Name: Heavy medic pair hp: 585 ES:none Extra stuff: instantly kills anyone itattacks but is slow to move.(lesser chance of dodgeing)Also is healed 30 hp every round, however it canot go higher then its starting HP. Defenders: leave empty Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible toattackersonly) don't change future weapons or current dangers: cannon 4 more rounds(defenderonly) hacker skills 4 more rounds (defenderonly) don't change Dead: bicola1
now then, let me show you the true meaning of speed! *uses an either, activatingAttack haste, then vanishes,only to appear behind the medic slashing him repeatly, then vanishes before the heavy can notice me, and basically unleashes a high speed comboon the heavy using my speed to keep out of the way of it'sattacks*
well, i guess i'll show you my ultimate move. *clock level suddenly resets to level one, then i use 2 high ethers to max out clock level, then i proceed to unleash my second ultimate attack, Chaos Control(stops everything for about 50 seconds. i keep all effects that would of activated, which in this case is Attack haste, Attack upgrade, Targetting scope), then i proceed to just randomly swing my sword around, slashing all the enemies around me no matter how far away do to targetting scope's effect. repeat for about 50 seconds*
Name: Heavy medic pair hp: 585 ES:none Extra stuff: instantly kills anyone itattacks but is slow to move.(lesser chance of dodgeing)Also is healed 30 hp every round, however it canot go higher then its starting HP. Defenders: leave empty Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible toattackersonly) don't change future weapons or current dangers: cannon 4 more rounds(defenderonly) hacker skills 4 more rounds (defenderonly) don't change Dead: bicola1
now i'll show you! *clock level 3 triggers, which is brick wall(attacks can't be interupted), before continueing my combo from before at light speed*
oh your really pushing it now mate. really pushing it... CROCKET! (fires a series of 4 crititcal rockets) OVERCHARGE! (heals self to 250% of my normal max HP) IMPENDING DOOM! (summons a vagineer) MANLINESS! (summons saxton hale) COMPLETE BRUTALITY! (summons christian brutal sniper) and to add to that... (glitches up and becomes the rampager soldier)
well, i guess i'll show you my ultimate move. *clock level suddenly resets to level one, then i use 2 high ethers to max out clock level, then i proceed to unleash my second ultimate attack, Chaos Control(stops everything for about 50 seconds. i keep all effects that would of activated, which in this case is Attack haste, Attack upgrade, Targetting scope), then i proceed to just randomly swing my sword around, slashing all the enemies around me no matter how far away do to targetting scope's effect. repeat for about 50 seconds*
your attacks cancle echoteher out but not before you do 30 dammage oh wait its heald.
(suddenly picks up the heavys minigun and turns it into scrap metal and then into reclaimed metal then into refined metal and then into the heavys best hat ((the officers ushanka)))
... on that note, i'll just abuse chaos control alot.
but first, lets start things off. DODGE THIS! *unleshes 10 light speed slashes on spartandestroyer, seemingly doing nothing* see ya. *walks away while the slashes starts happening stunlocking spartandestroyer for about 2 turns after this one*(aka Stop raid)