What is Godsilver? Godsilver is (obliviously) the silver from God. Ancient people created 10 artifacts from the Godsilver, but those artifacts were too powerful, so they decided to hide it. 2000 years later, human king Edward discovered one of the artifacts. Few years later orcs, elves, dwarves and goblins found one of the artifacts too. They wanted to live in peace, and never used the artifacts in war. But then, Edwards Brother, a necromancer, ruler of the undead found another artifact. Few days later, the orcs and goblins declared war against the humans and joined forces with the undead. The elves, dwarves and humans created the Alliance of Light. Its goal is to destroy all undead, and the necromancer Hrol. And here the story begins...
Character sheet: Name: Gender: Age:(human 16-30, other below 100) Race/Class: see bellow Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: see bellow Damage: 3-7 (Warriors/Archers: For each 2 points in strength, + 1 DMG) (Mages/Bombard: For each 2 points in intelligence, + 1 DMG) Health: 15/15 (For each 2 points of endurance, + 1 HP) Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 10 Strength: ( Your physical power, damage for warriors and archers.) Endurance:( Your ability to resist damage, your health.) Intelligence:(Your ability to read books, creating potions, persuade people and damage for mages/bombards.) Agility:(Your ability to dodge attacks, climb things, your speed.)
Races/Classes: Humans- Humans are average fighters, average intelligent and average agile(+1 STR, + 1 INT, + 1 AGL) -Warrior: Basic melee fighter( + 2 STR, + 1 END, rusty old sword, med kit) - Crossbowman: A human with a crossbow. (+2 AGL, +1STR, old crossbow, bolts 40x) -Mage: A human that can cast fire spells. (+2 INT, + 1 AGL, old wand, book of fire spells)
Elves - Very intelligent and agile race. (+2 INT, +1 AGL) -Fighter: Fights with 2 swords. ( + 2 STR, + 1 AGL, 2x old sword, med kit) -Archer : Elven archers are the best archers! (+3 AGL, wooden bow, arrows 40x) -Enchanter: Can control air ( +3 INT, old staff, book of wind spells)
Dwarves- They are small, but their bones are strong like steel (+ 3 END) -Defender: Warrior with high defense. (+3 END, wooden shield, old axe) -Hunter: Uses throwing axes. (+2 END, + 1 STR, Throwing axes 20x) -Wizard: Can control lightning(+2 INT, + 1 END , old thunder staff, book of thunder spells)
Orcs- The strongest race ( + 3 STR) -Berserker : Warriors that wield heavy axes. ( + 3 STR, old heavy axe, med kit) -Slingshot orc: Orc that shoots with a slingshot.( +1 STR, +1 AGL, +1 END, old slingshot, stone 20x) -Shaman: Can control nature (+ 1 INT, +1 END, +1 AGL, earth staff, book of nature spells)
Goblins- They are very weak but very agile and intelligent ( +2 AGL, + 1 INT) -Halberdier: A goblin with a halberd. (+ 3 AGL, old halberd, med kit) -Spy: Goblin that shoots poison darts. ( +1 AGL, + 1 INT, +1 STR, tube, darts 15x, sleep powder) -Bombard: Goblins canât use magic, but are good in creating bombs.( + 2 INT, + 1 STR, small bomb 10x, 300 coins)
Name: blue wings Gender: male Age:18 Race/Class: enchanter Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old staff, book of wind spells Damage: 7-11 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:1 Endurance:2 Intelligence:9 Agility:4 You've created a strong wind that stopped the running skeleton. Then, up from nowhere an arrow hit him into the head. You saw an archer on the rooftop of your house. ,,Hey you! Enchanter! Are you alright? " he screamed.
What will you do?
P.S. If you read your book of wind spells , you will be able to do stronger things with wind, like creating a little tornado that crushes some enemies. ----------------------------------------------------------
Name: Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of thunder spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5
You are the fifth player who joined, so where is the problem?
You went to the town, to buy some food, when you saw an cart with 5 goblins coming through the gate. ,,Oh, no. The goblins are here for the payment." says the salesman. ------------------------------------------------------
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 10x, Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
You have entered the forest. You see a camp with a big wooden gate. ,,Okay destroy the gate so we can enter." says one of the halberdiers.
Name: Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of thunder spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5
sorry, before i created my char i counted the players and i think i miss-counted. i thought i was the sixth one who wanted to play.
i say to the salesman: if you have trouble with these goblins i can help. i search in my spell book a spell to attack all of them at once, then i cast it on the five goblins to stop them.
Name: Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of thunder spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5
You have created a small lightning that paralyzed the goblins. After they could move again, they ran away, except one that looked at you with an angry face. What will you do? P.S. You can control lightning how you want, but you can only paralyze enemies now. If you read you spellbook later, you will be able to use stronger lightning that damages enemies.
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
You've planted a bomb successfully and destroyed the cannon. But your friends are besieged by all humans in the camp. One of them screams:,,Throw a pair of bombs at us! It doesn't matter if we die, at least you will kill them all!" But other goblin begs: ,,No, please! Don't kill me!" What will you do?
P.S. You don't need to plant bombs, you can throw them like a grenade.
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
,,You can surrender, but I will still kill you. A goblin killed my wife, so I will kill your friends!" Says one of the humans, and after that he tries to kill a goblin. ,,Wait!" says the human leader. ,,Hey, you, goblin with bombs. Come with us, and we will let your friends live." What will you do?
Name: blue wings Gender: male Age:18 Race/Class: enchanter Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old staff, book of wind spells Damage: 7-11 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:1 Endurance:2 Intelligence:9 Agility:4
Because you are agile, you jumped on the rooftop. ,,Safe place? Don't you want to revenge that elf? Our village isn't the first, that they attacked. I have heard that they have a lair in the Vallron valley. I want to go the Vallron village in that valley and ask people for information. I'm sure they know where the lair is. Are you going with me? Anyway, I'm Sivolon."
Name: Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of thunder spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 5 Agility: 5
,,This is our town...you will pay for that.." And then he leaves. ,,Thank you, but you have made them angry. They think they own our town and are blocking our tunnel to the surface (you are a dwarf, you live under earth)." says the salesman. What will you do now?
Name: Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of thunder spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 6 Agility: 5
The salesman showed you the location and you went there.You studied the book and your intelligence and thunder power increased (+1 INT). You walked through the tunnel, and at the end you saw a wooden barricade. What will you do?