Okay...to play this game you have to destroy an object with a set amount of hpex:me: Object:diamond Hp:100,000 ES:noneP1: I chip a bit off with my diamond tipped chisel me: p1 100 damage! es weakened 50 more damageObject:diamondhp:99,850Es:weakened Things you won't understand:ES means Extra statuslike weakened or burning but I will decide how much extra damage the object receives.Let's start then!(we will start with weak objects and build up to very strong objects)Object: CDHP: 500ES: none
Rules:1.no Chuck Norris2.no offensive comments or comments that other players will find offensive3. no perverted stuffEnjoy!
i pull out a geonosian beam cannon and open fire on the CD.
The cd is completely obliterated from sheer pressurenew objectcat tankhp: 1,000Es: nonehope this game catches on !
i pootis BOMBZ hear.(points at cat tank)poot bombz hear!
Okay ??Please rephrase ...
look just blow the cat tank up with bombs already!!!
Ohh sorry!you chuck 2 bombs and .... 200 damage each!!!cat tankHP:600ES:nonecat tank claws spartandestroyer in th face and shoots a missile at dragon30kI throw tank cat's bed out side and while its distracted I poison it's milk Ima join in yeah some objects attack you
ow my face!sentry!(pulls out a wrangler ((sentry manual control device)))die!(fires the sentry bullets and rockets if i got a LVL 3 one)
LLLLLLAAAAAAZZZZZZZOOOOOORRRRRRRRRR!!!!!*charges up a lazor using chaos control to speed up the charging process, then fires the lazor at cat tank*
let's kill this stupid cat!!!chainsaw did 200 damage and added the bleeding ESsonicheroes95 ? no...(mortal combat finish him voice)bullets miss but the missile hits it right in the face HEAD SHOT FATALITY!! another tank walks in... cat takes green army cousin rages as he See's cat tankscorps or whats left of it Cat tanks green army cousin hp: 100,000 Es: none Extra stuff: Armour... half the damage this one is an extra pain with extra stuffI know it's a bad joke!!the tank shoots his stored kitty litter at every oneGreat I just washed off the last tank's poonow I have to clean up 5 times the mess !
Except for me! i join the fight and cause a world to smash into the cat
bicolar unfortunately you do not have super powers so your action fails epicly XDthe dog tank makes quick work of the green cat tank but is seems he's rabid and is ragin' oh no!dog tankhp: 200,000ES:noneExtra stuff: rabies and rage sauce
ok, i take out gely's gun and use Armor crusher, a move which takes the foe defense and make it ADD on to the damage instead of reduce the damage delt. base power: 500.
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