Name:spartandestroyer hp:1000000 ES:armored (-80% dmg taken except for armor breaker type) Extra stuff: unkillable with lava. incapable of taking over 70% of his max HP as DMG. Defenders: Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) future weapons or current dangers: cannon 5 more rounds(defender only) hacker skills 5 more rounds (defender only) Dead: no one
Name: Heavy hp: 400 ES:none Extra stuff: instantly kills anyone it attacks but is slow to move. (lesser chance of dodgeing) Defenders: leave empty Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) don't change future weapons or current dangers: cannon 5 more rounds(defender only) hacker skills 5 more rounds (defender only) don't change Dead: no one
Name: Heavy medic pair hp: 600 ES:none Extra stuff: instantly kills anyone it attacks but is slow to move.(lesser chance of dodgeing)Also is healed 30 hp every round Defenders: leave empty Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) don't change future weapons or current dangers: cannon 5 more rounds(defender only) hacker skills 5 more rounds (defender only) don't change Dead: no one
Flag Name: Heavy medic pair hp: 600 ES:none Extra stuff: instantly kills anyone it attacks but is slow to move.(lesser chance of dodgeing)Also is healed 30 hp every round Defenders: leave empty Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) don't change future weapons or current dangers: cannon 5 more rounds(defender only) hacker skills 5 more rounds (defender only) don't change Dead: no one
Name: Heavy medic pair hp: 590 ES:none Extra stuff: instantly kills anyone it attacks but is slow to move.(lesser chance of dodgeing)Also is healed 30 hp every round, however it canot go higher then its starting HP. Defenders: leave empty Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) don't change future weapons or current dangers: cannon 4 more rounds(defender only) hacker skills 4 more rounds (defender only) don't change Dead: bicola1
i am a defender, and so i attack soni with a techno laser
you fire but you get killed with this action:
bad idea. *reflects the laser to the heavy using my sword*
Sonic heroes you do 40 dammage to the heavy. howver 30 was healed.
gottam! (summons a bidehoovy to fight the heavy)
The heavy guns down the bidehoovy without any effort.
now then, let me show you the true meaning of speed! *uses an either, activating Attack haste, then vanishes, only to appear behind the medic slashing him repeatly, then vanishes before the heavy can notice me, and basically unleashes a high speed combo on the heavy using my speed to keep out of the way of it's attacks*