Write one sentence of a story to go with the sentences of the person above you. It was a hot summers day and Bill decided to go chill at his cousins place.
I call in a tactical air strike and start using several explosive weapons including suicide planes
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 96,700/100,000Triceratops: 200/1500Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:noneDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: spartandestroyer@rivercrab01: You deal 1000 damage.@Eclipse09: You deal 2000 damage.
I call in al quedah and the taliban to suicide bomb the place until its nothing but molten rock and rubble!
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 94,700/100,000Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:noneDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: spartandestroyer@Eclipse09: You deal 2000 damage.
Im gonna call in the big guns. aka not a nuke A HYDROGEN BOMB!
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 64,700/100,000Status:noneDamaged: noneCritical: rivercrab01, Eclipse09Dead: spartandestroyer@Eclipse09: The H-bomb deals 30,000 damage to the building, but it also kills Bill and his cousin, and it puts you and rivercrab01 at Critical.
I hide until i recover and say sorry to bill and his cousins family but i really dont care but i dont let them know
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 64,700/100,000Status:noneDamaged: Eclipse09Critical: rivercrab01Dead: spartandestroyer@Eclipse09: You are now at Damaged.
Once again hide until i heal then launch another h bomb even though its my last one!
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 64,700/100,000Status:noneDamaged: noneCritical: rivercrab01Dead: spartandestroyer@Eclipse09: You are now healed.
Call in the last h bomb but before that i weld 6 nukes to it and get like 1000 miles away!
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 34,700/100,000Status:noneDamaged: noneCritical: rivercrab01Dead: spartandestroyer@Eclipse09: You deal 30,000 damage from the nukes.
I call in the ira the kgb and all hte other world militarys and let them rain fire explosions acid and a flower on the building!
Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 29,700/100,000Status:noneDamaged: noneCritical: rivercrab01Dead: spartandestroyer@Eclipse09: You deal 5000 damage.
Manekk08, you're coping my idea. XP
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