dog tank hp: 186,000 ES:cannot attack Extra stuff: nothing Defenders: R4000 Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) future weapons or current dangers: laser beam charged and ready to fire! Bazooka will fire at the next person who posts to attack the dog tank! STILL In jail: spartandestroyer
and also it took me 5 turns to charge the oktoberfest. 5 TURNS! it should do more dmg then that!
ok, fine. ill make total dmg 4000
I here but not for long remember dog tank attack the players may not kill them but i think it makes it more interesting (:
Hi dragon and also, you killed me and godandd in the beginning of the game, and so i think that he should kill bicola. besides i'm not playing anymore anyway, at least until ur gone... oh wait your here. do you wanna take over? if not, i will keep on goin'.
dog tank hp: 186,000 ES:cannot attack Extra stuff: nothing Defenders: R4000 Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) future weapons or current dangers: laser beam charged and ready to fire! Bazooka will fire at the next person who posts to attack the dog tank! STILL In jail: spartandestroyer
spartan kinda is right :/
all fixed.
dog tank hp: 182,500 ES:cannot attack Extra stuff: ON FIRE (losses 500 hp per post, until next pg.) Defenders: R4000 Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) future weapons or current dangers: laser beam charged and ready to fire! Bazooka will fire at the next person who posts to attack the dog tank! in jail: no one
The dog tank is not a actualy tank, its just a super powerful dog.
dog tank hp: 171,500 ES:cannot attack Extra stuff: ON FIRE (losses 500 hp per post, until next pg.) Defenders: R4000 Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) future weapons or current dangers: laser beam charged and ready to fire! Bazooka will fire at the next person who posts to attack the dog tank! in jail: no one
This thing has way to much hp... I attack it with two Cat Tanks
cat tanks work as a team to do alot of crit HP dmg! -10,000HP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and those fat russians that kill cowards all day from earlier... da boolit probably hurts moar then teh fireballz.
I hire the engineers in TF2 to build rocket sentrys at strategic points around the tank, then with a pull of a swith the sentrys will be able to fire. I also throw in some Portal 1 and 2 turents for the hell of it.
dog tank hp: 170,000 ES:cannot attack Extra stuff: ON FIRE (losses 500 hp per post, until next pg.) Defenders: R4000 Massive weapons: space weapon (accessible to attackers only) future weapons or current dangers: laser beam charged and ready to fire! Bazooka will fire at the next person who posts to attack the dog tank! in jail: no one
(runs over the dog tank with the gottam gear from armys of ages in the steampunk age)
thats what it was made for.
never heard of it, so not sure what it does... care to explain?