first off you will have to command battles but i don't want "have them attack" no, i want something like "have my left flank move up and attack the center" something like that
this will be in the days before guns, in fact you'll start as a tribe of club wielding hunters
heres the sheet
Leader Name:realistic please (if your Japanese your not Bob) Age: Gender: Phy. desc.: Personality: Trait: from the above 2 Country: Empire name: realistic please Empire Perk: i make Government type: Coat of arms: Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: Researchers: Soldiers: Soldier types: clubmen Events: Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 huts Resources: 5,000
you can make more population by letting your people "rest"
resources can be found by hunting, chopping wood, mining, fishing, etc.
I'll join as long as the researchers have no idea how to fight, the soldiers have no idea how to research, etc. So basically everything is compartmentalized.
I'll join as long as the researchers have no idea how to fight, the soldiers have no idea how to research, etc. So basically everything is compartmentalized.
god ****it you HAVE to have a good memory, fine but i will still pull tricks but researchers won't fight and soldiers won't research and stuff like that
god ****it you HAVE to have a good memory, fine but i will still pull tricks but researchers won't fight and soldiers won't research and stuff like that
I seem to recall a certain incident when researchers rebelled and turned into super soldiers who kicked the real soldiers' *****... All right, cool. I'm in.
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: from the above 2 Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: i make Government type: Socialist. Coat of arms: None. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen Events: Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 huts Resources: 5,000
I seem to recall a certain incident when researchers rebelled and turned into super soldiers who kicked the real soldiers' *****...
i swear do you have a backup of every RPG you've ever had/ been in so you can recall everything whenever you want?
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: None. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen Events: Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 huts Resources: 5,000
you love playng male, what about whatsherface the female ruler?
anyway you can come up with a better name
and just come up with a simple coat of arms PWEEEESE it can be the same from the last game
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen Events: Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 huts Resources: 5,000
you love playng male, what about whatsherface the female ruler?
You mean Hatshepsut? I don't really, it's just that women didn't have **** to do in ancient civilizations except wash clothing. Hatshepsut was the exception to the rule.
Have the soldiers patrol, researchers research medicine, and workers build whatever the researchers come up with.
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen Events: Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 huts, 10 medicine huts Resources: 5,000
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen Events: Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 huts, 10 medicine huts Resources: 5,000
Have the soldiers train and exercise, taking it in turns(so that half are training and the other half are patrolling, then switch). Have the researchers work on architecture for safer buildings(in case of earthquakes, fires, etc.), heating, and cooling. Have the workers work on sanitation to prevent disease.
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen, macemen Events:A soldier comes back from a patrol with a large red welt and violent coughing, some bloody Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines Resources: 4,500
check event
you train them and the clubmen figure out a few sharp stakes tied to a rock head will make a mace, macemen come up split them between troops
you work on reinforced huts
the workers train to notice some symptoms of "he's probably not okay" (ties in with event)
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen, macemen Events:A soldier comes back from a patrol with a large red welt and violent coughing, some bloody Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines Resources: 4,500
Have the researchers study the injured soldier, test cures, find out what it is, etc. Macemen: 80, Clubmen: 75
the workers train to notice some symptoms of "he's probably not okay" (ties in with event)
No, I want the workers to do sanitation, not medicine.
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen: 75, macemen: 80 Events:A soldier comes back from a patrol with a large red welt and violent coughing, some bloody Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines Resources: 4,600
you figure out he has "i'm really not okay" itis, but after a few tests you figure out some good smelling herb cures him and you get 1000 resources and 1 free simple tech or 50 extra population
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen: 75, macemen: 80 Events:A soldier comes back from a patrol with a large red welt and violent coughing, some bloody Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines Resources: 4,600
Just keep the latrines away from the food supplies, homes, etc. Obviously. What would you recommend? Soldiers: Keep training and guarding in shifts. Researchers: Research weaponry and protection, arms and armor. Workers: Implement what the researchers come up with.
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, simple medicine, simple sanitation, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen: 75, macemen: 80 Events:Soft leather 3 turns Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines Resources: 4,600 i would recommend Agriculture, (which i will allow as a simple tech even though it is kinda big) for a resource farm (I.E. more focus on mines and whatnot), War spear for a agressive stance, simple diplomacy for pacifist (wussifist), and short clay wall for defensive
they get better at tactics, and you have your first formation
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, simple medicine, simple sanitation, Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen: 75, macemen: 80 Events:Soft leather 3 turns Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines Resources: 4,600
Let's do Agriculture. Divert half my researchers from leather to more farming and agriculture. Irrigation, seed types, etc. Half the soldiers drill formations and training, half patrol, switch every few hours.
Leader Name: Imhotep Hetshepsu. Age: 25 Gender: Male. Phy. desc.: Short, deep tan, short black hair, brown eyes. Personality: Industrious, intelligent, and optimistic. Trait: Glass half full: the men will never run, 5 vs. 100? WINNABLE! Country: Egypt Empire name: Egyptian Empire! Empire Perk: light armor: your men have lighter armor but are faster Government type: not yet Coat of arms: Diagonally crossed sickle and scimitar with a vertical crosier in the middle, set over a triangle with a Wedjat and rising sun in it. Generals of armies: you Tech: war clubs,huts,wooden stake fence, simple medicine, simple sanitation, Agriculture Population: 500 (split it into the three categories below) Workers: 170 Researchers: 165 Soldiers: 165 Soldier types: clubmen: 75, macemen: 80 Events:Soft leather 5 turns Defenses: 0/0 Vehicles: none Buildings: 50 Reinforced huts, 10 medicine huts, Latrines, 60 farms Resources: 4,000
after a few days training you get a single formation to choose (simple)