WW3: Death toll: 1 billon 300 people Cost:3 trillion per country Abandon Major citys:13 Abandoned countrys: 4 Moon: Gone ( you and your... Oribting) Natural Disaster Per day: 7 Surviving Governments:5 the war to end all wars.. it will forever scare the world The remaining governments are Japan(Controls all of aisa), China(controls all of Europe and north afriaca), America ( controls all of Central America and West America), South America, and Canada(military capitle of the world)
Fill out this template
Name: your name Origen: what contry(government) you come frome Race: (Computer program,Human,Science project) Moodoptimistic,Pessimisic,sceptical) Atributes: you assign them this is only an Example you can put 2 good 2 bad one 10 and one 1 Strenth1-10) Defence1-10) Health1-10) Speed1-10) Agility1-10) Smart1-10) Looks: Give your features (unless comp program this will be put in later)
Name: Mr. Stuff Origin: America Race: Human Mood: Pessimistic Attributes: Strength: 3 Defense: 6 Health: 5 Speed: 5 Agility: 5 Smart: 8 Looks:fill in Inventory: Armor:clothes Weapons:Spear Rank: you do so and you make your way to the Research center but you are stopped by Muggers...they say Give me your money your clothes and your sstaff
Name: Mr. Stuff Origin: America Race: Human Mood: Pessimistic Attributes: Strength: 4 Defense: 6 Health: 5 Speed: 5 Agility: 5 Smart: 8 Looks: Brown hair and eyes Inventory: Armor: Clothes Weapons: Staff Rank: you dont answer... "any way i thing you didnt just wander here so ill just give you the run around ... here is the computer... there is the experiment station and there is you desk got it? good, great", then he scurries off...
you dont answer... "any way i thing you didnt just wander here so ill just give you the run around ... here is the computer... there is the experiment station and there is you desk got it? good, great", then he scurries off...