I think I get what you're saying. Anyway, I'll have one room in each hive devoted to storing food. (Do I need more intelligence for that? And from now on, I'll refer to each tunnel system as a hive.)
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 26% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Food Storage,Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
Intelligence Increased!!!!!!!!
Now you have a room to put food in!
Also your scoutrs report an animal army is coming your way to destroy you! What will you do!
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 26% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Food Storage,Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
I'll have a very large number of guards at the hive entrances, and they'll break off sticks and gather stones to use as weapons. o.o
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 31% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Food Storage,Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
They gaurd and some even train with there weapons... You unlocked warriors!!! Intel. Increase!
Your creatures are now smart enough to combine some stuff to make more stuff!
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 31% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Food Storage,Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
Time to experiment with weapons. I'll combine a stick with a small stone to make a javelin, and combine a stick with a long stone to make swords. For a "military" formation, the Mael'thas will try to keep the swordsmen in front, and the javelin-throwers in the back.
Name: Mael'thas Race: Alien Pop.: 300 Description: Small, omnivorous, four-legged creatures about 3' tall on all fours. Shiny gray exoskeletal armor, and a spiny tail with a large barb on the tip. Orange glowing eyes, a lower jaw made of two parts (Basically, it looks like it was split in half), two demonic black horns on the head, and shark/vampiric teeth. Bio: The species landed on earth inside a large meteor, which protected them from the heat of entering orbit. Progress to Sentience: 50% Perk: Fast Breeding -------------------------------------------------- Stats: Attack:Weak Defense:Medium Speed:Fast Weight:Thin Health:Medium -------------------------------------------------- Habitat:Caves/Tunnels Misc.:Food Storage,Constant Water Supply,Lot of Tunnels(I mean a lot!).
You do so and Intellligence went up very high!
You are half way to being smart..
Now your people know how to talk but in gibberish but later they will speak normaly.
Also if you continue with these Military stuff your creatures will in a Military mood.. This means they are war-like. There are 4 paths.
-War-Stronger men and better battles -Culture-Your creatures are into culture which can lead to alliances. -Technology-Your creatures are into tech. and they have a better chance to being the smartest creature around! -Economy-Your creatures liek to have resources and stuff to get a lot of money!