WW3: Death toll: 1 billon 300 people Cost:3 trillion per country Abandon Major citys:13 Abandoned countrys: 4 Moon: Gone ( you and your... Oribting) Natural Disaster Per day: 7 Surviving Governments:5 the war to end all wars.. it will forever scare the world The remaining governments are Japan(Controls all of aisa), China(controls all of Europe and north afriaca), America ( controls all of Central America and West America), South America, and Canada(military capitle of the world)
Fill out this template
Name: your name Origen: what contry(government) you come frome Race: (Computer program,Human,Science project) Moodoptimistic,Pessimisic,sceptical) Atributes: you assign them this is only an Example you can put 2 good 2 bad one 10 and one 1 Strenth1-10) Defence1-10) Health1-10) Speed1-10) Agility1-10) Smart1-10) Looks: Give your features (unless comp program this will be put in later)
Name: Mr. Stuff Origin: America Race: Human Mood: Pessimistic Attributes: Strength: 4 Defense: 6 Health: 5 Speed: 5 Agility: 5 Smart: 8 Looks: Brown hair and eyes Inventory: Armor: Clothes Weapons: Staff Rank: well... to are an intern so you can do 5 things a day...including sleep eat