ForumsForum GamesPersonal planet (see page 38)

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In this game you will be given a young planet (molten or Frozen and edit your planet to the point of either its destruction or its Future. you template will look like so.

Name of planet:
Name of star:
Distance from starclose,near,far)
Status of life:none

that eill be your template fill in all the blanks
every time you post you need your template.
you will post your events and i will reply your outcome

  • 576 Replies
1,328 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Roman Age
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Projects Telescope 3 posts...)
Moon: Alpha b��ïÿý�à heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

Yes. But we need to solve problems first. Many people on this world are dieng from a sickness that kills in two days time. You also happen to come while we are fighting Rebels.

2,515 posts

Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life:Peace full Cyborgs
Core status:Power core
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: 100,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000science projectop colony part three 10 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused) 10 posts
Sucessful profects:
PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Missionaries- armed with either pisotls or las rifels the search planet to Corrilat and find info...
transport: can seat up to 6 people and can travle at worp speed.
Craft worlds: GIANT space stations used as Citys... can stableize inside Gas planet and space...
( i lost of mt tech wth the withdraw)

Well it seems that the sickness is an infection in the lungs the luns are swelling up... how would you cure there roblem know nowing is a sewlling in the lungs.

and the rebels.... what do they want?

1,715 posts

wait... omni, who's side are you on?

wo are you, anyway?

and leap:

those who die early can be healed. once you become all knowing you will know how to cure. do not be worried for your loved ones.

2,515 posts

Did you miss this?

Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life: Authwiens
Core status stoped...)lead...
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: ,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small army training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000science projectop colony part three 10 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused)
Sucessful profects:
PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Army detail
Foot soldiers: seven feet 300 pounds power armored ... explosive ammo shoots 7 claiber bullets with computer guided target locks...
Heavy soldiers: 7 foot 5 , 300 pounds... with Fusion canons, Or missile launchers... target locks
Tanks: hover tanks, atmospheric artillery(if entrinched)( Fusion cannons.
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Space fleet
Recon: super fast... "stealth mode" ( turns of all scanable signatures and still works Full terraforming kit... simple 10000mw laser
Speeders:fast ok armor low weapons... fusion blaster, tracker missiles
Cruiser: large... okay speeds Highr armors Med weapons Explosive fusion rockets... Vortex rockets ( teleports a single object( within reason) to a random location slow terraforming kit
rand class Battle ships: large... slow very Heavy armor highe powered weapons... nuclear fusion cannons, deloyeble speeders repair stations and slow terraforming kit...
Space stations: repair satations, training, full defences...
Turn out... see the fact that one Secret governmet was the people that didnt what to go to the other galwiy... there was a over throw of power in the other galiwy and the distructis must leave... BUT an entire Craft world cand leave so it is know in orbit around a star called Gemni.
Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life:Peace full Cyborgs
Core status:Power core
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: 100,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000science projectop colony part three 10 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused) 10 posts
Sucessful profects:
PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Missionaries- armed with either pisotls or las rifels the search planet to Corrilat and find info...
transport: can seat up to 6 people and can travle at worp speed.
Craft worlds: GIANT space stations used as Citys... can stableize inside Gas planet and space...
( i lost of mt tech wth the withdraw)
with that... my colony expand reach a near city ( away from bicolas and talk to people.
1,328 posts

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Roman Age
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Projects Telescope 3 posts...)
Moon: Alpha b.(heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

Yes, thanks. but we have bigger problems.. Cyborgs have taken control of Arcadiae and Vertiae (red and blue)

1,328 posts

1,715 posts

sorry man, can't see that pic. i dunno why. are they places?

Cyborgs? what do they want? We will not meddle in any affairs that do not involve you getting hurt.

and to omni: I DONT GET THAT... COULD YOU EXPLAIN!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!???????!?!?!?!?!

2,515 posts

okay it is time for a history lesson:

i used to be anaicant race called th Authwian that grew up on a planet called Authwi.we travle to a planet were there was basic man. we tought them every thing that we new.but they wew still barbarians. thay over threw up with there numbers and enslaved up. once the entire galaxy was conqured they need more to do ( like when the villin actually destroys the world)so they invade yours(distructis)and tryed to conqur but a rebelian started and they had to retret. leaveing the craftworld and 1,000,000 orignal Authwians to doe. well we priveiled and here w are know. (go back and look at our argument and you will understand.

to LEAPretard : DUDE YOU ARE A ROMAN EMPIRE ROMAN you do not have cyborgs and like Bicols... i will not intervin with your soon to be history.( you must do project to upgrade your tech witch will upgrade your age:...tada

1,715 posts

ok. thanks for the history lesson. i just couldn't understand cause your grammar was in the way. but now i get it.

waiting for leap...

1,328 posts

DUDE YOU ARE A ROMAN EMPIRE ROMAN you do not have cyborgs and like Bicols... i

then whats this?

Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: 100,321,000
Colonized planets:Alpha

Name of planet: Alpha
Name of star: Gemini
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Temp: humid
Core status:Solid Iron inner core, Liquid outer core.
Land status: islands
atmosphere status:large clouds, thick... small ghg affect(41% Nitrogen,40% Argon, 18% Oxygen, 1% Other Gases)
Ocean status:large oceans,coral reefs,sulfur vents, the works(no, not the sandwich ... dork).
Status of life: Roman Age
Population: 2,190,645,777 Homo Supierions
Secret government:2
Evolutions:two legged walking, large and powerful lungs, smart brain, hand eye cordnation,language,expert hunting,tools(advanced)
Religion: Roman Type Deities. (Haskarg, lord of the Sky, Etc.)
Projects Telescope 3 posts...)
Moon: Alpha b.(heavy magnetosphere and clouds)
atmosphere status: med.. 64% N2, 26% He, 9% O2, 1% other gases. Small clouds
core status: Liquid Inner Lead Core.
Land status: craters, mountains, valleys,
Ring status:gold/ ice
Oceans status: great lakes
life: Dinosaurs, giant creatures ,incects ,plants
Moon:Alpha c (made mostly of silicates)
Core Status: Cooled off Mantle.
atmosphere status: none gases. none
Land status: mountains (earthquake)
Oceans status: nope
life: none

we must spread the word! get on a horse with me and spread it through the entire kingdom! the Ancients have come!
1,715 posts

you see a beam of light... and we are gone. seconds later parties of 2 of our race appear into every city, town, and civilized area. we spread the word, and within a day, all are wanting the path to ascension.

over the course of 6 months, we come frequently to your planet, and have thought you how to ascend.

it is now the time. you each will have to make the journey, if you want to ascend.

be advised that ascension sheds your physical body, and you become an essence of pure energy. we might look like we have not ascended, but i assure you...

[you see a blinding white light and light flows out of an ancient's body. the physical body is now laying on the floor; lifeless. 3 others do the same.]

we ARE ascended. you see the stargate instantly activate. and we leave.

2,515 posts

Name of planet:Craft world Authwe
Name of star:Gemmni
Distance from star: 1.4 AU
Type:Craft world
Status of life:Peace full Cyborgs
Core status:Power core
moonsbservatory, Embassy.
Population status
Species name: Authwians
Pop: 100,321,000
Colonized planets:Craft world Authwi
Colony name:Planet 2
Mining base... Small training...
Status: stable
Resorce: 100,000
science projectop colony part three 8 posts
science project: Deep space Warp( ask if confused) 8 posts
Sucessful profects:
PlaNET TERRAFORMING... ( TAKE 5 POSTS TO FULLY TERRA FORM) -----------------------------------------------------------
Missionaries- armed with either pisotls or las rifels the search planet to Corrilat and find info...
transport: can seat up to 6 people and can travle at worp speed.
Craft worlds: GIANT space stations used as Citys... can stableize inside Gas planet and space...
( i lost of mt tech wth the withdraw)

I advise you Bicola God of colona. that help fulness will cloud there judgment and as they are still young. they are still apres and will Change. but do what you want by Destroying there bodys.

(GM mode) that was never a project... you never said you were energy biengs lats thing you were you "evolved Humans"... you cant do that. im not trying to stop the whole Leap thing but really? energy biengs you need a science project for thet... Pfft...

and to Leap remeber i was the first to arive on your planet when you were cave men i tought you how to talk and hunt. but anyway... i with drawed that with you execpting Bicola

Also i travle to a system with a missionary... i call the star the Craft Home...

1,715 posts

ok, but listen. have you ever watched the TV series stargate SG-1? that's where all dis is comin' from. we are evolving, it's not a science project. you said that we evolve every 2 pages, right? well, we just did

2,515 posts

okay but you cant just evolve people.??? and accention cant change who they are.. just what they looklink and this is sounding kinda Culty

1,715 posts

... Culty?

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