You wake up. You take a look outside, get out of bed and go to the door. On the floor, you see a letter. There is no name or adress on the letter, only a single message.
You have been chosen.
You show the message to the smartest person you know, and they tell you that people around the galaxy have been receiving these mysterious messages. The person then gives you a small damaged starship to travel around the galaxy and gives you a location to visit. The person then tells you that there will be the start of your quest. Are you ready?
Character info Fill in the spaces that are left blank. I will assign the rest. Name: Description (and I mean information like Evil, Friendly, Hot-headed etc): Home planet: I will assign based on description Level: 1 Attributes (15 points to spend. Each attribute is increased each level.) Strength (melee damage): Defense (Dampens damage taken): Agility (Chance of you avoiding an attack): Intelligence (damage from skills): Planets available to travel to: Unlock through the game Move set: You start with 5 moves that I assign and unlock more through the game. Skills: special attacks/ abilities that I assign. You start with 2 and unlock more through the game.
You start with 2 planets available to travel to. Your home planet and the planet that the person said to travel to. To travel to a different planet, say "travel to _______". Sometimes you cannot travel to a planet, e.g when battling or when you have to find an exit out of some sort of problem. So, are you ready to start Planets of Heros?
Name: Daylin Description: friendly, very genorous, very bad temper, anger isues, a litle insane, and extremely protective of friends and family Home planet: Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Level: 1 Strength: 5 Defense: 5 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 3 Planets available to travel to: Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Rolghore (Earth based planet) Move set: Fireball (med dmg, single) Flame wave (light dmg, group) Burn (sets fire to an enemy. light dmg for 5 turns.) Forest fire (heavy dmg to grass based enemies, no dmg to others.) Burn Marks (Heals) Skills: Hotheaded (increases strength and defense by 3.) Feel the burn (Any enemy who comes into contact with you will be set on fire for two turns.)
Name: Daylin Description: friendly, very genorous, very bad temper, anger isues, a litle insane, and extremely protective of friends and family Home planet: Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Level: 1 Strength: 5 Defense: 5 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 3 Planets available to travel to: Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Rolghore (Earth based planet) Move set: Fireball (med dmg, single) Flame wave (light dmg, group) Burn (sets fire to an enemy. light dmg for 5 turns.) Forest fire (heavy dmg to grass based enemies, no dmg to others.) Burn Marks (Heals) Skills: Hotheaded (increases strength and defense by 3.) Feel the burn (Any enemy who comes into contact with you will be set on fire for two turns.)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-2 A-5 I-7 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
ok i will get as close as i can to the lake and use poseidons fury.
[last thing, what does dehydrate do? how does it make enemies weak? it lowers a stat of their? maybe all of them? and does it hurt all of them or just one?]
Name: Daylin Description: friendly, very genorous, very bad temper, anger isues, a litle insane, and extremely protective of friends and family Home planet: Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Level: 1 Strength: 5 Defense: 5 Agility: 2 Intelligence: 3 Planets available to travel to: Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Rolghore (Earth based planet) Move set: Fireball (med dmg, single) Flame wave (light dmg, group) Burn (sets fire to an enemy. light dmg for 5 turns.) Forest fire (heavy dmg to grass based enemies, no dmg to others.) Burn Marks (Heals) Skills: Hotheaded (increases strength and defense by 3.) Feel the burn (Any enemy who comes into contact with you will be set on fire for two turns.)
Now what do you want to do? Will you go to Rolghore, or will you explore Mawmaargh? ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-2 A-5 I-7 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You move near the lake. RIGHT CONDITIONS! You use Poseidon's fury. Attributes increased! Kyle uses jab. It hits Woodluth native 2. -5 HP! Woodluth native 2 defeated. Woodluth native 1 uses Bow strike. It hits blue wings. -3 HP! Woodluth native 3 uses jab. It hits Kyle. -5 HP.
RIGHT CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-3 D-4 A-7 I-9 HP: 77/80 SP: 20/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
(dehydrate decreases a single enemies attributes by 1. Each of that enemies attributes is decreased by 1.)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-3 D-4 A-7 I-9 HP: 77/80 SP: 20/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
i will use hydro splash now
[could you also post who the fight is against every sceneraio?]
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-3 D-4 A-7 I-9 HP: 77/80 SP: 20/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You use hydro splash. It hits woodluth native 1. -5HP! Woodluth native 1 defeated! It hits woodluth native 3. -5HP! Woodluth native 3 defeated! You are victorious!
Level up! 3 attributes points earned!
Pfft, 5HP enemies. You could've taken those guys out easily. Whoa, whoa, you level'd up? What are you, level 2? you really are new at this, aren't you! Well, I should explain ability points. Pretty easy to explain, really. You spend them on attributes. You've got 3 attributes, right? You could spend them all on strength, or 2 on agility and 1 on defense, or whatever. Just refresh your exploration sheet with your new attributes. But anyway, 5HP?! You probably couldn't believe it when you saw it on your HP reader... what, you haven't got one? Oh, come on! Here you go then, a HP reader. It shows up like this:
blue wings VS Woodluth native- 5/5 HP
However, not all battles will be as easy as this. You might find yourself in a situation where an enemy has 5 times more HP than you. A bad situation. When in that situation, keep in mind a key battle trick that will help you in the toughest battle. The battleground. This isn't limited to Go there or Run there, you can take cover behind things, break things, damage things... you know that hydro splash move you used? You could use that on a weak looking wall and release something bad on the enemy. You can do anything with the battleground. Well, anyway, for helping me, thanks. But, uhhhh, can I ask for one more favor? You know that stone I mentioned? Well, most of the Woodluth tribe hunting for it. You defend the stone, I'll give you a location that this guy told me you'd want to know. The stone is west from here. It's hiding in the huge oak tree. Just follow that path over there. It's been nice talking to you.
Kyle walks of. Now what do you do? Do you follow the path to the west?
(I enjoy hearing you're improvements, and I want this RPG to be as fun as possible. Feel free to suggest any other improvements!)
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 1 Attributes Strength: 1 Defense: 3 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
"thanks for your help"
i will follow the path.
[i think you should post both sheets. first the normal sheet, then who you battle, and then your fighting sheet. this way we wont have to go back to old comments to look for them]
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 1 Attributes Strength: 1 Defense: 3 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
At the end of the path, like Kyle said, there is a huge oak tree. At the foot of the oak tree is a shrub. There seems to be something beneath the stunts. Also, there is a small hill to the left. Next there is a tree with a carving.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 1 Attributes Strength: 1 Defense: 3 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.) Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 1 Attributes Strength: 1 Defense: 3 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.) Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
The tree with the carving says: Visit the top of the hill when all is said and done. Under the shrub there is a bright, shining stone. There is a note to the right of the stone, but before you have time to read it, Woodluth Chief's appear!
blue wings VS Woodluth chief X3 15/15 HP 15/15 HP 15/15 HP
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
Battle Info The tree is very large. There is another shrub to the right that looks very wet.
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
i will get behind the tree but as close as i can to the shrub and use dehydrate.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 1 Attributes Strength: 1 Defense: 3 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
blue wings VS Woodluth chief X3 15/15 HP 15/15 HP 15/15 HP
OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You are in the OK conditions area, but you are behind cover. You use Dehydrate. Woodluth Chiefs are weakened! Woodluth Chief 1 uses lead! His team mates are strengthened slightly! Woodluth Chief 2 moves to get a good shot and uses Bravery Bow! It misses! Woodluth Chief 3 uses Spirit Guide! He is strengthened!
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 1 Attributes Strength: 1 Defense: 3 Agility:6 Intelligence:8 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
blue wings VS Woodluth chief X3 6/15 HP 15/15 HP 15/15 HP
OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 70/80 SP: 40/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You use water beam. It hits Woodluth chief 1! -9 HP! Woodluth chief 1 uses power strike! The tree takes much damage, but hits you slightly. -7 HP! Woodluth chief 2 uses call! No one comes! Woodluth chief 3 uses spear! It hits! -3 HP!
(I'm going on a holiday for a week, so this is gonna be quiet for a while. I will be back by around Saturday though!)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-1 D-3 A-6 I-8 HP: 70/80 SP: 40/50 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute by 2 for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.