ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 2: The New Beginning

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Hello and welcome to my newest forum game! Yes, I am back. But first off, I will list some of the reasons why I left in the first place:
1. Real life. I didnt simply have eough time to do it, when I began DtP4 and CaP it was summer break. Then school came and I didnt have time to do it. And having two forum games was just stressing...
2. I got bored. I just overcomplicated it... I didnt have the nerves to do the 30 min. updating everyday. First off I enjoyed it, but then it just became a pain...
3. Ummm... I think thats about it...

So second, what I dont want to happen in this edition of CaP:
Overcomplicate it. Every country had its own sheet. It took forever to update them all... Thats why I wont be giving anyone complete control about a country, I will make up problems, and you will have to solve them.

And last, but not least, the new plans I have for this:
1. We wont stick to one planet for so long as we did last time. We will be hopping from planet to planet, just like we used to in DtP.
2. I want this to be a successor for both, DtP and CaP, do this will include elemetns from both (Terraforming, destruction, conquest...).
3. I do not want to include the Earth itself in this one. At least not early on.
4. From time to time I will make "joke planets". Like worlds from games or movies or so.
5. I might include Earth later on, in certain scenarios. For example I was always interested in alternate history scenarios...

Thats about it I guess. Any suggestions before the game itself starts?

  • 381 Replies
4,049 posts


I was AFK...Just Like Spore


Looks like Australlia has fallen...Crap..

I ASK THE GOLEMS FOR PEACE...And A small Bit of Australlia Please


Don't Know what to do...
Lost My Expierience...

Well..Lets start by Peace making

1,255 posts

@Razerules :

hey man i am always to help you are the only one that is welcome to controll my country persia if ever you want you can come and help me i will be happy and about you australia ... dont worry it will soon be yours ... just ... lets talk about that a little bit privet ...

1,373 posts

Good, good.....

Now I shall use the knowledge gathered from the colonists that were consumed and start creating a civilization.

Basic huts, Basic tools, and I let the Goop morph shape to hold these tools.

This is another improvement on the slime: Goop is able to control whether it holds something or consumes it.

I also cause Earthquakes along Panama, which will cut off South America from North America.

Huts nor tools are needed for a big pile of biomass that can absorb anything. But okay... South America splits off North America and collides with Antarctica... That causes most of the South American continent to freeze over. The goop adapted to it, but it caused golbal climate changes. The southern hemisphere has become much colder and the northern hemisphere has heaten up. The northern polar cap has almost completely molten, and due to the climate change many species went extinct... Including the Ravenites and their flourishing civilization in the north... And the glaciers also destroyed the Hollarazor community in New Zealand, thus destroying the Australian race of the Hollarazors completely too.

This seems interesting, could I get a brief sumary of the current scenario and/or whether I could join?

Of course you can join! You can backtrack all the stuff that happened in the Old Thread. All the stuff that happened beetween the end of the old thread and the beginning of this scenario can be found on page 8 in this thread. Some links to the pictures are broke, you gotta open them.


SirNoobalot, long time hardly any see. Now to think about, i hardly knew you at all with my other accounts and such and such. But you still feel like my friend.

Anyways, last CAP(create a planet), the hollarazers were made from holladay and razerule and they dominated the planet. So i made the golems. Razer hated everything i made, and waged war. I was decimated. THen i made another species. Decimated. Then came the Giant golem, unholy harbringer of end times. FUseion of the mother brain and all her loyal golems into the ultimate killing machine also with my planets i made. I destroyed many a hollarazers, but it was felled. The world ended. (somehow) Then this new world was born with old and new gods(us). Some main factions sprung up in the main land, but the hollarazers returned in austrailia. I made the Sugnuf. THeir basiclly the flood. We allied with the hollarazers, because he knew i could beat him. But spore ressurected the ancient golems bound within this new planet. And the Sugnuf knew that their god, Vash, had once created the golems. So they proposed an alliance of power. And thus they fused. And now, the hollarazers fear a brutal attack by the fused forces. Thus is the tale by Vash the Undestroyable. (Me!)

I based my self off of tash, whom i will post a picture of Him/Me.


Hehehe... You fool... I made this world, I can also detroy it! ONE MORE INSULT, AND YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR PETTY CIVILIZATIONS, ALL OF YOU!!! Anyway, this is not a new world... This is the same world, only many years passed since the end of CaP 1. Nice picture... You look... Um... Intimidating... Well...

I've been around for a very long time in the FGs.

Hm... Sporemaniac, I shall emerge from the cliuds and create a race similar to the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout 3.

South America is now either covered in glaciers or goop... Thats not a good place to start at all.

Vash does not take kindly to grey goop! If i didnt have that meddlesome mother brain blocking my army, i would expand! Thats it, i have the Sugnuf do whatever they can to their golem "hosts" to see what the most effective way of killing them is. THen, have them use that way to kill off all the golems this way. Then do the same with the mother brain, or something or other. Then attempt to warn the hollarazers and other species of the golems in the austrlian outback. Then, bacteria over reacting to chemical reactions in super extream climtes creates "Elementals" First in a volcano, makeing fire elementals, but they can also withdraw their "effect" (such as burning everything they touch) if they need to. They move out from the volcano, burning into the ground to find metals and useing their heat to smelt the metals (bronze, iron, whatever they can find) into crude buildings, which they will then live in, at a attempt a basic civilization based around finding wild life, scourching them, shareing and eating them, and their buildings made out of whatever metals they find.

Then, "frost" elementals happen the same way, except in the artica cold. They construct buildings out of ice (Igloo's!) and mostly feed off of fish in the ocean, by finding, then freezeing them, then thaw them however much they can and consume them.

You kill off many many golems! Even though that does not stop them expanding... The mother brain itself has destroyed all the other golems that were infected/improved by the Sunguf. You are on the verge of extincion. Your attemps of creating elementals are succesful. But the Mother Brain seems to show interest in them too...

So the grey-whitish area, like most of Antarctica?

Yep. Anything that is not occupied by something hostile.

I start a battle to expand my territory. I also research more kind of weapons and transport. I also want an alliance with the Goop and I suggest we team up with the Sugnufs

Sadly, the ravenites have went extinct... They could not withstand the hot climate...

Oh... I team up with the goop. We advance slowly starting at North America, trying to cause surrendering species and victory. I send my catapults through giant boats filled with more warriors Ravenites.

Well, the Ravenites are dead and the Goop is copletely isolated. There is no real way to attack now.

Now is the time for the new persian soldier types :

The great persian elite lion Warrior : highly trained . they are the next strongest unit of persian soldiers after immortals ... they wear a steel armor that covers their whole body and by whole body i mean everywhere ... they put on a steel helmet that has the shape of a lion head ... their weapons : the long great spear (steel) the great bow and arrows(steel) throwing daggers (steel) short sword (steel) long sword (steel) long dagger (steel) short dagger (steel) the great shield of persia (steel and gold)a small weapon and a regular rifle (the old ones not new) (they ride horse and can be ground units to) the great bombers : they wear a medium armor (steel) and a tiger helmet (steel) weapons : short poisonous sword (steel) long bow with arrows (steel the arrows are exploding arrows) throwing bombs . smoking bombs . long dagger (poisonous steel) and short guns (pistol likes) . the great axe men (two types : 1- the great guardians 2- the great war men) 1-the great guardians(royal guards are mostly these) they wear very very big armors (and heavy) that protects them (steel) they put on a helmet that is a shape of a two headed lion (steel) a golden cape they wear to weapons : the great axe of persia (steel) short axe (Steel) throwing axe (steel) throwing bombs . jar of poison (they put it on their weapons if needed) a rifle ... the great war men : the wear medium armor (steel) and a regular helmet (Steel) weapons : persian war axe (steel) persian long and short axe (steel) persian throwing daggers (steel) small rifles ...

for now this is the new units the old units stay as they were but with better armor and guns and weapons and oh the flying mammals ill train them to carry 3 times heavier than its now carrying so i can fly soldiers on them better (the heavy soldiers cant ...)

and oh ill attack sparta and capture it completly of cource i use my new units to ...

after sparta ill attack pollans and of cource ill put more cannons on my borders cause i must keep them safe from russuna ...

enough military its time for economy (i think that the name ...)
ill make trading posts around persian ill make lots of roads and put guards and soldiers on the roads and trading posts ill make big libraries , astronomary places . police places (they are soldiers that solve crime mysteries and ...) ill make fire stations ... ill creat labratories that scientists can work on their expiriments and ideas ... ill make bigger hopitals and pharmecies ... ill make big houses for all my population ... ill make bigger and safer and better food storages ... ill make bigger farms ... ill make universities and everyone has the rights to study in them ill make new laws :1-no one has the rights to do slavery (there wasnt any in real persia and in the game i didnt do slavery ever ...2- murder is a forbidden act and who ever does it he or she will be punnished ... (ill make laws like this no crime and better life and ...)

allright thats good for now and oh ill send some politics man to jopa and try to be friends with them (they have good resourses and very brave strong and fast warriors ...)and oh ill send diplomats to andia chenan and sia for making a agreement that when ever russuna attacked us we will defeat them and fight them together

ok that enough i guess ...

You reform the army! So mayn reforms and advancements... A man named Hewrus Karaman also dicovers the steam engine! Thus starting the industrial revolution. You manage to get some deals with the eastern nations too.


I was AFK...Just Like Spore


Looks like Australlia has fallen...Crap..

I ASK THE GOLEMS FOR PEACE...And A small Bit of Australlia Please


Don't Know what to do...
Lost My Expierience...

Well..Lets start by Peace making

The golems never accept peace with anyone. Sadly the rest of your Australian Hollarazors were destroyed by the cold... But if you think the Hollarazors failed completely, that never happened. When you look at the species map, there is a LOT of green.

@Razerules :

hey man i am always to help you are the only one that is welcome to controll my country persia if ever you want you can come and help me i will be happy and about you australia ... dont worry it will soon be yours ... just ... lets talk about that a little bit privet ...

Thats nice that you want to help Razer. How exactly do you want to do it? Well, I think you will negotiate first.

The maps are going up.
1,373 posts

Also, I made this presentation for a good pverview of things. No need to download it. I will update it once in a while...

1,373 posts

Oops, here is a fixed link and the most recent version of it.

1,761 posts

The elementals gain the abillity to merge with each other, their minds mergeing them to. Giveing them twice the freezeing/burning power, added intellgience, and bigger mass and strength! Then water elementals arrise on the bottom of the ocean, constructing houses out of cultivated coral. Then earth elementals in the forests whatever canada is called, with houses and tools out Then sand elementals out of sand in whatever egypt is, and they make sand houses! Then sky elementals that live on clouds! Thats all the elementals that are really &quotossible" at the moment.

42 posts

Well, I didn't expect that to happen.

Only one thing left to do to fix this giant mess:

Have all Goop concentrate in one area and start eating their way to the Earth's core.

42 posts


If the ice caps are melting in the north, wouldn't that raise sea levels and cause coastline change?

1,255 posts

oh now we can say persia is back on its feet ! and russuna ... at least not a threat for now ... ill try to make machiens that work with steam engines ... ill make bigger factories that work with the steam engine power ... ill try to procuce better guns and melee weapons ... ill make the factories far away from cities and put jungles around them ... so no CO2 for air ... at least it will be lot less ... any ways ill try to recruit the master of stealths in jopa (super ninjas) so they can train my assassins and ninjas ... ill make cars (try to! )(lol) ...ill try to make bigger cannons ... those that can fire about 20km further ... and ill continue capturing the africe part than push to the norther lands of sparta (i think one of them was pollans ...

42 posts

Oh also, I cause volcanic activity in a strip between South America and Africa, hopefully creating a land bridge

4,049 posts

I will start....Another Kingdom :/

There is Only 1 Being Of that Kingdom...

I will be 100% God...
I can Make disasters,Make good stuff happen,Change Land and Etc

That is If you Agree Spore...
BTW I will not over power and Say "I will send a Giant Meteor to destroy this EARTH MUAHAHAHAH!!!"

I will do that Later when They are Able to fend off Meteors

Anyways...I just need Permission to do this...
If Not...I will Create another Kingdom

42 posts

I have a feeling that the Goop is going to cause some REALLLYY bad stuff to happen.

4,049 posts

If I become the God thing I might Help it...But I will try to Destroy it at the Same time

1,373 posts

The elementals gain the abillity to merge with each other, their minds mergeing them to. Giveing them twice the freezeing/burning power, added intellgience, and bigger mass and strength! Then water elementals arrise on the bottom of the ocean, constructing houses out of cultivated coral. Then earth elementals in the forests whatever canada is called, with houses and tools out Then sand elementals out of sand in whatever egypt is, and they make sand houses! Then sky elementals that live on clouds! Thats all the elementals that are really &quotossible" at the moment.

Yeah. Okay. If you dont want the sentient beings try to wipe your new creations out, you gotta keep them in isolated areas. Then they will be okay.

Well, I didn't expect that to happen.

Only one thing left to do to fix this giant mess:

Have all Goop concentrate in one area and start eating their way to the Earth's core.

Okay... I dont know what you want to do but okay...


If the ice caps are melting in the north, wouldn't that raise sea levels and cause coastline change?

The north one has molten but South Anerica was frozen over.

oh now we can say persia is back on its feet ! and russuna ... at least not a threat for now ... ill try to make machiens that work with steam engines ... ill make bigger factories that work with the steam engine power ... ill try to procuce better guns and melee weapons ... ill make the factories far away from cities and put jungles around them ... so no CO2 for air ... at least it will be lot less ... any ways ill try to recruit the master of stealths in jopa (super ninjas) so they can train my assassins and ninjas ... ill make cars (try to! )(lol) ...ill try to make bigger cannons ... those that can fire about 20km further ... and ill continue capturing the africe part than push to the norther lands of sparta (i think one of them was pollans ...

You make steam machines and factories! The industrial revolution has truly begun in Europe too! No casr yet though :P That will only come later. Sadly, Jopa and Chenan both fell to the golems. They aslo captured India from you! They and the goop are the biggest threat to civilization right now. You also make more advanced weapons! And last, but not least, you advance on the frontlines.

Oh also, I cause volcanic activity in a strip between South America and Africa, hopefully creating a land bridge

Are you sure you want to do that? Then even the Southern polar cap would melt. Causing giant floods all over the world.

I will start....Another Kingdom :/

There is Only 1 Being Of that Kingdom...

I will be 100% God...
I can Make disasters,Make good stuff happen,Change Land and Etc

That is If you Agree Spore...
BTW I will not over power and Say "I will send a Giant Meteor to destroy this EARTH MUAHAHAHAH!!!"

I will do that Later when They are Able to fend off Meteors

Anyways...I just need Permission to do this...
If Not...I will Create another Kingdom

Everyone playing is a "god". You dont have to have a country or a species of your own, to affect stuff on the world.

I have a feeling that the Goop is going to cause some REALLLYY bad stuff to happen.

No sh- Uh...Ahem... Faeces.
1,373 posts

Oh yeah, the maps. I wont be uploading the species and the religion maps anymore, because they are pretty much irrelevant. Mostly.

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