You are (With many other spartan and ODSTs) being brought to a forest were they need backup, when the ship begins to land (BBBBAAAAAAAAMMMM) The ship gets shot down!!!!!! Crashing Falling and (BOOOOOOOMMMM) One by one you all start to wake up, how to get of this crash... You decide...[b]
Name:Chur' Zamee Nickname:none Age:46 Specialty:Hierarchy missions of Religious importance Weapons:Energy Cutlass, Point Defense Gauntlet (energy shield) Color:Gold Covenant: Kig' Yar (Jackal)
i gather any other prisoners and gather up my gear if i can find it "death to the heretics!" i scream as a rally cry, grab a pistol (human or covenant idc) activate my gauntlet and shoot at any humans