You wake up. You take a look outside, get out of bed and go to the door. On the floor, you see a letter. There is no name or adress on the letter, only a single message.
You have been chosen.
You show the message to the smartest person you know, and they tell you that people around the galaxy have been receiving these mysterious messages. The person then gives you a small damaged starship to travel around the galaxy and gives you a location to visit. The person then tells you that there will be the start of your quest. Are you ready?
Character info Fill in the spaces that are left blank. I will assign the rest. Name: Description (and I mean information like Evil, Friendly, Hot-headed etc): Home planet: I will assign based on description Level: 1 Attributes (15 points to spend. Each attribute is increased each level.) Strength (melee damage): Defense (Dampens damage taken): Agility (Chance of you avoiding an attack): Intelligence (damage from skills): Planets available to travel to: Unlock through the game Move set: You start with 5 moves that I assign and unlock more through the game. Skills: special attacks/ abilities that I assign. You start with 2 and unlock more through the game.
You start with 2 planets available to travel to. Your home planet and the planet that the person said to travel to. To travel to a different planet, say "travel to _______". Sometimes you cannot travel to a planet, e.g when battling or when you have to find an exit out of some sort of problem. So, are you ready to start Planets of Heros?
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 55/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
Inside, all the cell doors seem to be open. The walls seem to be stained with blood. The floors are littered with bodies. Continue climbing the tower?
(If I wasn't specific, the man got thrown out the window from 4 stories up and falls off the island. He's dead.)
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.) Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 55/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
i will go up but really carefully. i cant really do anything else.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.) Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 55/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You travel 3 flights of stairs and run into a couple of guards running down the stairs. You bump into them, and one of the guards scream at you.
What are you doing here? Come on! Get out o-
Some sort of monster comes flying down the stairs and jumps on the guard. You go flying back, and your vision is slightly blurred. You make out the guards putting their all into the fight, but they didn't last long against the monster. When the monster is finished with the guards, you black out for about the minute. You wake up and look for the guards, but you can only see a mangled mess that is nowhere near recognizable as human. You spare a thought for the guards. It seems that the monster went back upstairs. You hear the distant sound of screaming, but then silence. What do you do?
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.) Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 55/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
...there might be more people. i will go up to see if there are more people and if i can help them. if there arent any i will go to the highest window i can and grab the flag to get to the next island
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 55/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You travel higher up the tower. The bodies are now not only prison guards, but it seems that the prisoners also got caught up in this massacre. You reach the top floor, and you see survivors! Another floor up is the flag, but you think to yourself that you cannot leave these people! The survivors are across the room in the control room. You walk towards them, but... the creature is in there with them! The survivors will not last long. Leave the survivors and head for the flag, or help them and fight the creature?
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 55/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
i will fight. i will use dehydrate to surprise him and quickly heavens water if the survivours are hurt
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
FIGHT! blue wings VS The Creature 100/100 HP
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 45/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You use Dehydrate! The survivors have not fought the Creature, so they are not hurt. They also run down the stairs, away from the Creature.
Battle Info The control room of the tower. Mostly CCTV screens, but there is a glass of water on a counter.
Enemy Info The Creature is fast and strong. Low defense and intelligence, but still, it's going to be hard to kill.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
FIGHT! blue wings VS The Creature 100/100 HP
Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 45/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
i go behind the counter close to the glass and use the counter to block attacks if i can.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
blue wings VS The Creature 100/100 HP
OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 15/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You move behind the counter to increase defense. You use Poseidon's Fury! You are strengthened! The Creature uses Fury! Defense has been lowered while Attack has been significantly increased!
Name: Neolvin Description: Friendly but a little quick tempered, very smart but not so quick-witted Home planet: Technoss (City/robotic based planet) Level: 3 Strength: 3 Defense: 7 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 8 Planets available to travel to: Technoss (City/robotic based planet), Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Move set: Laser shot (Med dmg, single) Elektro bomb (Light dmg, group) Sabotage (Heavy dmg on robots, no dmg on others) Metallic slice (Heavy dmg on most non-metal based enemies) Fix (Heals) Recharge (Restores SP) Skills: Robot call (A robot will help you in battle) Reprogram (reprograms normal robotic based enemies to help you)
Neolvin Robot 23/30 HP VS Fire Machine 56/80 HP
Name: Neolvin Battle element: Robotic Attributes: S-3 D-7 A-3 I-8 HP: 76/90 SP: 15/55 Move set: Laser shot (Med-Sin): free Elektro bomb (Lght-Grp): free Sabotage (Hvy Robot no othr): 10sp Metallic slice (Hvy dmg non-mtl): 10sp Fix (Heals): 5sp Recharge (Rstrs SP): Free Skills: Robotic call: 20sp- A robot will help you in battle. Reprogram: 30sp- Reprograms normal robotic based enemies to help you.
[Do I tell the robot what to do, or does it just attack?]
If I can command the robot, I tell it to pummel the machine's lower sections. Then I use Fix on myself.
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
blue wings VS The Creature 100/100 HP
OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 90/90 SP: 15/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
Name: Neolvin Description: Friendly but a little quick tempered, very smart but not so quick-witted Home planet: Technoss (City/robotic based planet) Level: 3 Strength: 3 Defense: 7 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 8 Planets available to travel to: Technoss (City/robotic based planet), Mawmaargh (lava based planet) Move set: Laser shot (Med dmg, single) Elektro bomb (Light dmg, group) Sabotage (Heavy dmg on robots, no dmg on others) Metallic slice (Heavy dmg on most non-metal based enemies) Fix (Heals) Recharge (Restores SP) Skills: Robot call (A robot will help you in battle) Reprogram (reprograms normal robotic based enemies to help you)
Neolvin Robot 17/30 HP VS Fire Machine 48/80 HP
Name: Neolvin Battle element: Robotic Attributes: S-3 D-7 A-3 I-8 HP: 90/90 SP: 10/55 Move set: Laser shot (Med-Sin): free Elektro bomb (Lght-Grp): free Sabotage (Hvy Robot no othr): 10sp Metallic slice (Hvy dmg non-mtl): 10sp Fix (Heals): 5sp Recharge (Rstrs SP): Free Skills: Robotic call: 20sp- A robot will help you in battle. Reprogram: 30sp- Reprograms normal robotic based enemies to help you.
(You can control the robot, but it's default setting is to be aggressive towards the enemy.)
The Robot attacks the fire machine's lower sections! It does 8 damage, but the Molten Metal does 6 damage! You use Fix! Your HP is restored by 16 points! The fire machine uses Crank! It's abilities are increased! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
blue wings VS The Creature 75/100 HP
OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 80/90 SP: 0/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You use Aura! You are healed by 0 points! You do 30 damage! The Creature uses Cannibalism! It attacks and does 10 damage! It's HP is restored by 5!
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.) blue wings VS The Creature 75/100 HP OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 80/90 SP: 0/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
i use water beam
[ does water regeneration encrease all my sp or just some?]
Name: blue wings Description shy, friendly, quiet, different Home planet: Hydroll (Water based planet) Level: 4 Attributes Strength: 2 Defense: 4 Agility:6 Intelligence:9 Planets available to travel to: Hydroll (water based planet) Woodluth (forest based planet) Swooshmoosh (Wind based planet) Move set: Water beam (med dmg, single) Hydro splash (light dmg, group) Extinguish (heavy dmg on fire based enemies, no dmg on other) Dehydrate (Weakens enemies that aren't water based) Heaven's water (Heals) Water regeneration (Increases SP) Aura (Heal slightly and let out a burst of energy) Skills: Evaporate (Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy) Poseidon's Fury (increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and only once in a battle.)
blue wings VS The Creature 60/100 HP
OK CONDITIONS! Name: blue wings Battle element: Water Attributes: S-2 D-4 A-6 I-9 HP: 80/90 SP: 0/55 Move set: Water beam (Med-Sin): free Hydro splash (Lght-Grp): free Extinguish (Hvy fire no othr): 10sp Dehydrate (Wkns non-wtr): 10sp Heavens Water (Heals): 5sp Water regeneration (Incrse SP): Free Aura (Heal + emit energy blast): All Skills: Evaporate: 20sp- Instantly kills a single normal water based enemy Poseidon's Fury: 30sp- Increases each attribute for 5 moves. Can only use in battle and doesn't stack.
You use Water Beam! It does 15 damage! The Creature uses Roar! It's attack has been increased!
Name: DIGIDRAGON Description: Friendly, funny and wierd Home planet: Phsycoosna (Psychic based planet) Britelite (Light based planet) Level: 1 Strength: 3 Defense: 3 Agility: 3 Intelligence: 6 Planets available to travel to: Phsycoosna (Psychic based planet) Move set: Mind dagger (mad dmg, single) Soul Wave (light dmg, group) Mind bomb (Heavy dmg, single) Sixth sense (3 turns, great chance of avoiding attack) Spirit heal (Heals) Skills: Mind Trip (Causes an enemy to have strange hallucinations) Hypnotism (For 5 turns, you can control a single normal enemy)
Name: DIGIDRAGON Battle element: Psychic Attributes: S-3 D-3 A-3 I-6 HP: 80/80 SP: 50/50 Move set: Mind dagger (Med-Sin): free Soul Wave (Lght-Grp): free Mind Bomb (Hvy-Sin): 15sp Sixth Sense (Avoid atck 3 turns): 15sp Spirit heal (Heals): 5sp Skills: Mind Trip: 20sp- Causes an enemy to have strange hallucinations. Hypnotism: 30sp- For 5 turns, you can control a single normal enemy.