Good one! If someone looks me in the eye I start to do this super weird thing with my eyes when they dart back and forth really fast, almost as if they were quivering. It grosses all my friends out which might explain my lack of real friends in real life.
If it's someone im talking to then i look back, if its a friend I wave hi, if its a stranger I study them to see what they want, if it's a teacher I put away my paper plane.
I'd start a staring contest that would go on forever......or i'd pull out a knife stab the person and throw them over the cliff and walk away... i like idea 2.
I usually try to avoid eye contact because I find it super awkward. But sometimes if someone really wants to make eye contact, I give them a weird stare and a sneer just to show them how awkward eye contact it. If I'm feeling awkward, I'll make everyone else awkward too. XD