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This game has been inspired by a dead forum game that I can't remember the name of. I did not intend to steal, I just wanted to revive the concept.

You might remember some super complicated forum games I used to submit. All of them died, some with NO replies whatsoever. So I thought to myself, 'let's make the next one as simple as possible', and at the same time, I suddenly remembered a forum game I saw a long time ago. I thought 'now that might just be an idea' and I started typing... You don't need to read all of this. It's mainly there to clear things up. Just play and watch things develop.

The player, who is actually everyone, will be given a situation. Your job is to think of any way, it can be crazy, completely nuts, just as long as it's reasonable. ONLY REALISTIC THINGS THAT EXIST IN REAL LIFE!! Otherwise it'll be ignored and not counted. Each time someone has thought of a way to attempt to clear, bypass, or just epically clear a situation, the FIRST person to respond gets the attempt counted. If the attempt can possibly succeed at all, I (the host) will roll a die. What's on the die will affect the outcome of your attempt like so:

(EXAMPLE: You have to jump over a wall.)
6: Too Much of a Good Thing: You succeed, but you succeed so hard, that it becomes bad. Sometimes, it'll put you back where you started. Other times, it might be worse than a 1!
(EXAMPLE: You succeed in jumping over the wall, but you jump so far, that you travel the entire world and land right in front of the wall again.)
5: Epic Win: You epically succeed in what you are trying to do, AND you progress much further than you expected you would!
(EXAMPLE: You jump over this wall AND the wall you were supposed to jump over next, at the same time, while doing an uncountable amount of backflips!)
4: Success: You succeed. No more, no less. This will be the most plain and boring outcome most of the time.
(EXAMPLE: You jump over the wall smoothly and land on your feet.)
3: Partial Success: You succeed in your task but run into trouble while -and sometimes also after- doing so.
(EXAMPLE: You jump, but hit your leg at the top. That puts you out of balance, and you land on your behind, at the other side of the wall. Ouch.
2: Fail: You do not succeed in your task. In the more dangerous situations, this can cost you your life. In the situations where time is not a factor, you try again, perhaps with a scratch or two. In this case, the same situation will restart.
(EXAMPLE: You make a smooth and stylish jump, perfectly flat into the wall. You hurt your face in the progress. (with style!). And no, you did not get to the other side.)
1: Horrible Fail: You somehow fail so hard, that you, most of the time, majorly hurt yourself, or even kill yourself, just by the attempt alone. This will almost always deal long-lasting damage to your body.
(EXAMPLE: You almost jump over the wall, but on your way down you hit the wall with your crotch and fall back down, on the side where you came from. You break your neck when you land.)
X: Can't possibly work: Sometimes, if an attempt is so retarded that it can not work, or the environment doesn't allow you to do what you specified, or you do something else then trying to complete the objective, I will not roll a die at all. Instead, I will tell you you fail because your attempt simply cannot possibly succeed.
(EXAMPLE: You attempt to walk through the wall, but you hit your face and every other body part into the wall. Soon after, you realize that it's just not possible to walk straight through a brick wall.)

1. Thou shalt post serious attempts, only those that existeth in real life. No fantasy or sci-fi!
2. Thou shalt not say thou succeed already when posting an attempt, We determine that.
3. Thou shalt not spam, troll, badger, flame -or anything We forgoteth when typing- any entity in this thread.
4. Thou shalt respecteth all enti
5. Thou shalt not tryeth to work thy way around the Laws.

Shouldeth thou breaketh one of thee Sacred Laws, thou shalt first be warned. Should thou breaketh another Law, thou shalt be punished by death. (meaning that you cannot participate ever again)
Shouldeth thou, after being warned, followeth the Laws well, thy warningeth will vanish after a shorteth time. Do NOT use that to your advantage, or else your warningeth will never vanish againeth.

Here's what the summary looks like. This also contains the objective. Body Damage specifies how much damage you have done to your body. Life Force specifies how much you can take before you die. Last Roll indicates what was rolled last. Result indicates the result of the attempt. Objective lists what you need to do next. Sometimes, you're free to do what you like. Othertimes, you have no choice. Look at your Thoughts for more information and tips on what you could do.

Head: Perfect
Neck: Perfect
Torso: Perfect
Arms: Perfect
Hands: Perfect
Hip: Perfect
Legs: Perfect
Feet: Perfect
Life Force: Perfect
None, keep it up
Last Roll: 0
Result: -
Objective: You wake up in a dark room. You can't see a thing. You feel you are lying on something soft. What will you attempt to do?
Thoughts: Where am I? I don't remember a thing... and I can't see a thing... I used to be walking somewhere with light, I think even today, but that's really all I can recall. I feel like I'm lying somewhere soft... a bed? Maybe I should try finding a light switch... or maybe I should get out of here right now? Either way, I've got a bad feeling about this. I have to think fast.

This is not complicated, just list an attempt and I'll roll and advance the story. That simple.

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