this is kinda of a think engine... for forum games to play.. as a maker it kinda sucks to try to guess what the player isinterested ao im starting this topic...
post some of you game ideas ... how you want them played or the points of view or the story or type of game... just plese whento post just post gammer or creator from what ever point of view your going for...
How about a fallout like game where u choose 2 companions, are a good, neutral or evil character. A Map who isn't to big and where the players meet each other and fight.
In addition to my fallout idea. You could do a new Vegas thing where people can join the NV groups like the legion or the NCR. And you give the evil players bounty and let other players have the options to fight them.
after you finisSTORY ( optional) befor you go to collage you deside to take a vacation... you see an affordable cruise line that goes around the nebulan star system. one of the most buetiful places in the galaxy. after booking the trip you start to pack then head off... after six weeks on the cruise you make some friends see some sites and now you visit the Great Gravity Flux... once every 15 cycles the vortex attracks every thing near it. the captins are told only to visit it after the flux but once andd awhile there are aftershocks in the vortex... while walking with your friends to the observation room you feel a large shake under your feet... then you fly against the wall... every thing near you seems to fall in your dirction... within two minutes your back on your feet but you still feel thet you are in motion...
you hear the caption over the intercome screem "we are out of control abandon ship i repet abandon ship!!!" you and your friends run to the escape pods... but then you remeber...(flashback(("if we are about to crash and you are with a party of more than 3 DONT go to an escape pod or split up... return to your rooms and seal the door... then press the button underneath you intercom...)) back to reality) you grab your friends and sprint in the other direction... once you enter you room you seal the door and push the button...
the room launches forward... as you look out the window you see a far planet almost compleely covered in water come in to view... as you see there are many diffrent islands speckled all over the planet... you here a robotic voice say Welcome to nutron. as you near the planet you feel a suddon stop or deseleration... some after burners activat and you slowly enter the atmosphere but then you drop... right into the water... then you feel a push... you are slowly moving twards a small dock... you step onto the sand and look around... there are trees full of fruit... purple fruit...
Name: Gender: Age: Looks: Food:90 9 IF YOU GET TO 0 YOU WILL DIE ------------- Abilitys sloppy punch sloppy kick sloppy tackle (add one (has to be slopy)) -------------------------- inventory (10 items max (for now))
weapons: none armor: clothes Tech: cellphone Misc.: hand full of sand _------------------------ Other Home: your room islandname it) Status:survivor
this is a team game... you must start with at least 2 to people...
dont hav time to read read the top line i would judge it but i always say dont judge a whale by it's blubber. so i'll read it later then say it sucks. I'm kidding lol!