ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 2: The New Beginning

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1,373 posts

Hello and welcome to my newest forum game! Yes, I am back. But first off, I will list some of the reasons why I left in the first place:
1. Real life. I didnt simply have eough time to do it, when I began DtP4 and CaP it was summer break. Then school came and I didnt have time to do it. And having two forum games was just stressing...
2. I got bored. I just overcomplicated it... I didnt have the nerves to do the 30 min. updating everyday. First off I enjoyed it, but then it just became a pain...
3. Ummm... I think thats about it...

So second, what I dont want to happen in this edition of CaP:
Overcomplicate it. Every country had its own sheet. It took forever to update them all... Thats why I wont be giving anyone complete control about a country, I will make up problems, and you will have to solve them.

And last, but not least, the new plans I have for this:
1. We wont stick to one planet for so long as we did last time. We will be hopping from planet to planet, just like we used to in DtP.
2. I want this to be a successor for both, DtP and CaP, do this will include elemetns from both (Terraforming, destruction, conquest...).
3. I do not want to include the Earth itself in this one. At least not early on.
4. From time to time I will make "joke planets". Like worlds from games or movies or so.
5. I might include Earth later on, in certain scenarios. For example I was always interested in alternate history scenarios...

Thats about it I guess. Any suggestions before the game itself starts?

  • 381 Replies
1,023 posts

I make them mine more stuff and build a wall around the tribe. I also build some boats. I also make a government, with me as chieftain of the ravenites.

42 posts

Ok then, I will now create my new species: THE GOOP.

"Goop" is a flowing mass of grey grey-iness that also just so happens to have a consciousness. These blobs of goo will absorb anything they touch that is smaller than them, growing in size as they do so. A Goop starts out as a lump weighing one pound, but as they absorb more, they will eventually grow to be 100 pounds and approxamatley 10 feet in diameter. Once this mass is reached, they split into 100 identical copies weighing one pound each. And the cycle continues. The other neat thing about Goop is that if it absorbs a sentient being, it also gains all the knowledge of it, and will spread this knowledge to its descendants. When Goop is harmed, It shrinks in size. Once it reaches a mass of one ounce, They dissipate into nothing.

These creatures are indigenous to the Amazonian jungle in central South America.

1,023 posts


1,373 posts

Just guess what held me from uúdating this for so long... Just guess... :P Anyway, sorry but a certain new awesome game kept me from it... If you played it too, you will understand


Wait...Flesh...I KNOW!!!
I use explosives,Fire arrows,Flame swords(Swords that are put on Fire) and Other stuff on Fire!
Then I attack the golems!
The explosives will Make them explode!!!
And fire...Well...A normal Person burns ok...And has flesh...So it should be the same for golems!!!!

I make a new way of order in the city...
Instead a special person we call President
The president will be choosed by Civilian Hollarazors!
They vote!
And the president that has the most votes wins!!!
And if the president dies...They vote again!!!

This way The Land Will not corrupt

Also I have the

The golems explode and burn, so you can hold them off. For now... They keep making more and more of them, if you wont do anything, they will run you over... And you lost the Papua New Guinea peninsular, but you fully colonized New Zealand! Are you sure you want a revolution in the goverment right now? In this situation?

Sorry for above...Lag making my computer go hay wire :/


Also I have the Hollarazors research more stuff
Like...Better gunpowder...Advanced research(Agriculture,Mining)
BTW When I say advanced I mean New Methods Of Doing the research..
So lets say Farmers used to plow the land with Oxes...
I advance it by Replacing the oxes with horses!!!
I have them research important but yet simple stuff...Like education,Writing,Making Paper and etc..

Also I have more Islam Propagandas!
Most likely at mexico,Europe,Rassuna and Africa!!

You research some stuff, trade some stuff etc. The new things may keep the golems back for a bit longer.Though there arent really any oxes or horses, okay... You invent the Australian plow! Pulled by dinosaurs...Some propagandas work, but some people make counter-propagandas...

I make them mine more stuff and build a wall around the tribe. I also build some boats. I also make a government, with me as chieftain of the ravenites.

Okay, a tribal federation is founded. And what is it called?

Ok then, I will now create my new species: THE GOOP.

"Goop" is a flowing mass of grey grey-iness that also just so happens to have a consciousness. These blobs of goo will absorb anything they touch that is smaller than them, growing in size as they do so. A Goop starts out as a lump weighing one pound, but as they absorb more, they will eventually grow to be 100 pounds and approxamatley 10 feet in diameter. Once this mass is reached, they split into 100 identical copies weighing one pound each. And the cycle continues. The other neat thing about Goop is that if it absorbs a sentient being, it also gains all the knowledge of it, and will spread this knowledge to its descendants. When Goop is harmed, It shrinks in size. Once it reaches a mass of one ounce, They dissipate into nothing.

These creatures are indigenous to the Amazonian jungle in central South America.

That sounds terribly similar to "The Slime"... Only that here there is a size limit. Maybe you dont know what it is, but some veterans may do... And is it inspired by a certain game? :3

I dont know if someone will return to this, but we will see. If there will be a "we"...

Maps are going up right now.
1,373 posts

Here they are!
And here is a map of languages! The key to the map will come soon. I was bored :P

42 posts

That sounds terribly similar to "The Slime"... Only that here there is a size limit. Maybe you dont know what it is, but some veterans may do...

Yes, I read back and found that, I added the size limit so it wouldn't get too powerful, and also so there could be more than one of the species.
1,023 posts

What game is it Spore?

Anyway what is the color of the Ravenites again?
I call the Tribal Federation, Corvus Oderis. I also research more weapons like bows and catapults and such. I make their religion Scriba honoring me as the Ravenite god on the earth! Their language is Sermo!

1,761 posts

Agh, IM BACK! SPORE! YOU MONSTER! YOU DARE HIJACK MY GOLEMS! *declares a seris of god-wars on the creator of the universe(spore)* In the meantime, i have the sugnuf secretly meet with a golem(as what it sees/hears goes back to the mother brain) and show that they to worship me(Way back when, i had it that the golems worshiped me, DarthNerd/Wolfman121/Armorwolf129) And propose that they go back as if in seemingly in retreat. If the hollarazer army comes after them, we will attack from behind while they in the front, and we can crush them then move forth to destroy all the other hollarazers! And if they stay back and defend and dont pursue the golems, the sugnuf will secretly kill off all major figures in the hollarazer lives, such as the president, generals, and priests. And if the plot is discovered, the sugnuf will go on an all out attack, takeing all the bodies they can get to DESTROY THE HOLLARAZERS. THEN, if its a success, the Sugnuf propose that the sugnuf nerual network and the golem mother brain merge, and the sugnuf and golems shall become one army to conqure all! THen, if the golems wont do any of this and still stay hostile to me, then the sugnuf all leave and congregate in a secret hidden location, make a small hole, and all dig deep under ground, get every sugnuf in there, seal the whole, and have them all fuse into one giant "gravemind" of their accumulated knowledge from hosts. Then, this "gravemind" will use all the knowledge its taken to create the best and strongest warrior it can do from its biomass and intelligence. The warrior will be sealed in a small chamber, and the gravemind will enter a deep sleep to rest in until time. And when the time comes, it may stay gravemind and unleash the warrior to create new sugnuf creatures. Or it will seperate back into all the sugnuf and be unleashed onto the world once again. If i have to do this, then, screw individuality, and rename them the flood! Because thats basiclly all they have become. BUT ONLY IF THIS CHAIN OF EVENTS 2ND OPTION HAPPENS.

42 posts

Oh, also, the Goop start attacking south american settlements around them.

1,373 posts

Yes, I read back and found that, I added the size limit so it wouldn't get too powerful, and also so there could be more than one of the species.

Makes sense. That would end up in a complete disaster here too. And I dont think anyone here wants it to happen... If we dont count myself in.

What game is it Spore?

Anyway what is the color of the Ravenites again?
I call the Tribal Federation, Corvus Oderis. I also research more weapons like bows and catapults and such. I make their religion Scriba honoring me as the Ravenite god on the earth! Their language is Sermo!

It is Skyrim!
Anyway, their color on the normal map is the light green one. On the religion orange and- I think you can figure out the rest :P You add all that stuff for them too.

Agh, IM BACK! SPORE! YOU MONSTER! YOU DARE HIJACK MY GOLEMS! *declares a seris of god-wars on the creator of the universe(spore)* In the meantime, i have the sugnuf secretly meet with a golem(as what it sees/hears goes back to the mother brain) and show that they to worship me(Way back when, i had it that the golems worshiped me, DarthNerd/Wolfman121/Armorwolf129) And propose that they go back as if in seemingly in retreat. If the hollarazer army comes after them, we will attack from behind while they in the front, and we can crush them then move forth to destroy all the other hollarazers! And if they stay back and defend and dont pursue the golems, the sugnuf will secretly kill off all major figures in the hollarazer lives, such as the president, generals, and priests. And if the plot is discovered, the sugnuf will go on an all out attack, takeing all the bodies they can get to DESTROY THE HOLLARAZERS. THEN, if its a success, the Sugnuf propose that the sugnuf nerual network and the golem mother brain merge, and the sugnuf and golems shall become one army to conqure all! THen, if the golems wont do any of this and still stay hostile to me, then the sugnuf all leave and congregate in a secret hidden location, make a small hole, and all dig deep under ground, get every sugnuf in there, seal the whole, and have them all fuse into one giant "gravemind" of their accumulated knowledge from hosts. Then, this "gravemind" will use all the knowledge its taken to create the best and strongest warrior it can do from its biomass and intelligence. The warrior will be sealed in a small chamber, and the gravemind will enter a deep sleep to rest in until time. And when the time comes, it may stay gravemind and unleash the warrior to create new sugnuf creatures. Or it will seperate back into all the sugnuf and be unleashed onto the world once again. If i have to do this, then, screw individuality, and rename them the flood! Because thats basiclly all they have become. BUT ONLY IF THIS CHAIN OF EVENTS 2ND OPTION HAPPENS.

You... You dare to challenge me? The (part-taking, but main) creator of all these planets? THE DESTROYER OF EVEN MORE OF THEM?! Well, more like I encouraged many others to do the dirty work for me but- ENOUGH. Anyways... The mother brain agrees. It sees benefit in improving the warriors of the hive with the sunguf, even if it has to worship someone of a higher authority.

Oh, also, the Goop start attacking south american settlements around them.

There arent really many settlements in the Amazonian jungle yet, only native settlements. Do you want to attack them, or do you want to move closer to the coast?
Sorry, I forgot to add the name of Corvus Oderis this time. It will be there next time, promised!
42 posts

Yeah, sure, I'll go to the coast.

I have half the species stay on the coast, and the other half to jump in the ocean, where the ocean currents will hopefully take them to Africa and Europe, where I will KILL THEM, KILL THEM ALL! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH-sorry, got carried away there.

1,255 posts

hello every one sorry out of internet and ... ok lets start killing spreee !!!!!!!! ill make cannons and install them on our Border specially on russia and sparta borders ... than ill train my army to newest guns and technology ... after this ill attack sparta ... this is madness ?? madness ?? this is persiaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! lol ... alright ... lets take persia ...

1,373 posts

Yeah, sure, I'll go to the coast.

I have half the species stay on the coast, and the other half to jump in the ocean, where the ocean currents will hopefully take them to Africa and Europe, where I will KILL THEM, KILL THEM ALL! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH-sorry, got carried away there.

Dont worry about, I can get carried away too when its about killing... Oh yes, sweet sweet killing, wiping complete popluations out and- Sorry... Anyway, you manage to drive out all colonists from South America. You did not get carried to other continets. YET...

hello every one sorry out of internet and ... ok lets start killing spreee !!!!!!!! ill make cannons and install them on our Border specially on russia and sparta borders ... than ill train my army to newest guns and technology ... after this ill attack sparta ... this is madness ?? madness ?? this is persiaaaaaaaaaaaa !!! lol ... alright ... lets take persia ...

Persian expansionism... You even take parts of Rassuna, parts of Sparta and a part of Andia. You manage to assimilate many to your culture and belief too. And you are even replacing the Hollarazors in their home with Mammals...

The maps:

To finish off this round I made something very special...

If you cant run it, just tell me,Ill upload the pics.
42 posts

Good, good.....

Now I shall use the knowledge gathered from the colonists that were consumed and start creating a civilization.

Basic huts, Basic tools, and I let the Goop morph shape to hold these tools.

This is another improvement on the slime: Goop is able to control whether it holds something or consumes it.

I also cause Earthquakes along Panama, which will cut off South America from North America.

22,207 posts

This seems interesting, could I get a brief sumary of the current scenario and/or whether I could join?

Showing 151-165 of 381