Write one sentence of a story to go with the sentences of the person above you. It was a hot summers day and Bill decided to go chill at his cousins place.
Age: Medieval TimesKnight A: 0/500Knight B: 0/500Knight C: 100/500Knight D: 500/500Triceratops: 700/1500Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:spartandestroyer: accused of treason and in jailDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: none@rivercrab01: You kill Knight B, but the symbols on your sword disappear in the process.@Zyba: You heal the triceratops by 300 HP, and the triceratops now deals 300 damage.@spartandestroyer: All users are on the same team, so you are accused of treason. You are currently in jail until a trial occurs.
What?! I use Titan sleep on spartandestroyer! Finish the fight while he is asleep so he doesn't get damaged!
Ninja'd. Fair enough. I attack Both knights with a double slash!
screw the jails i have medievil power!(the jail doors randomly explode)O_O doesnt usually work... but hey the doors gone and i can kill guards!(kills guards with explosion bolts)
Age: Medieval TimesKnight A: 0/500Knight B: 0/500Knight C: 0/500Knight D: 400/500Triceratops: 700/1500Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:spartandestroyer: accused of treason and in jailDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: none@rivercrab01: You kill Knight C and deal 100 damage to Knight D.
I attack once more with a concentrated power attack!
Age: Medieval TimesKnight A: 0/500Knight B: 0/500Knight C: 0/500Knight D: 400/500Triceratops: 700/1500Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:spartandestroyer: accused of treason and in jailDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: none@spartandestroyer: When in jail, you may not post actions. Therefore, you are still in jail.
figures they made this entire jail into a huge freakin labyrinth... oh hey some piss in a jar!
Age: Medieval TimesKnight A: 0/500Knight B: 0/500Knight C: 0/500Knight D: 300/500Triceratops: 700/1500Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:spartandestroyer: accused of treason and in jailDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: none@rivercrab01: You deal 100 damage@spartandestroyer: Stop posting! There is no point in posting anything while you're in jail.
I rummage the knights corpses in search of items. I then attack again!
ATTACK KNIGHT D and take his weapons and armor as my trophies then throw them in a lake
The objective is complete, but my post on that failed to register. There is a court case for spartandestroyer being accused of treason. Go to this thread to handle it.
now what? Do we wait for a decision in that thread?
spartandestroyer has been executed for treason.The dimensional portal takes you to the present. Unfortunately, the Empire State Building animates itself.Objective: Destroy the Empire State Building.Age: PresentEmpire State Building: 100,000/100,000Triceratops: 700/1500Bill: 200/250Bill's cousin: 250/250Status:noneDamaged: Eclipse09, rivercrab01Critical: noneDead: spartandestroyer
... oh snap. I use Titan Explosion on the foot of the building!
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