You wake up. Morning breath is still fresh. You don't want to brush your teeth. You don't want to get completely dressed. And you don't want to do anything but eat a bowl of cereal. You get up and pour yourself a bowl of Cereal. Or so you think. It's out. Well, you probably shouldn't have had that party last night where you served Cheerios, Honey Bunches of Oats, and every other cereal you had for food. At least it wasn't spiked! Anyways, you're out. So you go to the store to buy one. ...but a zombie bumps into you. Uh oh. Looks like you're going to have to fight this one out. Objective- To find a box of cereal, somewhere.
Fight the Zombie! Zombie Health- 150/150 Strengths- Resistant to damage. Weaknesses- Slow and only attack is bite. Other Stuff- Note: Knives won't do, buddy. You're in your living room, and he's blocking off the exit and the kitchen! Find something interesting to smack him upside the head with.
For those of you who don't know how this runs down-
Randomuser44424324232232131231312: I attack the zombie with UBER PUNCH.
Then I go-
Sorry he bit you now you dead son. (That is not an attempt to troll anyone... or is it?)
Anyways, so yeah. Say the action, I say the outcome.
Fight the Zombie! (And soldier, if you got bitten.) Zombie Health- 75/150 Strengths- Resistant to damage. Weaknesses- Slow and only attack is bite. Other Stuff- Note: Knives won't do, buddy. You're in your living room, and he's blocking off the exit and the kitchen! Find something interesting to smack him upside the head with. Loco: Bitten, 3 turns left before ZOMBIEFICATION (Not a word) Monkey: Bitten also. 5 turns left.
Soldier: 250/250 Strengths: All around goodness. Weaknesses: Not strong in one area. Equipment: Vest, M16A2, .45 Colt, Combat Knife, Cure (2), Riot Helmet, and Fatigues.
Loco: If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say it. Voice it with an argument which can be solidified with a valid debate. As in- IT'S A GAME. YOU WILL RESPAWN. YOU WILL HAVE OTHER ZOMBIE TO FIGHT. There. Please put actions also. By the way the soldier shoots up that zombie! -20 HP
Fight the Zombie! (And soldier, if you got bitten.) Zombie Health- 75/150 Strengths- Resistant to damage. Weaknesses- Slow and only attack is bite. Other Stuff- Note: Knives won't do, buddy. You're in your living room, and he's blocking off the exit and the kitchen! Find something interesting to smack him upside the head with. Loco: Bitten, 1 turns left before ZOMBIEFICATION (Not a word) Monkey: Bitten also. 3 turns left.
Soldier: 250/250 Strengths: All around goodness. Weaknesses: Not strong in one area. Equipment: Vest, M16A2, .45 Colt, Combat Knife, Cure (2), Riot Helmet, and Fatigues.
Monkey: He slaps you down, points his pistol at you, and proclaims: "For authorized personnel!"
The zombie groans and starts walking towards Loco.
If you ain't got nothing nice to say, don't say it.
that has nothing to do with what i have you said it your self
Too lazy to redo...
either way i get near the soldier and ask if he can look at my eye i think there is a new disease out, when he leans in to get close i bite his jugular (that has to work...)