ForumsForum GamesPersonal planet (see page 38)

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In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.

Name of planet:
Name of star:
Distance from starclose,near,far)
Status of life:none

that eill be your template fill in all the blanks
every time you post you need your template.
you will post your events and i will reply your outcome

  • 576 Replies
2,515 posts

( ppst... also i continue to preach to people in other ciys... barelyadding my religion option ... and recuritng people to the space station(craftworld Ungar)

1,715 posts

we come to you and ask, "what do you want these people to do when they worship you? what are your religion's rules?"

1,328 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Roman Age
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Projects Telescope 3 posts...)
Moon: Alpha bà heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

we worship the god of the sun, "Raehs" and the goddess of the two moons: "Heita" and "Gescko"

Are you a god? Your majesty!

1,715 posts

we are not gods. we are just beings of another plane of existence. the distruci want to "nicely" recruit you and send you up to their terrible station up in the stars. they will use you for experiments! you must not listen to them! if they mess with you people, we will kill them off this planet for good. think of us as protectors.

1,328 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Roman Age
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Projects Telescope 3 posts...)
Moon: Alpha bÃ�  heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

Hou shal wee call yoo?

Ande whom ares thou Bronze men?

Cain weah treoust yoo?

2,515 posts

Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life: Authwiens
Core status stoped...)lead...
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: ,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small army training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000science projectop colony part three 10 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused)
Sucessful profects:

PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Army detail
Foot soldiers: seven feet 300 pounds power armored ... explosive ammo shoots 7 claiber bullets with computer guided target locks...
Heavy soldiers: 7 foot 5 , 300 pounds... with Fusion canons, Or missile launchers... target locks
Tanks: hover tanks, atmospheric artillery(if entrinched)( Fusion cannons.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Space fleet
Recon: super fast... "stealth mode" ( turns of all scanable signatures and still works Full terraforming kit... simple 10000mw laser
Speeders:fast ok armor low weapons... fusion blaster, tracker missiles
Cruiser: large... okay speeds Highr armors Med weapons Explosive fusion rockets... Vortex rockets ( teleports a single object( within reason) to a random location slow terraforming kit
rand class Battle ships: large... slow very Heavy armor highe powered weapons... nuclear fusion cannons, deloyeble speeders repair stations and slow terraforming kit...
Space stations: repair satations, training, full defences...

Turn out... see the fact that one Secret governmet was the people that didnt what to go to the other galwiy... there was a over throw of power in the other galiwy and the distructis must leave... BUT an entire Craft world cand leave so it is know in orbit around a star called Gemni.

Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life:Peace full Cyborgs
Core status:Power core
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: 100,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000science projectop colony part three 10 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused) 10 posts
Sucessful profects:

PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Missionaries- armed with either pisotls or las rifels the search planet to Corrilat and find info...

transport: can seat up to 6 people and can travle at worp speed.

Craft worlds: GIANT space stations used as Citys... can stableize inside Gas planet and space...

( i lost of mt tech wth the withdraw)

with that... my colony expand reach a near city ( away from bicolas and talk to people.

" hello people i am an authwin. i come to you for your savior. you are limited to the planet when there are more to discover. what you ask from me ?

1,715 posts


you can call us... the ancients.

bronze men? what bronze men?

how can you trust us? *shows a hologram of the near distant future*

This is what will happen f you trust the distructis, or anything that they have created. *it shows how people get killed and enslaved*. that is why we are here to protect you. we will do whatever is necessary to save your planet, and your future. why? because this planet is the future. you will become one of the most powerful races in the universe. we know. bu first you must let us protect you from dieing.

2,515 posts

Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life:Peace full Cyborgs
Core status:Power core
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: 100,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000science projectop colony part three 10 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused) 10 posts
Sucessful profects:
PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Missionaries- armed with either pisotls or las rifels the search planet to Corrilat and find info...
transport: can seat up to 6 people and can travle at worp speed.
Craft worlds: GIANT space stations used as Citys... can stableize inside Gas planet and space...
( i lost of mt tech wth the withdraw)

LIES... you think you ar thou higher bieng with thiy lies... the distructis is no more... they leave us here to rot and die in your un finished craft world thosebasturds... we finnaly see the failures in war and see the vast space as our nut shell you acneiants are nothing but evolved apes bent on "own" ing the galixy with "stargates". i am here as a savior to this spaci fom this Wreched planet and show them the way of the shy... water... and the str. the deserve to experiance the stars... not to jump from point a to point b.

1,715 posts

Our "circles of life" are a tribute to everyone! we have spent so much time and effort to make the universe learn that, we are not alone. there are other planets out there! we can learn the universe's treasures! but some do not want that. they wish to keep you in the dark, and claim your world, and many billions of worlds with civilizations just like you! that is all they want. power. we want to show you the danger out there, but also the beauty! to open your minds into something unimaginable! think of the glorious knowledge we are offering you!

2,515 posts

you acients... argueing from our side of the arguement...
do you not see the smae you are bring apon these people. iving them "knowlage" you must learn that nothing comes good from telling a certin creature what to do instead of figuring them out... we have learned from our mistakes... we have exxecpted a civilazation uner our wing and we have tought them all we know and do you konw what happened?They invade your galawy and enslaved our people. in no offance but you still are dealing with animals. only 1000 years of age they Will change and they can not learn frim mistakes if they did not experiance trial and error...

1,715 posts

they will not have to "learn from their mistakes", because they will know all of the universes knowledge.

1,328 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Roman Age
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Projects Telescope 3 posts...)
Moon: Alpha b��à heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

Let us begin, Acients. Lead us to the glory you promise.

1,715 posts

we will come here, and teach you how to become all knowing. but you, my friends, must do it. you must take the journey to ascension.

2,515 posts

im am sorry but that is what im trying to tell you ... if they wony make mistakes they will not no what not to... because they are peacefl know does not mean they willl be forever... but the choice Was theres. Dont say i told Thou so bit thi did. ( lol)if any of you need my help i will be glad to help.

( i with draw my colony.)

1,715 posts

ok. (YEES)

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