Step into the Mythic Arena called Fellas, where heroes from all over the world and beyond gather in here to fight for pride, glory and honour. Do you have what it takes to step into the arena? Choose one of the champions and fight in the Ring of Death and prove that you are the unstoppable!
Nomad - Damage/AOE Ability 1: Makes you invisible and your next attack deals 300 damage. (180 Energy Cost)(4 Turns Cooldown) Ability 2: Throws sand at your enemies' eyes, stunning them for 2 turns. (210 Energy Cost)(4 Turns Cooldown) Ability 3: (Passive) You have 33% chance (Dice roll) to critical strike your enemy for 1.5x times your Attack Damage. Ultimate: Conjures a sandstorm, dealing 400 damage to all enemies and stunning them for 1 turn. (350 Energy Cost)(8 Turns Cooldown) Attack Damage: 200 Health: 2000/2000 Energy: 1000/1000
Blacksmith - Damage/Tank Ability 1: Stuns a single enemy for 1 turn and deals 190 damage. (180 Energy Cost)(3 Turns Cooldown) Ability 2: Throws a hammer at a single enemy, silencing his/her spells for 2 turns. (150 Energy Cost)(2 Turns Cooldown) Ability 3: Create a weapon and throw it at a single enemy for 250 damage. (160 Energy Cost)(2 Turns Cooldown) Ultimate: (Passive) You have 17% chance (Dice roll) to multicast any of the other abilities you cast, doubling their effect. Attack Damage: 100 Health: 2500/2500 Energy: 1500/1500
Cleric - Support/Healer Ability 1: Heal yourself or your ally for 350 health. (190 Energy Cost)(5 Turns Cooldown) Ability 2: (Passive) Brilliance yourself and your ally, refilling 30 energy each turn permamently. Ability 3: Life saps all your enemies, dealing 40 damage, then healing you and your ally for 40 health. (180 Energy Cost)(3 Turns Cooldown) Ultimate: Stun yourself for 2 turns, but when the stun ends, you heal yourself and your ally 500 health. (290 Energy Cost)(5 Turns Cooldown) Attack Damage: 100 Health: 1500/1500 Energy: 3000/3000
Mageslayer - Damage/Anti-Mage Ability 1: (Passive) Burn 40 energy of your enemy on each of your attacks Ability 2: Empower your weapon so that your next attack will burn 100 additional energy (160 Energy Cost)(4 Turns Cooldown) Ability 3: Silences all your enemies for 1 turn (110 Energy Cost)(3 Turns Cooldown) Ultimate: Damages your target for the amount of energy he/she is missing x0.5. (300 Energy Cost)(8 Turns Cooldown) Attack Damage: 250 Health: 1500/1500 Energy: 1000/1000
Axemaster - Tank/Reflect Ability 1: Taunt your enemies, they will automaticaly attack you with normal attacks for 1 turn. (60 Energy Cost)(5 Turns Cooldown) Ability 2: (Passive) You have 17% chance (Dice roll) to counterattack 150 damage to all enemies when an enemy attacks you Ability 3: Stuns a single target for 2 turns (100 Energy Cost)(4 Turns Cooldown) Ultimate: Instantly kill a single enemy target who has less than 600 health. Priceless... (150 Energy Cost)(7 Turns Cooldown) Attack Damage: 150 Health: 3000/3000 Energy: 500/500
Swiftblade - Damage/AOE Ability 1: Whirlwinds around all enemies, dealing 100 damage each turn for 4 turns. (180 Energy Cost)(6 Turns Cooldown) Ability 2: (Passive) You have 33% chance (Dice roll) to deal 2x times your attack damage when you attack normally. Ability 3: Jumps down at a single enemy, stunning him/her for 1 turn and dealing 190 damage. (170 Energy Cost)(3 Turns Cooldown) Ultimate: Slashes all enemies 4 times in one turn for normal attack damage. (390 Energy Cost)(9 Turns Cooldown) Attack Damage: 150 Health: 2000/2000 Energy: 1500/1500
Timestopper - Damage/Tank Ability 1: (Passive) You have 17% chance (Dice roll) to go back in time for a bit to resist any negative spell cast on you. Ability 2: Time walks at a single enemy, hitting him/her for 150 damage and silencing for 1 turn (160 Energy Cost)(3 Turns Cooldown) Ability 3: When activated, for 2 turns makes your attacks have 83% chance (Dice roll) to stun enemy for 1 turn (150 Energy Cost)(5 Turns Cooldown) Ultimate: Stops the global time for 3 turns. This also stops your ally if you have one, however you are not stopped, so you can do what you want in these 3 turns. (400 Energy Cost)(8 Turns Cooldown) Attack Damage: 150 Health: 2500/2500 Energy: 1000/1000
This is a PvP game, meaning you fight agaisnt other players. There is no player limit, anyone can join at any time. Now, don't think it will be hard for me, because I will only host the battles and I won't care about your characters. Everything will be based on math, and on the luck from the dice I throw. The battles will be turn-based, and everyone in the battle will take turns and try to eliminate their opponent. You can challenge someone to a battle and wait for them to accept, you can do this either through profiles, or on the Forum game itself. You can also request partnership with someone through profiles, so later on you can fight 2v2 battles. As said before, more champions will be added soon and you can repick some other champion at any time, but your wins/losses will be reseted. That Dice roll you probably seen is the chance thing in this game. If the chance is 17%, when I throw the dice, the dice result has to be 1 out of the 6 sides the dice has. If it's 33%, it has to be 1 or 2 out of the 6, if it's 83%, it has to be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 out of the 6. So, time to play. Let's hope this will be a famous Forum Game. Trying to be Original project...