ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 2: The New Beginning

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1,373 posts

Hello and welcome to my newest forum game! Yes, I am back. But first off, I will list some of the reasons why I left in the first place:
1. Real life. I didnt simply have eough time to do it, when I began DtP4 and CaP it was summer break. Then school came and I didnt have time to do it. And having two forum games was just stressing...
2. I got bored. I just overcomplicated it... I didnt have the nerves to do the 30 min. updating everyday. First off I enjoyed it, but then it just became a pain...
3. Ummm... I think thats about it...

So second, what I dont want to happen in this edition of CaP:
Overcomplicate it. Every country had its own sheet. It took forever to update them all... Thats why I wont be giving anyone complete control about a country, I will make up problems, and you will have to solve them.

And last, but not least, the new plans I have for this:
1. We wont stick to one planet for so long as we did last time. We will be hopping from planet to planet, just like we used to in DtP.
2. I want this to be a successor for both, DtP and CaP, do this will include elemetns from both (Terraforming, destruction, conquest...).
3. I do not want to include the Earth itself in this one. At least not early on.
4. From time to time I will make "joke planets". Like worlds from games or movies or so.
5. I might include Earth later on, in certain scenarios. For example I was always interested in alternate history scenarios...

Thats about it I guess. Any suggestions before the game itself starts?

  • 381 Replies
1,255 posts

hooooooooooooooooooooly you are helllllllllll back i love you !!!!!!11

ok lets get real !!! lol

well this is my story after years of great mamals (the persians they got more evolved and turned to humans) got weaker and weaker they lost a bunch of lands during 2000 years and now they are iran !!!!in 2012 they expanded their forces and attacked arabic counteries around them ... now they are more bigger they named their self the immortals of asia they made their own land and now are willing to battle both sides they have advanced their technologies and ...

thats for now i think their color should be red

1,373 posts

Now i make all the volcanoes in iceland erupt

You make them erupt... and you have started something very bad...

ZOMG Spore U are back!!!!!
So happy

My objective is to well...Make Earth back as It was

So to start off!

I try to tell both countries(Green and Blue) to combine and form 1 New...Giant Country thingy....
Then To stop the Econmic Crysis I tell them to Destroy all the money that existed before(Dollars and Etc.) and Create a new Money Type which will be forever on Earth!
This way economic Will maybe be a bit easier!
I also tell the People to Continue work like Mining and Stuff so we Can Rebuild the Half-Destroyed world and create big cities again!

The unification of so many countries is impossible right now. And you cant control the humans directly anyway. You have to do things that will force them to do certain things. Destroying the money and make one currency in such a short time would just worsen the situation even more. The people dont realize that their planet is going down the stream. Not yet...

I make a continuous earthquake in the sea between Europe and America so that their will be frequent tsunamis which also means that fighting while using the navy would be impossible. I also create many rain clouds and make it rain for 3 days, just to increase the sea level by a few inches or so.

That is impossible. Earthquakes are made when there is pressure beetween the cpntinental plates and then it is released. There is no way to make earthquakes that continuous. But something similar has just started because of Alphas actions on Iceland...
Where would all the water come from? The ocean... Make the sealevel higher with rain is pretty much impossible.

Why are you guys using brute force with nature...
I go with Peace...By the way you guys are plaxing it seems that Create the Planet 2 Is actually Dtp :/

You get to choose what you can do, and create a planet like that And I said that I also want to include elements from DtP.

tck. i'm trying to decide weither to save them or screw them... so i'll just try to get them to make an allience with-eachother, and see what happened.

They had an alliance already cut the alliances are splitting up right now because of the inner problems.


Well actually I'm trying to make barriers so that it is impossible to make war-like contact with each other. Sometimes, force is needed to keep peace.

Naval combat is not that much of a need though. ICBMs can fly over the dangerous ocean :P

Major events:
June 2nd, 2013 - The members of the al Sauud dynasty, the rulers of Saudi Arabia have been assassinated one by one. The goverment of Mecca is now in charge of Saudi Arabia.

June 9th, 2013 - The first expansion of ANAC. All Carribean and Central American countries joined.

June 17th, 2013 - Volcanoes on Iceland are erupting. Air traffic over Europe blocked.

June 23rd, 2013 - The New Communist Bloc has been formed by China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba.

June 27th, 2013 - The Arab League has been founded by Mecca.

June 30th, 2013 - The UK, Norway, Iceland and Denmark split off NATO and the EU, creating the North European Alliance.

Planet: Earth
Year: June 2013
Population: 6 999 145 486 (Sorry, I was writing millions instead of billions :P)
Goverments: 193

I think Ill stick to not resizing it at all.
1,373 posts

****, got ninja'd by you, amrboy... Well, whatever, Ill include your post in the next update

4,049 posts

I'm going with DtP Now >

I say to The USA That Europe Is creating these Massive Earthquakes that are attacking With a Special Machine made by The Germans(Lol)!
I also say they are doing this to Weaken you and to attack you when your gaurds are down!
I then Suggest Sending some Nukes on Europe To show that the USA Is the Boss of the world

13,701 posts

*coin tosses* heads... guess humanity is screwed. i suggest to Europe to start a war on the USA... also, cause a hurricane that makes landfall in flordia.

1,255 posts

come no not mecca !!! ok il sed the story wright pleas make iran the commander and not islam league !!! pleas pleas pleas !!!!and oh after years the whole word is losing fate in god almost 1/5 pop of the world is none religions this is what war does to ppl !!! and the arab leauge pleas turn it to persia immortals !!!

6,257 posts

I try to help the earth by restoring the atmosphere and taking out the pollution... a temporary fix

1,255 posts

look if you accept my history thingy that i sed that no islamic ... (i know its hard for you to change it but pleas i want this to happen pleas accept here i made the map )

1,255 posts

sorry for double the wright picture

3,896 posts

Keep the volcanoes goin and start up the super volcano under yellowstone >

1,373 posts

hooooooooooooooooooooly you are helllllllllll back i love you !!!!!!11

ok lets get real !!! lol

well this is my story after years of great mamals (the persians they got more evolved and turned to humans) got weaker and weaker they lost a bunch of lands during 2000 years and now they are iran !!!!in 2012 they expanded their forces and attacked arabic counteries around them ... now they are more bigger they named their self the immortals of asia they made their own land and now are willing to battle both sides they have advanced their technologies and ...

thats for now i think their color should be red

Sorry, but this is the real world. Iran is just a country like everyone else. And there were no mammals like in the last CaP. This is the real world.

I'm going with DtP Now >

I say to The USA That Europe Is creating these Massive Earthquakes that are attacking With a Special Machine made by The Germans(Lol)!
I also say they are doing this to Weaken you and to attack you when your gaurds are down!
I then Suggest Sending some Nukes on Europe To show that the USA Is the Boss of the world

No one would believe that... No one has such advanced technology yet.

*coin tosses* heads... guess humanity is screwed. i suggest to Europe to start a war on the USA... also, cause a hurricane that makes landfall in flordia.

Okay then...

come no not mecca !!! ok il sed the story wright pleas make iran the commander and not islam league !!! pleas pleas pleas !!!!and oh after years the whole word is losing fate in god almost 1/5 pop of the world is none religions this is what war does to ppl !!! and the arab leauge pleas turn it to persia immortals !!!

It is a union of nations, which are united by religion. Who should lead the religious union? The owner of the holy city... Both of them... Sorry, but your solution is unrealistic and this is supposed to be a semi-realistic scenario.

I try to help the earth by restoring the atmosphere and taking out the pollution... a temporary fix

Yep, it is just a temporary fix indeed but it wont help at all, with all those natural disasters happening, will it?

Keep the volcanoes goin and start up the super volcano under yellowstone >

You even worsen the situation in the Atalntic... And Yellowstone is gettiing hotter and hotter...

Major events:
June 2nd, 2013 - The Arab League's first successful expansion. Most Arabic countires from North Africa to Pakistan joined.

June 4th, 2013 - The EU is falling apart. Most eastern European countries left. Some North European and Balkan nations joined the NEA istead.

June 8th, 2013 - Hurricane Maria stikes The Carribean and Florida. The situation in Miami is worse than New Orleans in 2004. Thousands dead.

June 16th, 2013 - The Slavic Alliance has been founded.

June 19th, 2013 - An enormous volcanic eruption in the South of the Atlantic ocean. A new tiny island has been made. Geologists think that it might have been caused by the instability of the Atlantic rift, which has been caused by the recent volcanic activity in Iceland.

June 24th, 2013 - The Communist Bloc forces other countries to join them.

June 26th, 2013 - North Korea invades South Korea with support of the whole Communist Bloc. South Korea is supported by ANAC and Japan.

June 29th, 2013 - The USA launches an invasion of Cuba, another Communist country.

Planet: Earth
Year: June 2013
Population: 7 001 047 (Sorry, I was writing millions instead of billions :P)
Goverments: 193
4,049 posts

No offence Spore but I liked the Old Create the Planet more :/


I launch a Giant Asteroid(1 Quarter of the Moons Size) at the Moon!
Hopefully changing the Moons course to Hit Earth!

Lets see whats more Important Now...Solving the economics Crisis or saving Earth >:3

3,896 posts

I want to help North America control the world! I flood Cuba!

1,255 posts

ok so that means no cool iran ok il take controll of the arab league and make that fars and arab cause tajikestan afghanistan and ... talk farsi pleas at least do this ...

all muslims are focusing on slavik lands they first make anti air defence that means if a missle comes in their area it will get kaaaaaabooooomed in air than they fire their air missles and nuclar bombs to slavak lands and than they send their whole forces (tanks choppers land sea and ...) to destroy most countries and conquer them ...

6,257 posts

I create strong tension in the tectonic plates between north and south America and Europe, to push them apart. They will be farther now. I will then force California to heighten its land mass so that it has a less chance of sinking into the water.

Showing 16-30 of 381