oh my god if it weren't for this showing up on the forum game recent topic would've never remade this, and i really liked it too. So...hope i get some new players but if hyper and sirnoobs come back they can copy their latest sheets
it is the year 2280 earth made contact with many different alien species making the desolate space of past into a habitat crawling with different species but all is not well, many different wars were caused by the Xenophobia of earth in their past before they went out themselves to find people you will command a small fireteam to begin but maybe you can advance to command a whole army
Midors: tall, red aliens with long faces and slender bodies, they are super smart but weak. they have advanced armor technology far but not melee technology which is average (an important part of these wars), their guns are up to snuff but not special (laser weapons with varying levels of power) they live to be 240
they are at war with the humans and help the Fandors
Fandors: almost a brother race to the Midors, they are hooman sized with very broad shoulders and a pig like face, their skin color varies from green, to dark grey. Their melee weapons have incredible strength, their guns are also up to snuff, but their armor can be compared to those of the human barbarian of the past they live to be 160 they are at war with the hoomen and help the Midors
Helghast: they have a completely pale white complexion and are much slimmer then hoomen this is a slave race, under the grateful control of the Humans who they shall die for. Everything about them is average. they usually live to be 40
Humans (Hoomen):the race living on the big blue marble. Their Weapons are much more advanced, but melee is non existent, and have average armor. They live to be 80/90
Malkians: mercenaries, fight for any side that pays they are foot taller than the average human, purple, with long tails their weapons are primitive and they have no melee weapons but they have the most advanced armor
Classes:the list goes with weps and armor primitive/average/advanced depending on the race
Light melee:none/dual laser sabers/plasma Khopesh (sickle sword) with small plasma wrist shield,Superlite alloy armor/S&N light combat armor/Laser charged light alloy armor,small painkiller syringe,field bandages,4 Model 34 incendiary grenade
and you can make your own class
Char sheet
Name: Age: Gender: Race: Class: Side: Human faction, or Fandor-Midor unified nation Squad: 4 (put how what class each squad member is and their names) Weapons: Armor: Misc.: you can make 5 Health: 100/100 Armor: i put Personality: least 3 Phy.Desc.:least 3 Traits: i make from your personality/or desc. Bio: optional, least 5 sentences Perk: i make from bio
Second squad: human heavy gunner Human sniper Helghast heavy melee Malkien special class: mercenary: full auto plasma rifle, Z-53 Laser grenade launcher (light anti personnel) M.2279 Powersuit, the rest of the basic equipment
Name: James Smith Age: 21 Gender: Male Race: Human Class: Sniper Side: Human faction Squad: Seth- Human Shock Trooper Nick - Human Sniper John - Human Infantryman Jack - Human heavy gunner Weapons: RSN long range rifle, Mk.II combat blade Armor: M1 light Recon armor Misc.: Small painkiller syringe, field bandages, 2 "Smokey" smokescreen grenades Health: 100/100 Armor: Personality: Smart, quiet, imaginative Physical Description: Brown hair, brown eyes, skinny Traits: Imagination - Sometimes able to see the enemies' moves before they make them! Bio: Perk:
she says she is a girl but i think she is a giant brain
Would the downed ship provide decent all-around cover, or would it be too exposed?
it's a big wreck, but there are large chunks of it scattered around giving average cover and really good cover inside the ship since you can shoot from the pilots seat and other holes in it
1. Have the Malkian mercenary walk out casually and unthreateningly. 2. pig-dude shoots the flare towards the farthest part of the Hangar and as high as possible (after lighting it of course); 2a. Every Sniper in the group throws one smoke grenade, each in varying distances so there is a tunnel of smoke between here and the ship. 3. The Malkian mercenary starts unloading on the catwalk with the grenade launcher, while Squad C (the non-infantry AI squad) runs underneath the catwalk. 3a. My squad and either the all-infantry or mystuff's squad will dash through the smokescreen and into the wreck, while Hyper's squad runs out of the wreck and to where the remaining squad is 3b. Once there, Hyper's squad and the other squad provide suppression fire and fire support. 3c. The squad underneath the catwalk uses every explosive they have to demolish the catwalk completely. 4. The 2 squads in the wreck, take up positions and focus fire on any other Malkians as well as on the catwalk.
1. Have the Malkian mercenary walk out casually and unthreateningly.
goes without a hitch
2. pig-dude shoots the flare towards the farthest part of the Hangar and as high as possible (after lighting it of course);
rolled 6 ! it works perfectly and they are all distracted completely
2a. 5 it makes a long tunnel of smoke and once the malkiens start firing t's completely inaccurate
3.1 D:! the grenade fire completely misses and the squad is pinned down
3a. your squad and stuffs rushes out, your shieldman takes fire and he is hit in the leg, while mrstuff is hit in the chest and arm hyper makes it back to the corridor though 2
3b. they supress the mercs and kil la few who fall over the railing
3c. they ain't under it but they do take it down
4. 2 they fire on it, but are less effective, yawk is hit in the head
:/ my dice rolls are so unlucky
eventually the malkiens are killed now about the wounded